< Книга пророка Даниила 1 >

1 В лето третие царства Иоакима царя Иудина, прииде Навуходоносор царь Вавилонск на Иерусалим и воеваше нань.
After King Jehoiakim had been ruling in Judah for almost three years, King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon came to Jerusalem [with his army] and surrounded the city.
2 И даде Господь в руце его Иоакима царя Иудина и от части сосудов храма Божия. И принесе я в землю Сеннаар в дом бога своего и сосуды внесе в дом сокровищный бога своего.
[After two years, ] Yahweh allowed Nebuchadnezzar’s [soldiers] to capture Jehoiakim, [who was the] King of Judah. They also took some of the things that were in the temple of God, and took them to Babylonia. There Nebuchadnezzar put them in the temple of his god.
3 И рече царь ко Асфанезу, старейшине евнухов своих, ввести от сынов плена Израилева и от племене царска и от князей
Then Nebuchadnezzar commanded Ashpenaz, the chief official in his palace, to bring [to him] some of the Israeli men [whom they had brought to Babylon. He wanted men] who belonged to important families, including the family of the King of Judah.
4 юношы, на нихже несть порока, и добры зраком и смыслены во всяцей премудрости, и ведущыя умение и размышляющыя разум, и имже есть крепость в них, еже предстояти в дому пред царем и научити я книгам и языку Халдейску.
[King Nebuchadnezzar wanted only] men who were very healthy, handsome/good-looking, wise, well-educated, capable of learning many things, and suitable for working in the palace. He also wanted to teach them the Babylonian language and have them read things that had been written in the Babylonian language.
5 И повеле им (даяти) царь по вся дни от трапезы царевы и от вина пития своего и кормити их лета три, и потом стати пред царем.
The king commanded [his servants], “Give them the same kind of food and wine that is given to me. Train them for three years. Then they will become my servants.”
6 И бысть в них от сынов Иудиных Даниил и Ананиа, и Азариа и Мисаил.
Among the young Israeli men [who were chosen] were [me], Daniel, and Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah, who all came from Judah.
7 И возложи им имена старейшина евнухов: Даниилу Валтасар, и Анании Седрах, и Мисаилу Мисах, Азарии же Авденаго.
But Ashpenaz gave us [Babylonian] names. The name he gave to me was Belteshazzar, the name he gave to Hananiah was Shadrach, the name he gave to Mishael was Meshach, and the name he gave to Azariah was Abednego.
8 И положи Даниил на сердцы своем, еже не осквернитися от трапезы царевы и от вина пития его, и моли старейшину евнухов, яко да не осквернится.
But I decided that I would not eat the kind of food that the king ate, or drink the wine that he drank, because that would make me (ritually defiled/unacceptable to God). So I asked Ashpenaz to allow me to eat and drink other things.
9 И вдаде Бог Даниила в милость и в щедроты пред старейшиною евнухов.
God had caused Ashpenaz to greatly respect me,
10 И рече старейшина евнухов Даниилу: боюся аз господина моего царя, заповедавшаго о пищи вашей и питии вашем, да не когда увидит лица ваша уныла паче отроков сверстников ваших, и осудите главу мою царю.
but he was worried about what I suggested. He said, “My master, the king, has commanded that you eat the kinds of food and drink that he does. If [you eat other things and as a result] you become more thin and pale than the other young men who are your age, he will [order his soldiers to] cut off my head because of what you have done!”
11 И рече Даниил ко Амелсару, егоже пристави старейшина евнухов к Даниилу и Анании, и Азарии и Мисаилу:
Ashpenaz had ordered a guard to watch me, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah.
12 искуси отроки твоя до десяти дний, и да дадят нам от семен земных, да ядим, и воду да пием:
So I said to this guard: “[Please] test us for ten days. [During that time] give us [only] vegetables to eat and water to drink.
13 и да явятся пред тобою лица наша и лица отроков ядущих от трапезы царевы, и якоже узриши, сотвори со отроки твоими.
After ten days, see how we look, and see how the other young men look, the ones who are eating the kind of food that the king eats. Then you can decide about [what food you will let us eat].”
14 И послуша их и искуси я до десяти дний.
The guard agreed to do what I suggested, and he tested us like that for ten days.
15 По скончании же десятих дний, явишася лица их блага и крепка плотию паче отроков ядущих от трапезы царевы.
After ten days, [he saw that] my three friends and I looked healthier [DOU] than the young men who had been eating the food that the king wanted them to eat.
16 И бысть Амелсар отемля яди их и вино пития их и даяше им семена.
So after that, the guard gave us [only] vegetables to eat; he did not give us the king’s special food and wine.
17 И четырем отроком сим им даде им Бог смысл и мудрость во всяцей книжней премудрости: Даниил же разумен бысть во всяцем видении и сониих.
And God gave to us four young men wisdom and the ability to study many things that Babylonians had written and studied. And [he also gave to] me the ability to understand the meaning of visions and dreams.
18 И по скончании тех дний, в няже рече царь привести я, введе я старейшина евнухов пред Навуходоносора.
When those three years that the king had set for training us young men from Judah were ended, Ashpenaz brought all of us to King Nebuchadnezzar.
19 И беседова с ними царь, и не обретошася от всех их подобни Даниилу и Анании, и Азарии и Мисаилу: и сташа пред царем.
The king talked with [each of] us, and realized that none of the other young men were as capable as Hananiah, Mishael, Azariah and I were. So we four became the king’s special advisors/servants.
20 И во всяцем глаголе премудрости и умения, о нихже вопрошаше от них царь, обрете я десятерицею паче всех обаятелей и волхвов сущих во всем царстве его.
In all important matters, the king found that what we [four men] advised was ten times as good as what all the magicians and sorcerers/fortune-tellers in his kingdom advised.
21 И бысть Даниил даже до перваго лета Кира царя.
I remained [there serving the king more than 60 years], until the first year that Cyrus became king.

< Книга пророка Даниила 1 >