< Вторая книга Паралипоменон 28 >
1 Сын двадесяти и пяти лет бе Ахаз, егда царствовати нача, и шестьнадесять лет царствова во Иерусалиме: и не сотвори правое пред Господем, якоже Давид отец его.
Ahaz was twenty when he became king, and he reigned in Jerusalem for sixteen years. He did not do what was right in the Lord's sight as his forefather David had.
2 И пойде по путем царей Израилевых: ибо и изваянная сотвори,
He followed the example of the kings of Israel, and also cast metal idols for worshiping the Baals.
3 и идолом их пожре в земли Веенномли и проведе сынов своих сквозе огнь по мерзостем языков, ихже потреби Господь от лица сынов Израилевых:
He burned sacrifices in the Valley of Ben Hinnom, and sacrificed his children in the fire, following the disgusting practices of the peoples the Lord had driven out before the Israelites.
4 и кадяше на высоких и на холмех и под всяким древом дубравным.
He presented sacrifices and burned incense offerings on the high places, on the mountain tops, and under every living tree.
5 И предаде его Господь Бог его в руце царя Сирска и порази его, и плени от них плен мног, и приведе в Дамаск, и в руки царя Израилева предаде его, и порази его язвою великою.
As a result, the Lord his God let the king of Aram to conquer Ahaz. The Arameans attacked him and captured many of his people, taking them to Damascus. Ahaz was also defeated by the king of Israel in a massive attack.
6 И уби Факей сын Ромелиев царь Израилев от Иуды во един день сто двадесять тысящ мужей крепких силою, егда оставиша Господа Бога отец своих.
In just one day, Pekah, son of Remaliah, killed 120,000 fighting men in Judah, because they had abandoned the Lord, the God of their fathers.
7 И уби Зехрий муж силен от Ефрема Маасию сына царева и Езрикама началника дому его и Елкана наместника царева.
Zichri, a warrior from Ephraim, killed Maaseiah, the son of the king; Azrikam, the palace governor; and Elkanah, the king's second-in-command.
8 Плениша же сынове Израилевы от братии своих триста тысящ жен, сынов и дщерей: и плен мног плениша от них, и принесоша корысти в Самарию.
The Israelites captured 200,000 of their “brothers”—women, sons, and daughters. They also took a great deal of plunder and brought it to Samaria.
9 И бе тамо пророк Господень, именем Одид, иже изыде во сретение воем грядущым в Самарию и рече им: се, гнев Господа Бога отец ваших противу Иуды, и предаде их в руки вашя, и убисте их во гневе, и даже до небесе достиже (ваше немилосердие):
But a prophet of the Lord named Oded was there in Samaria, and he went out to meet the returning army. He told them, “It was because the Lord, the God of your fathers, was angry with Judah that he allowed you to defeat them. But you have killed them with such fury that it has upset heaven.
10 и ныне сынов Иудиных и Иерусалимлих вы глаголете покорити в рабы и рабыни: не се ли, аз есмь с вами, свидетелствовати Господу Богу вашему?
Now you're planning to turn these people from Judah and Jerusalem into slaves. But aren't you also guilty of sinning against the Lord your God?
11 И ныне послушайте мене и возвратите плен, егоже пленисте от братий ваших, яко гнев ярости Господни на вас.
Listen to me! Return the prisoners you've taken from your brothers, the fierce anger of the Lord is falling upon you!”
12 И восташа началницы от сынов Ефремлих, Азариа сын Иоанан и Варахиа сын Васаллимофов, и Езекиа сын Селлумов и Амасиа сын Елдаев на грядущих от брани,
Some of the leaders of the people of Ephraim—Azariah, son of Jehohanan, Berechiah, son of Meshillemoth, Jehizkiah, son of Shallum, and Amasa, son of Hadlai—stood up in opposition against those returning from the war.
13 и рекоша им: не введите плена семо к нам, зане согрешим Господу, вы хощете приложити ко грехом нашым и к безумию нашему, велик бо грех наш, и гнев ярости Господни на Израили.
