< Книга пророка Иезекииля 37 >

1 И бысть на мне рука Господня, и изведе мя в дусе Господни и постави мя среде поля: се же бяше полно костей человеческих:
It was on me [the] hand of Yahweh and he brought out me by [the] spirit of Yahweh and he set down me in [the] middle of the valley and it [was] full bones.
2 и обведе мя окрест их около, и се, многи зело на лицы поля, и се, сухи зело.
And he made pass by me at them all around - all around and there! many [bones] very [were] on [the] surface of the valley and there! [they were] dry very.
3 И рече ко мне: сыне человечь, оживут ли кости сия? И рекох: Господи Боже, Ты веси сия.
And he said to me O son of humankind ¿ will they live the bones these and I said O Lord Yahweh you you know.
4 И рече ко мне: сыне человечь, прорцы на кости сия и речеши им: кости сухия, слышите слово Господне:
And he said to me prophesy to the bones these and you will say to them O bones dry hear [the] word of Yahweh.
5 се глаголет Адонаи Господь костем сим: се, Аз введу в вас дух животен
Thus he says [the] Lord Yahweh to the bones these here! I [am] about to bring in you breath and you will live.
6 и дам на вас жилы, и возведу на вас плоть и простру по вам кожу, и дам дух Мой в вас, и оживете и увесте, яко Аз есмь Господь.
And I will give to you sinews and I will bring up over you flesh and I will cover over you skin and I will put in you breath and you will live and you will know that I [am] Yahweh.
7 И прорекох, якоже заповеда ми Господь. И бысть глас внегда ми пророчествовати, и се, трус, и совокупляхуся кости, кость к кости, каяждо ко составу своему.
And I prophesied just as I was commanded and it came a sound when prophesied I and there! a rattling and they drew near [the] bones bone to bone its.
8 И видех, и се, быша им жилы, и плоть растяше, и восхождаше (и протяжеся) им кожа верху, духа же не бяше в них.
And I saw and there! [were] on them sinews and flesh it came up and it covered over them skin from to above and [was] breath there not in them.
9 И рече ко мне: прорцы о дусе, прорцы, сыне человечь, и рцы духови: сия глаголет Адонаи Господь: от четырех ветров прииди, душе, и вдуни на мертвыя сия, и да оживут.
And he said to me prophesy to the breath prophesy O son of humankind and you will say to the breath thus he says - [the] Lord Yahweh from four winds come O breath and blow on the killed ones these so they may live.
10 И прорекох, якоже повеле ми, и вниде в ня дух жизни, и ожиша и сташа на ногах своих, собор мног зело.
And I prophesied just as he commanded me and it came in them the breath and they lived and they stood on feet their an army great very very.
11 И рече Господь ко мне глаголя: сыне человечь, сия кости весь дом Израилев есть, тии бо глаголют: сухи быша кости нашя, погибе надежда наша, убиени быхом.
And he said to me O son of humankind the bones these [are] all [the] house of Israel they there! [they are] saying they have dried up bones our and it has been lost hope our we have been cut off ourselves.
12 Того ради прорцы (сыне человечь) и рцы к ним: сия глаголет Адонаи Господь: се, Аз отверзу гробы вашя и изведу вас от гроб ваших, людие Мои, и введу вы в землю Израилеву:
Therefore prophesy and you will say to them thus he says [the] Lord Yahweh here! I [am] about to open graves your and I will bring up you from graves your O people my and I will bring you into [the] land of Israel.
13 и увесте, яко Аз есмь Господь, внегда отверсти Ми гробы вашя, еже возвести Ми вас от гробов ваших, людие Мои: и дам дух Мой в вас, и живи будете,
And you will know that I [am] Yahweh when open I graves your and when bring up I you from graves your O people my.
14 и поставлю вы на земли вашей, и увесте, яко Аз Господь: глаголах и сотворю, глаголет Адонаи Господь.
And I will put spirit my in you and you will live and I will set down you on own land your and you will know that I Yahweh I have spoken and I will act [the] utterance of Yahweh.
15 И бысть слово Господне ко мне глаголя:
And it came [the] word of Yahweh to me saying.
