< Книга Екклезиаста 12 >

1 И помяни Сотворшаго тя во днех юности твоея, дондеже не приидут дние злобы твоея, и приспеют лета, в нихже речеши: несть ми в них хотения:
Remember your Creator in the days of your youth, before the time of affliction arrives and the years draw near, about which you will say, “These do not please me.”
2 дондеже не померкнет солнце и свет, и луна и звезды, и обратятся облацы созади дождя:
Before the sun, and the light, and the moon, and the stars are darkened and the clouds return after the rain,
3 в день, в оньже подвигнутся стражие дому, и развратятся мужие силы, и упразднятся мелющии, яко умалишася, и помрачатся зрящии во скважнех:
when the guardians of the house will tremble, and the strongest men will waver, and those who grind grain will be idle, except for a small number, and those who look through the keyholes will be darkened.
4 и затворят двери на торжищи, в немощи гласа мелющия, и востанет на глас птицы, и смирятся вся дщери песни:
And they will close the doors to the street, when the voice of he who grinds the grain will be humbled, and they will be disturbed at the sound of a flying thing, and all the daughters of song shall become deaf.
5 и на высоту узрят, и ужас на пути, и процветет амигдал, и отолстеют прузие, и разрушится каппарис: яко отиде человек в дом века своего, и обыдоша на торжищи плачущии:
Likewise, they will fear the things above them, and they will dread the way. The almond tree will flourish; the locust will be fattened; and the caper plant will be scattered, because man shall go into the house of his eternity, and the mourners shall wander around in the street.
6 дондеже не превратится уже сребряное, и не сокрушится повязка златая, и сокрушится водонос у источника, и сломится колесо в колии.
Before the silver cord is broken, and the golden band pulls away, and the pitcher is crushed over the fountain, and the wheel is broken above the cistern,
7 И возвратится персть в землю, якоже бе, и дух возвратится к Богу, иже даде его.
and the dust returns to its earth, from which it was, and the spirit returns to God, who granted it.
8 Суета суетствий, рече Екклесиаст, всяческая суета.
Vanity of vanities, said Ecclesiastes, and all is vanity!
9 И лишшее, яко бысть Екклесиаст мудр, и яко научи разуму человека: и ухо изследит красоту притчей.
And since Ecclesiastes was very wise, he taught the people, and he described what he had accomplished. And while searching, he composed many parables.
10 Много взыска Екклесиаст, еже обрести словеса хотения, и написаное правости, словеса истины.
He sought useful words, and he wrote most righteous words, which were full of truth.
11 Словеса мудрых якоже остны воловии и якоже гвоздие вонзено, иже от сложений дани быша от пастыря единаго.
The words of the wise are like a goad, and like nails deeply fastened, which, through the counsel of teachers, are set forth by one pastor.
12 И множае от них, сыне мой, хранися: творити книги многи несть конца, и учение многое труд плоти.
You should require no more than this, my son. For there is no end to the making of many books. And excessive study is an affliction to the flesh.
13 Конец слова, все слушай: Бога бойся и заповеди Его храни, яко сие всяк человек:
Let us all listen together to the end of the discourse. Fear God, and observe his commandments. This is everything for man.
14 яко все творение приведет Бог на суд о всяцем погрешении, аще благо и аще лукаво.
And so, for all that is done and for each error, God will bring judgment: whether it was good or evil.

< Книга Екклезиаста 12 >