“Don't you bring those prisoners here!” they told them. “If you do you will only add to our sins and wrongdoing against the Lord. Our guilt is already great, and his fierce anger is falling upon Israel.”
14 И оставиша воини плен и корысти пред началники и пред всем множеством.
So the armed men left the prisoners and the plunder before the leaders and all the people gathered there.
15 И восташа мужие реченнии по имени и взяша плененых, и всех нагих облекоша от корыстей, и одеяша их и обуша их, и даша ясти и пити им и помазатися, и всадиша на подяремника всякаго немощнаго, и отвезоша их во Иерихон град финический ко братии их, и возвратишася в Самарию.
The men named above got up and took clothes from the plunder to those that had none, gave them sandals to wear, and food and drink, and put olive oil on their wounds. Those who couldn't walk any more they put on donkeys, and took them all to Jericho, the town of palms, to be close to the people of Judah.
16 Во время оно посла царь Ахаз ко царю Ассурску, прося помощи себе и в том,
It was then that King Ahaz asked the king of Assyria for help.
17 понеже Идумеане нападоша и поразиша Иуду и плениша плен:
The armies of Edom had once again invaded Judah and taken people prisoner,
18 и иноплеменницы нападоша на грады напольныя и от полуденныя Иудеи и взяша Вефсамис, и яже в дому Господни, и яже в дому царстем, и князей, и даша царю Аилон и Гадироф, и Сохоф и веси его, и Гамзон и веси его, и Фамну и веси ея, и вселишася тамо.
while the Philistines had attacked the towns in the foothills and the Negev of Judah. They had captured and occupied Beth-shemesh, Aijalon, Gederoth, along with Soco, Timnah, and Gimzo and their villages.
19 Яко смири Господь Иудею ради Ахаза царя Иудина, понеже отступи отступлением от Господа.
The Lord had brought Judah down because Ahaz, king of Israel, was out of control in Judah, sinning terribly against the Lord.
20 И прииде на него Фелгафелласар царь Ассурский, и озлоби его, и пресели, иже бяху в Дамасце, в Мидию, из Сирии же пресели в Дамаск пребывати.
So Tiglath-pileser, king of Assyria, came to Ahaz but attacked rather than helped him.
21 И взя Ахаз сущая в дому Господни и яже в дому царстем и у началников, и даде царю Ассурску: и не бысть на помощь ему, но токмо к печали его.
Ahaz took what was valuable from the Lord's Temple, the king's palace, and from his officials and gave them to the king of Assyria as tribute. But it didn't help him.
22 И приложи отступити от Господа и рече царь Ахаз:
Even at this time when he was having so much trouble, King Ahaz sinned more and more against the Lord.
23 взышу богов Дамасковых биющих мя. И рече: бози царя Сирска, тии укрепляют их, сим убо пожру, и будут ми в помощь. Тии же быша к падению его и всего Израиля.
He sacrificed to the gods of Damascus, whose army had defeated him, for he said to himself, “Since the gods of the kings of Aram helped them, I'll sacrifice to them so they can help me.” But this led to the ruin of Ahaz and of all Israel.
24 И остави Ахаз сосуды дому Господня и сокруши их, и заключи врата дому Божия, и сотвори себе требища во всех углех Иерусалима,
Ahaz took the sacred items from the Lord's Temple and smashed them to pieces. He barred the doors of the Lord's Temple and set up pagan altars on every corner in Jerusalem.
25 и во всех градех Иудиных сотвори высокая, еже кадити богом чуждим, и разгнева Господа Бога отец своих.
In every town throughout Judah he set up high places to make offerings to pagan gods, angering the Lord, the God of his forefathers.
26 Прочая же словеса его и деяния его первая и последняя, се, писана суть в книзе царей Иудиных и Израилевых.
The rest of what Ahaz did, from beginning to end, is written down in the Book of the Kings of Judah and Israel.
27 И успе Ахаз со отцы своими, и погребоша его во граде Давидове, ибо не внесоша его во гробы царей Израилевых. И воцарися Езекиа сын его вместо его.
Ahaz died, and they buried him in the city, in Jerusalem. They did not bury him in the tombs of the kings of Israel. Hezekiah his son took over as king.