< Книга пророка Даниила 4 >
1 Навуходоносор царь всем людем, племеном и языком сущым во всей земли, мир вам да умножится.
King Nebuchadnezzar, to people of every nation and language in the whole world: I wish you well!
2 Знамения и чудеса, яже сотвори со мною Бог Вышний, угодно бысть предо мною возвестити вам,
It is my pleasure to share with you an account of the signs and wonders the Most High God has done for me.
3 коль великая и крепкая: царство Его царство вечное, и власть Его в роды и роды.
His signs are incredible. His wonders are amazing! His kingdom is an eternal kingdom, and his rule will last for all generations!
4 Аз Навуходоносор обилуяй бех в дому моем и благоцветый на престоле моем:
I, Nebuchadnezzar, was doing well at home, living happily in my palace.
5 сон видех, и устраши мя, и смятохся на ложи моем, и видения главы моея смятоша мя:
But then one night I had a dream that really scared me—I saw visions that terrified me while I lay in my bed.
6 и мною положися повеление, привести пред мя вся мужы мудрыя Вавилонския, да сказание сна возвестят мне.
So I ordered all the wise men of Babylon brought before me to explain the dream to me.
7 И вхождаху обаятелие, волсви, газарини, Халдее, и сон аз рех пред ними, и сказания его не возвестиша ми,
When the magicians, enchanters, astrologers, and diviners came in I told them the dream, but they couldn't explain to me what it meant.
8 дондеже вниде (пред мя) Даниил, емуже имя Валтасар, по имения бога моего, иже духа Божия свята имать в себе, и сон пред ним рех:
In the end Daniel came before me and I told him the dream. (He is also called Belteshazzar after my god, and he has the spirit of the holy gods in him.)
9 Валтасаре, княже обаятелей, егоже аз разумех, яко дух Божий святый имаши, и всякая тайна не изнемогает пред тобою, слыши видение сна моего, еже видех, и сказание его повеждь мне.
“Belteshazzar, chief of magicians,” I said, “I certainly know that the spirit of the holy gods is in you and that no mystery is difficult for you to explain. So tell me about what I saw in my dream and explain what it means.
10 И видение главы моея на ложи моем зрех, и се, древо среде земли, и высота его велика:
As I lay in bed dreaming, I saw a tree in the middle of the earth—a really large tree.
11 и возвеличися древо то и укрепися, и высота его досязаше до небесе, и величина его до конец земли всея,
It grew strong and tall, reaching high into the sky so it could be seen by everyone in the whole world.
12 листвие его прекрасное, и плод его мног, и пища всех в нем, и под ним вселяхуся вси зверие дивии, и в ветвех его живяху (вся) птицы небесныя, и от него питашеся всяка плоть.
Its leaves were beautiful, and it was full of fruit for all to eat. Wild animals rested in its shade, and birds nested in its branches. It fed all living creatures.
13 Видех во сне нощию на ложи моем, и се, Бодрый и Святый от небесе сниде
As I went on dreaming, lying on my bed, I saw a watcher, a holy one, coming down from heaven.
14 и возгласи крепце и тако рече: посецыте древо и обийте ветви его, и оттрясите листвие его и разсыплите плод его, да позыблются зверие под ним и птицы с ветвий его:
He cried out in a loud voice, ‘Cut down the tree and chop off its branches! Shake off its leaves and scatter its fruit! Drive the animals away from its shade, and scare off the birds from its branches.
15 точию отрасль корения его в земли оставите, и во узе железне и медне, и во злаце внешнем и в росе небесней вселится, и со зверьми (дивиими) часть его во траве земней:
But leave the stump and its roots in the ground, and bind it with iron and bronze, surrounded by the new grass of the field. Let him become soaked with the dew of heaven, and let him live with the animals outside in the undergrowth.
16 сердце его от человек изменится, и сердце зверино дастся ему, и седмь времен изменятся над ним:
Let his mind become like that of an animal. Let him be like this for seven times.
17 изречением Бодраго слово, и глагол Святых прошение: да уведят живущии, яко владеет Вышний царством человеческим, и емуже восхощет, даст е, и уничтоженное человеков возставит над ним.
This is the decree conveyed by the watchers, the verdict declared by the holy ones in order that everyone alive may know that the Most High rules over human kingdoms. He gives them to whoever he chooses—he puts the most humble individuals in charge.’
18 Сей сон, егоже видех аз Навуходоносор царь: ты же, Валтасаре, сказание его повеждь, яко вси мудрии царства моего не могут сказания его поведати мне, ты же, Данииле, можеши, яко дух Божий свят в тебе.
This is what I, King Nebuchadnezzar, saw in my dream. Now it's up to you, Belteshazzar, to give me the explanation as you have before. None of the wise men in my kingdom could explain it to me. But you can, because the spirit of the holy gods is in you.”
19 Тогда Даниил, емуже имя Валтасар, ужасеся аки на един час, и размышления его смущаху его. И отвеща царь и рече: Валтасаре, сон мой и сказание его да не смущает тебе. И отвеща Валтасар и рече: господине, да будет сон сей ненавидящым тя, и сказание его врагом твоим.
When Daniel (also called Belteshazzar) heard this, he was upset for a while, disturbed as he thought about it. The king told him, “Belteshazzar, don't be worried about the dream and what it means.” “My lord, I only wish this dream was for those who hate you and the explanation for your enemies,” Daniel replied.
20 Древо, еже видел еси возвеличившееся и укрепившееся, егоже высота досязаше до небесе и величина его на всю землю,
“The tree you saw was growing strong and tall, reaching high into the sky so it could be seen by everyone in the whole world.
