< Второзаконие 29 >

1 Сия словеса завета, яже завеща Господь Моисею уставити сыном Израилевым в земли Моавли, кроме завета, егоже завеща им в Хориве.
These are the words that Yahweh commanded Moses to tell the people of Israel in the land of Moab, words that were added to the covenant that he had made with them at Horeb.
2 И призва Моисей вся сыны Израилевы и рече к ним: вы видесте вся, елика сотвори Господь в земли Египетстей пред вами фараону и всем слугам его и всей земли его,
Moses called to all Israel and said to them, “You have seen everything that Yahweh did before your eyes in the land of Egypt to Pharaoh, to all his servants, and to all his land—
3 искушения великая, яже видеста очи твои, знамения и чудеса великая оная, руку крепкую и мышцу высокую:
the great sufferings that your eyes saw, the signs, and those great wonders.
4 и не даде Господь Бог вам сердца разумети и очес видети и ушес слышати, даже до дне сего:
But until today Yahweh has not given you a heart to know, eyes to see, or ears to hear.
5 и водил вас четыредесять лет по пустыни: не обетшаша ризы вашя, и сапози ваши не сотрошася на ногах ваших:
I have led you for forty years in the wilderness; your clothes did not wear out on you, and your sandals did not wear out on your feet.
6 хлеба не ядосте, вина и сикера не писте, да познаете, яко Сей Господь Бог ваш:
You did not eat any bread, and you did not drink any wine or other alcoholic drinks, so that you might know that I am Yahweh your God.
7 и приидосте до сего места: и изыде Сион царь Есевонский и Ог царь Васанский во сретение нам на брань,
When you came to this place, Sihon, the king of Heshbon, and Og, the king of Bashan, came out against us to fight, and we struck them down.
8 и поразихом их на брани, и прияхом землю их: и дах ю во жребий Рувиму и Гаду и полуплемени Манассиину.
We took their land and gave it as an inheritance to the Reubenites, to the Gadites, and to the half tribe of Manasseh.
9 И сохраните творити вся словеса завета сего творити я, да разумеете вся, елика сотворите.
Therefore keep the words of this covenant and do them, so that you may prosper in everything that you do.
10 Вы стасте вси днесь пред Господем Богом вашим, племеноначалницы ваши и старейшины ваши, и судии ваши и писмовводители ваши, всяк муж Израилтеск,
You stand today, all of you, before Yahweh your God; your chiefs, your tribes, your elders, and your officers—all the men of Israel,
11 и жены вашя и чада ваша, пришлец иже посреде полка вашего, от древосечца вашего даже до водоносца вашего,
your little ones, your wives, and the foreigner who is among you in your camp, from him who cuts your wood to him who draws your water.
12 еже прейти в завет Господа Бога вашего и в клятвы Его, елика завещает Господь Бог твой к тебе днесь:
You are here in order to enter into the covenant of Yahweh your God and into the oath that Yahweh your God is making with you today,
13 да поставит тя Себе в люди, и Той будет тебе Бог, якоже тебе рече и якоже клятся отцем твоим, Аврааму и Исааку и Иакову.
so that he may make you today into a people for himself, and that he may be God for you, as he spoke to you, and as he swore to your ancestors, to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob.
14 И не вам единем аз завет сей и клятву сию завещаваю,
For it is not only with you that I am making this covenant and this oath—
15 но и зде сущым с вами днесь, пред Господем Богом вашим, и не сущым с вами зде днесь.
with everyone standing here with us today before Yahweh our God—but also with those who are not here with us today.
16 Яко вы весте, како жихом в земли Египетстей и како проидохом посреде языков, ихже преидосте,
You know how we lived in the land of Egypt, and how we came through the midst of the nations through which you passed.
17 и видесте мерзости их и кумиры их, древо и камение, сребро и злато, яже суть у них.
You have seen their disgusting idols made of wood and stone, silver and gold, that were among them.
18 Еда кто есть в вас муж или жена, или отечество или племя, егоже сердце уклонися от Господа Бога вашего, ити еже служити богом языков оных? Еда кий есть в вас корень горе прорастающь в желчи и горести?
Make sure there is not among you any man, woman, clan, or tribe whose heart is turning away today from Yahweh our God, so as to go worship the gods of those nations. Make sure there is not among you any root that produces gall and wormwood.
19 И будет аще услышит словеса клятвы сея и похвалится в сердцы своем, глаголя: преподобно мне да будет, яко в прельщении сердца моего пойду, да не погубит грешник безгрешнаго (с собою):
When that person hears the words of this curse, he will bless himself in his heart and say, 'I will have peace, though I walk in the stubbornness of my heart.' This would destroy the wet together with the dry.
20 не восхощет Бог милостив быти ему, но тогда разгорится гнев Господень и ревность Его на человека того: и прилепятся ему вся клятвы завета сего, писанныя в книзе закона сего: и потребит Господь имя его от поднебесныя,
Yahweh will not pardon him, but instead, the anger of Yahweh and his jealousy will smolder against that man, and all the curses that are written in this book will come on him, and Yahweh will blot out his name from under heaven.
21 и отлучит его Господь на злая от всех сынов Израилевых, по всем клятвам завета написаннаго в книзе закона сего.
Yahweh will set him apart for disaster out of all the tribes of Israel, in keeping with all the curses of the covenant that are written in this book of the law.
22 И речет род ин, сынове ваши, иже востанут по вас, и чуждый иже приидет от земли далекия, и узрят язвы земли оныя и недуги ея, яже посла Господь на ню,
The generation to come, your children who will rise up after you, and the foreigner who comes from a distant land, will speak when they see the plagues on this land and the diseases with which Yahweh has made it sick—
23 жупел и соль сожженную: вся земля ея не насеется, ни прозябнет, ниже возникнет на ней всяк злак: якоже опровержеся Содом и Гоморр, Адама и Севоим, яже опроверже Господь в ярости и гневе Своем.
and when they see that the whole land has become sulfur and burning salt, where nothing is sown or bears fruit, where no vegetation grows, like the overthrow of Sodom and Gomorrah, Admah and Zeboyim, that Yahweh destroyed in his anger and wrath—
24 И рекут вси языцы: почто сотвори Господь сице земли сей? Кая ярость гнева великая сия?
they will say together with all the other nations, 'Why has Yahweh done this to this land? What does the heat of this great anger mean?'
25 И рекут: яко оставиша завет Господа Бога отец своих, егоже завеща отцем их, егда изведе их от земли Египетския,
Then people will say, 'It is because they abandoned the covenant of Yahweh, the God of their ancestors, that he made with them when he brought them out of the land of Egypt,
26 и шедше послужиша богом иным, и поклонишася им, ихже не ведяху, и не даде им ничтоже ни един:
and because they went and served other gods and bowed down to them, gods that they had not known and that he had not given to them.
27 и разгневася яростию Господь на землю ту, еже навести на ню по всем клятвам завета, писанным в книгах закона сего:
Therefore the anger of Yahweh has been kindled against this land, so as to bring on it all the curses that are written in this book.
28 и изят их Господь от земли их яростию и гневом, и прогневанием великим зело, и изверже их в землю ину якоже ныне.
Yahweh has uprooted them from their land in anger, in wrath, and in great fury, and has thrown them into another land, as today.'
29 Тайная Господеви Богу нашему, нам же явленная и чадом нашым во веки, творити вся словеса закона сего.
The secret matters belong alone to Yahweh our God; but the things that are revealed belong forever to us and to our descendants, so that we may do all the words of this law.

< Второзаконие 29 >