< Четвертая книга Царств 3 >
1 И Иорам сын Ахаавов воцарися над Израилем в Самарии, в лето осмоенадесять Иосафата царя Иудина, и царствова лет дванадесять,
In the eighteenth year of Jehoshaphat’s reign over Judah, Jehoram son of Ahab became king of Israel, and he reigned in Samaria twelve years.
2 и сотвори лукавое пред очима Господнима: обаче не якоже отец его и не якоже мати его: и разруши капища Ваалова, яже сотвори отец его:
And he did evil in the sight of the LORD, but not as his father and mother had done. He removed the sacred pillar of Baal that his father had made.
3 обаче ко греху Иеровоама сына Наватова, иже введе во грех Израиля, прилепися и не отступи от него.
Nevertheless, he clung to the sins that Jeroboam son of Nebat had caused Israel to commit; he did not turn away from them.
4 И Моса царь Моавль бе нокид и даяше дань царю Израилеву, сто тысящ агнцев и сто тысящ овнов с рунами.
Now Mesha king of Moab was a sheep breeder, and he would render to the king of Israel a hundred thousand lambs and the wool of a hundred thousand rams.
5 И бысть по умертвии Ахаавли и отвержеся царь Моавль царя Израилева.
But after the death of Ahab, the king of Moab rebelled against the king of Israel.
6 И изыде царь Иорам во дни оны от Самарии и согляда Израиля,
So at that time King Jehoram set out from Samaria and mobilized all Israel.
7 и иде, и посла ко Иосафату царю Иудину, глаголя: царь Моавль отвержеся мене: идеши ли со мною на брань на Моава? И рече: взыду: сице мне, якоже и тебе: якоже людие мои, людие твои: якоже кони мои, кони твои.
And he sent a message to Jehoshaphat king of Judah: “The king of Moab has rebelled against me. Will you go with me to fight against Moab?” “I will go,” replied Jehoshaphat. “I am like you, my people are your people, and my horses are your horses.”
8 И рече: киим путем взыдем? И рече: путем пустыни Едомския.
Then he asked, “Which way shall we go up?” “By way of the Desert of Edom,” replied Joram.
9 И иде царь Израилев и царь Иудин и царь Едомль, и идоша путем седмь дний: и не бе полку воды и скотом сущым с ними.
So the king of Israel, the king of Judah, and the king of Edom set out, and after they had traveled a roundabout route for seven days, they had no water for their army or for their animals.
10 И рече отроком своим царь Израилев: о, яко созва Господь три сия цари идущыя предати их в руце Моавли.
“Alas,” said the king of Israel, “for the LORD has summoned these three kings to deliver them into the hand of Moab!”
11 И рече Иосафат к нему царь Иудин: есть ли зде пророк Господень, и вопросим Господа им? И отвеща един отрок царя Израилева и рече: зде есть Елиссей сын Сафатов, иже возливаше воду на руце Илиине.
But Jehoshaphat asked, “Is there no prophet of the LORD here? Let us inquire of the LORD through him.” And one of the servants of the king of Israel answered, “Elisha son of Shaphat is here. He used to pour water on the hands of Elijah.”
12 И рече Иосафат: есть с ним глагол Господень. И сниде к нему царь Израилев и Иосафат царь Иудин и царь Едомль.
Jehoshaphat affirmed, “The word of the LORD is with him.” So the king of Israel and Jehoshaphat and the king of Edom went down to him.
13 И рече Елиссей ко царю Израилеву: что мне и тебе? Иди ко пророком отца твоего и ко пророком матере твоея. И рече ему царь Израилев: еда созва Господь три цари, еже предати я в руце Моавли?
Elisha, however, said to the king of Israel, “What have we to do with each other? Go to the prophets of your father and of your mother!” “No,” replied the king of Israel, “for it is the LORD who has summoned these three kings to deliver them into the hand of Moab.”
14 И рече Елиссей: жив Господь Сил емуже предстою пред Ним, яко аще бых не лице Иосафата царя Иудина аз приял, то воззрел ли бых на тя, и видел ли бых тя?
Then Elisha said, “As surely as the LORD of Hosts lives, before whom I stand, were it not for my regard for the presence of Jehoshaphat king of Judah, I would not look at you or acknowledge you.
15 И ныне приведи ми певца. И бысть егда воспеваше певец, и бысть на нем рука Господня,
But now, bring me a harpist.” And while the harpist played, the hand of the LORD came upon Elisha
16 и рече: тако глаголет Господь: сотворите поток сей рвами рвами,
and he said, “This is what the LORD says: ‘Dig this valley full of ditches.’
17 яко тако глаголет Господь: не узрите духа, и ниже увидите дождя: и поток сей наполнится воды, и пиете вы и стяжания ваша и скоти ваши:
For the LORD says, ‘You will not see wind or rain, but the valley will be filled with water, and you will drink—you and your cattle and your animals.’
18 и легко сие пред очима Господнима, и предам Моава в руки вашя,
This is a simple matter in the sight of the LORD, and He will also deliver the Moabites into your hand.
19 и поразите всяк град тверд, и всяко древо благо низложите, и всяк источник воды заградите, и всяку часть благу разбиете камением.
And you shall attack every fortified city and every city of importance. You shall cut down every good tree, stop up every spring, and ruin every good field with stones.”
20 И бысть заутра восходящей жертве, и се, воды идяху путем Едомским, и исполнися воды земля.
The next morning, at the time of the morning sacrifice, water suddenly flowed from the direction of Edom and filled the land.
21 И вси Моавитяне услышаша, яко взыдоша тридесяти царя братися с ними. И возопиша отвсюду препоясаннии оружием и реша: ох: и сташа у предела.
Now all the Moabites had heard that the kings had come up to fight against them. So all who could bear arms, young and old, were summoned and stationed at the border.
22 И ураниша заутра, и солнце возсия на воды: и виде Моав сопротив воды чермны яко кровь,
When they got up early in the morning, the sun was shining on the water, and it looked as red as blood to the Moabites across the way.
23 и рече: кровь сия есть от оружия: и бишася царие, и уби муж искренняго своего: и ныне (гряди) на корысти, Моаве.
“This is blood!” they exclaimed. “The kings have clashed swords and slaughtered one another. Now to the plunder, Moab!”
24 И внидоша в полк Израилев, Израилтяне же восташа. И избиша Моавлян: и побегоша от лица их: и внидоша входяще и биюще Моава,
But when the Moabites came to the camp of Israel, the Israelites rose up and attacked them, and they fled before them. So the Israelites invaded their land and struck down the Moabites.
25 и грады разбиша, и всяку часть благу навергоша мужие камением, и наполниша ю, и всяк источник заградиша, и всяко древо благо изсекоша, донележе оставиша камение стен разбиено: и обступиша пращницы и разбиша его.
They destroyed the cities, and each man threw stones on every good field until it was covered. They stopped up every spring and cut down every good tree. Only Kir-haraseth was left with stones in place, but men with slings surrounded it and attacked it as well.
26 И виде царь Моавль, яко укрепися над ним брань, и взя с собою седмь сот мужей со обнаженным оружием, еже просещися ко царю Едомску: и не возмогоша.
When the king of Moab saw that the battle was too fierce for him, he took with him seven hundred swordsmen to break through to the king of Edom, but they could not prevail.
27 И поят сына своего первенца, егоже воцари вместо себе, и вознесе его во всесожжение на стене: и бысть раскаяние великое во Израили: и отступиша от него и возвратишася в землю свою.
So he took his firstborn son, who was to succeed him, and offered him as a burnt offering on the city wall. And there was great fury against the Israelites, so they withdrew and returned to their own land.