21 и листвие его благоцветное и плод его мног, и пища всем в нем, под ним живяху зверие дивии, и в ветвех его угнездяхуся птицы небесныя:
Its leaves were beautiful, and it was full of fruit for all to eat. Wild animals lived under its shade, and birds nested in its branches.
22 ты еси, царю, яко возвеличился еси и укрепел, и величество твое возвеличися и досяже небесе, и власть твоя до конец земли.
This is you, Your Majesty. You have grown strong, your power has become so great that it has reached high into the sky, and your rule extends to the ends of the earth.
23 И яко виде царь Бодраго и Святаго сходяща с небесе, и рече: посецыте древо и разсыплите е, точию проничение корения его в земли оставите, и во узе железне и медяне и во злаце внешнем и в росе небесней водворится, и со зверьми дивиими часть его, дондеже седмь времен пременятся над ним:
Then Your Majesty saw a watcher, a holy one, coming down from heaven who said, ‘Cut down the tree and destroy it, but leave the stump and its roots in the ground, and bind it with iron and bronze, surrounded by the new grass of the field. Let him become soaked with the dew of heaven and let him live with the animals outside in the undergrowth. Let his mind become like that of an animal. Let him be like this for seven times.’
24 сие сказание его, царю, и изречение Вышняго есть, еже приспе на господина моего царя:
This is what it means, Your Majesty, and what the Most High has decreed will happen to my lord the king.
25 изженут тя от человек, и с дивиими зверьми будет житие твое, и травою аки вола напитают тя, и от росы небесныя тело твое оросится, и седмь времен изменятся над тобою, дондеже увеси, яко владеет Вышний царством человеческим, и емуже восхощет, даст е.
You will be driven away from human society and you will live with the wild animals. You will eat grass like the cattle, and you will be soaked with the dew of heaven. You will be like this for seven times until you acknowledge that the Most High rules over human kingdoms, and that he gives them to those he chooses.
26 А еже рече: оставите проничение корения древа (в земли): царство твое тебе будет, отнележе увеси власть небесную.
However, as it was decreed, the stump and its roots were to be left in the ground. Your kingdom will be restored to you when you acknowledge that Heaven rules.
27 Сего ради, царю совет мой да будет тебе угоден, и грехи твоя милостынями искупи и неправды твоя щедротами убогих: негли будет долготерпелив грехом твоим Бог.
So, Your Majesty, please take my advice. Stop sinning and do what's right. End your iniquities and be merciful to the oppressed. Maybe then things will continue to go well for you.”
28 Сия вся постигоша Навуходоносора царя.
(However, all this did happen to King Nebuchadnezzar.
29 По двоюнадесяти месяцех в дому царства своего, в Вавилоне бе ходя,
Twelve months later he was walking on the roof of the royal palace in Babylon.
30 отвеща царь и рече: несть ли сей Вавилон великий, егоже аз соградих в дом царства, в державе крепости моея, в честь славы моея?
He said, “I was the one who built this great city of Babylon! By my own great power I built it as my royal residence for my majestic glory!”
31 Еще слову сущу во устех каря, глас с небесе бысть: тебе глаголется, Навуходоносоре царю: цартво твое прейде от тебе,
The words were still on the king's lips when a voice came from heaven, “King Nebuchadnezzar, this is what is decreed concerning you: the kingdom has been taken away from you.
32 и от человек отженут тя, и со зверьми дивиими житие твое, и травою аки вола напитают тя и седмь времен изменятся на тебе, дондеже увеси, яко владеет Вышний царством человеческим, и емуже восхощет, даст е.
You will be driven away from human society and you will live with the wild animals. You will eat grass like the cattle, and you will become soaked with the dew of heaven. You will be like this for seven times until you acknowledge that the Most High rules over human kingdoms, and that he gives them to whoever he chooses.”
33 В той час слово скончася на цари Навуходоносоре, и от человек отгнася, и траву аки вол ядяше, и от росы небесныя тело его оросися, дондеже власи ему яко льву возрастоша и ногти ему аки птицам.
Immediately the decree was fulfilled, and Nebuchadnezzar was driven away from human society. He ate grass like the cattle, and his body was soaked with the dew of heaven. His hair grew matted like a vulture, and his nails like bird claws.)
34 И по скончании тех дний, аз Навуходоносор очи свои на небо воздвиг, и ум мой ко мне возвратися, и Вышняго благослових, и Живущаго во веки похвалих и прославих, яко власть Его власть вечна, и царство Его в роды и роды,
Once the time had passed, I, Nebuchadnezzar, looked up to heaven and my sanity returned to me. I blessed and praised the Most High and worshiped the One who lives forever. His rule is an eternal rule, and his kingdom lasts for all generations.
35 и вси живущии на земли ни во чтоже вменишася, и по воли Своей творит в силе небесней и в селении земнем: и несть, иже воспротивится руце Его и речет Ему: что сотворил еси?
Everyone who lives on earth are as nothing compared to him. He does whatever he chooses among the heavenly host and among those who live on earth. No one can hold him back from what he does, or ask him, “What are you doing?”
36 В то время ум мой возвратися ко мне, и в честь царства моего приидох, и зрак мой возвратися ко мне, и началницы мои и вельможи мои искаху мене: и в царстве моем утвердихся, и величество изюбилнее приложися мне.
When my sanity returned, then my kingdom, majesty, and splendor also returned to me. My advisors and nobles came looking for me, and I was restored as ruler over my kingdom, even greater than before.
37 Ныне убо аз Навуходоносор хвалю и превозношу и славлю Царя Небеснаго, яко вся дела Его истинна, и путие Его судбы, и вся ходящыя в гордости может смирити.
So now I, Nebuchadnezzar, praise, honor, and glorify the King of Heaven, for everything he does is right, and his ways are true. He is able to humble those who are proud.