< Исход 1 >

1 Сия имена сынов Израилевых, входящих во Египет вкупе со Иаковом отцем их, кийждо со всем домом своим внидоша:
Now these are the names of the sons of Israel who came into Egypt; every man and his family came with Jacob.
2 Рувим, Симеон, Левий, Иуда,
Reuben, Simeon, Levi, and Judah;
3 Иссахар, Завулон и Вениамин,
Issachar, Zebulun, and Benjamin;
4 Дан и Неффалим, Гад и Асир: Иосиф же бяше во Египте.
Dan and Naphtali, Gad and Asher.
5 Бяше же всех душ изшедших из Иакова седмьдесят пять.
All the offspring of Jacob were seventy persons: and Joseph had come to Egypt before them.
6 Умре же Иосиф, и вся братия его, и весь род оный:
Then Joseph came to his end, and all his brothers, and all that generation.
7 сынове же Израилевы возрастоша и умножишася, и мнози быша и укрепишася зело зело: умножи же их земля.
And the children of Israel were fertile, increasing very greatly in numbers and in power; and the land was full of them.
8 Воста же царь ин во Египте, иже не знаше Иосифа,
Now a new king came to power in Egypt, who had no knowledge of Joseph.
9 рече же языку своему: се, род сынов Израилевых великое множество и укрепляется паче нас:
And he said to his people, See, the people of Israel are greater in number and in power than we are:
10 приидите убо, прехитрим их, да не когда умножатся: и егда аще приключится нам брань, приложатся и сии к супостатом, и одолевше нам изыдут из земли (нашея).
Let us take care for fear that their numbers may become even greater, and if there is a war, they may be joined with those who are against us, and make an attack on us, and go up out of the land.
11 И пристави над ними приставники дел, да озлобят их в делех. И создаша грады тверды фараону: Пифо, и Рамесси, и он, иже есть Илиополь.
So they put overseers of forced work over them, in order to make their strength less by the weight of their work. And they made store-towns for Pharaoh, Pithom and Raamses.
12 По елику же их смиряху, толико множайшии бываху и укрепляхуся зело зело. И гнушахуся Египтяне сынми Израилевыми,
But the more cruel they were to them, the more their number increased, till all the land was full of them. And the children of Israel were hated by the Egyptians.
13 и насилие творяху Египтяне сыном Израилевым нуждею,
And they gave the children of Israel even harder work to do:
14 и болезненну тем жизнь творяху в делех жестоких брением и плинфоделанием, и всеми делы, яже в полях, во всех делех, имиже порабощаху их с нуждею.
And made their lives bitter with hard work, making building-material and bricks, and doing all sorts of work in the fields under the hardest conditions.
15 И рече царь Египетский бабам Еврейским: единей их имя Сепфора и имя вторей Фуа,
And the king of Egypt said to the Hebrew women who gave help at the time of childbirth (the name of the one was Shiphrah and the name of the other Puah),
16 и рече (им): егда бабите Евреаныням, и суть к рождению, аще убо мужеский пол будет, убивайте его: аще же женский, снабдевайте его.
When you are looking after the Hebrew women in childbirth, if it is a son you are to put him to death; but if it is a daughter, she may go on living.
17 Убояшася же бабы Бога, и не сотвориша, якоже повеле им царь Египетский, и живляху мужеский пол.
But the women had the fear of God, and did not do as the king of Egypt said, but let the male children go on living.
18 Призва же царь Египетский бабы и рече им: что яко сотвористе вещь сию, и оживляете мужеский пол?
And the king of Egypt sent for the women, and said to them, Why have you done this, and let the male children go on living?
19 Рекоша же бабы фараону: не яко жены Египтяныни, тако и жены Евреаныни: раждают бо прежде неже внити к ним бабам, и раждаху.
And they said to Pharaoh, Because the Hebrew women are not like the Egyptian women, for they are strong, and the birth takes place before we come to them.
20 Благо же творяше Бог бабам, и множахуся людие и укрепляхуся зело.
And the blessing of God was on these women: and the people were increased in number and became very strong.
21 И понеже бояхуся бабы Бога, сотвориша себе жилища.
And because the women who took care of the Hebrew mothers had the fear of God, he gave them families.
22 Заповеда же фараон всем людем своим, глаголя: всяк мужеский пол, иже родится Евреом, в реку ввергайте, и всяк женский пол снабдевайте и жив.
And Pharaoh gave orders to all his people, saying, Every son who comes to birth is to be put into the river, but every daughter may go on living.

< Исход 1 >