16 сыне человечь, возми себе жезл един и напиши на нем Иуду и сыны Израилевы прилежащыя к нему: и жезл вторый возми себе и напиши на нем Иосифа, жезл Ефремов, и вся сыны Израилевы приложившыяся к нему:
And you O son of humankind take yourself a piece of wood one and write on it for Judah and for [the] people of Israel (associates its *Q(K)*) and take a piece of wood one and write on it for Joseph [the] piece of wood of Ephraim and all [the] house of Israel (associates its. *Q(K)*)
17 и совокупи я друг ко другу себе в жезл един, еже связати я, и будут (вкупе) в руце твоей:
And bring near them one to one yourself into a piece of wood one and they will become one in hand your.
18 и будет, егда рекут к тебе сынове людий твоих, вопрошающе: не возвестиши ли нам ты, что суть сия тебе?
And just when they will say to you [the] children of people your saying ¿ not will you tell to us what? [are] these [things] to you.
19 И речеши к ним: сия глаголет Адонаи Господь: се, Аз поиму племя Иосифово, еже есть в руце Ефремове, и племена Израилева прилежащая к нему, и дам я в племя Иудино, и будут в жезл един в руце Иудине.
Speak to them thus he says [the] Lord Yahweh here! I [am] about to take [the] piece of wood of Joseph which [is] in [the] hand of Ephraim and [the] tribes of Israel (associates its *Q(K)*) and I will put them with it [the] piece of wood of Judah and I will make them into a piece of wood one and they will be one in hand my.
20 И будут жезли, на нихже писати будеши, в руце твоей пред очима их,
And they will be the pieces of wood which you will write on them in hand your to eyes their.
21 и речеши к ним: сия глаголет Адонаи Господь: се, Аз поемлю весь дом Израилев от среды языков, аможе внидоша, и соберу я от всех сущих окрест их и введу их в землю Израилеву,
And speak to them thus he says [the] Lord Yahweh here! I [am] about to take [the] people of Israel from between the nations where they have gone there and I will gather them from round about and I will bring them into own land their.
22 и дам я во язык на земли Моей и в горах Израилевых: и Князь един будет во всех сих царем, и не будут ктому в два языка, ни разделятся ктому на два царства,
And I will make them into a nation one in the land on [the] mountains of Israel and a king one he will become of all of them king and not (they will become *Q(K)*) again two nations and not they will be divided again into two kingdoms again.
23 да не оскверняются ктому в кумирех своих и в мерзостех своих и во всех нечестиих своих: и избавлю я от всех беззаконий их, имиже согрешиша, и очищу я, и будут Ми в люди, и Аз буду им в Бога.
And not they will make themselves unclean again by idols their and by abominations their and by all transgressions their and I will save them from all dwelling places their which they have sinned in them and I will cleanse them and they will become for me a people and I I will become for them God.
24 И раб Мой Давид Князь среде их и Пастырь един будет всех, яко в заповедех Моих ходити будут и суды Моя сохранят и сотворят я,
And servant my David [will be] king over them and a shepherd one he will belong to all of them and in judgments my they will walk and statutes my they will keep and they will do them.
25 и вселятся на земли своей, юже дах рабу Моему Иакову, на нейже жиша тамо отцы их, и вселятся на ней тии и сынове их и сынове сынов их даже до века: и Давид раб Мой князь их будет во век.
And they will dwell on the land which I gave to servant my to Jacob which they dwelt in it ancestors your and they will dwell on it they and children their and [the] children of children their until perpetuity and David servant my [will be] prince of them for ever.
26 И утвержу им завет мирен, и завет вечен будет с ними, и укореню я и умножу,
And I will make to them a covenant of peace a covenant of perpetuity it will be with them and I will give them and I will increase them and I will put sanctuary my in midst of them for ever.
27 и дам освящение Мое посреде их во век, и будет вселение Мое в них, и буду им Бог, а они будут Ми людие:
And it will be dwelling place my with them and I will become for them God and they they will become for me a people.
28 и уведят языцы, яко Аз есмь Господь освящаяй я, внегда будут святая Моя среде их во век.
And they will know the nations that I Yahweh [am] sanctifying Israel when is sanctuary my in midst of them for ever.

< Книга пророка Иезекииля 37 >