< Первая книга Царств 15 >

1 И рече Самуил к Саулу: посла мя Господь помазати тя на царство в людех Его во Израили: и ныне послушай гласа словес Господних:
And he said Samuel to Saul me he sent Yahweh to anoint you to king over people his over Israel and therefore listen to [the] voice of [the] words of Yahweh.
2 сия рече Господь Саваоф: ныне отмщу, яже сотвори Амалик Израилю, егда срете его на пути, восходящу ему от Египта:
Thus he says Yahweh of hosts I have paid attention to [that] which it did Amalek to Israel [that] which it set to it on the way when came up it from Egypt.
3 и ныне ты иди, и поразиши Амалика и Иерима, и вся яже суть его, и не снабдиши от них (ничтоже), и искорениши его: и прокленеши его и вся сущая его, и не пощадиши его: и да убиеши от мужеска полу и до женска и от юнош и до ссущих млеко, и от говяд до овец и от велблюд до ослят.
Now go and you will attack Amalek and you will totally destroy all that [belongs] to it and not you must have compassion on it and you will put to death from a man unto a woman from a child and unto a suckling-child from an ox and unto a sheep from a camel and unto a donkey.
4 И собра люди Саул и сочте я в Галгалех двесте тысящ пеших и десять тысящ от Иуды в полцех:
And he summoned Saul the people and he mustered them at Telaim two hundred thousand foot soldier[s] and ten thousand with man of Judah.
5 и прииде Саул до градов Амаликовых и засяде в потоце.
And he came Saul to [the] city of Amalek and he lay in wait in the wadi.
6 И рече Саул ко Кинеови: иди и уклонися от среды Амалика, да не погублю тя с ним, ты бо сотворил еси милость с сынми Израилевыми, егда исхождаху из Египта. И уклонися Киней от среды Амалика.
And he said Saul to the Kenite[s] go depart go down from among [the] Amalekite[s] lest I should destroy you with it and you you did loyalty with all [the] people of Israel when came up they from Egypt and it departed [the] Kenite[s] from among Amalek.
7 И порази Саул Амалика от Евилы даже до Сура, иже пред лицем Египта:
And he attacked Saul Amalek from Havilah coming you Shur which [is] on [the] face of Egypt.
8 и ят Агага царя Амаликова жива, и вся люди изби, и Иерима уби мечем.
And he seized Agag [the] king of Amalek alive and all the people he totally destroyed to [the] mouth of [the] sword.
9 И сохрани Саул и вси людие Агага царя жива и благая от стад и буйволов, и снедей (и одежд), и виноградов и от всех благих: и не хотяху искоренити я, точию хуждшее и уничиженое истребиша.
And he had compassion Saul and the people on Agag and on [the] best of the sheep and the cattle and the second and on the lambs and on all the good and not they were willing to totally destroy them and all the property despised and worthless it they totally destroyed.
10 И бысть глаголгол Господень к Самуилу, глаголя:
And it came [the] word of Yahweh to Samuel saying.
11 раскаяхся, яко помазах Саула на царство, понеже отвратися от Мене и словес Моих не соблюде. И опечалися Самуил и вопияше ко Господу всю нощь.
I regret that I have made king Saul to king for he has turned back from after me and words my not he has carried out and it burned to Samuel and he cried out to Yahweh all the night.
12 И воста рано Самуил, и идяше на сретение Израилтяном рано. И возвестиша Самуилу, глаголюще: идет Саул в Кармил, и се, воздвиже руку себе, и возврати колесницу, и сниде в Галгалы. И прииде Самуил к Саулу, и се, той возношаше всесожжение Господу, первая от корыстей, ихже взя от Амаликов.
And he rose early Samuel to meet Saul in the morning and it was told to Samuel saying he came Saul Carmel towards and there! [he was] setting up for himself a monument and he turned and he passed on and he went down Gilgal.
13 И прииде Самуил к Саулу, и рече ему Саул: благословен ты Господу, сотворих бо вся, елика (ми) глагола Господь.
And he came Samuel to Saul and he said to him Saul [be] blessed you by Yahweh I have carried out [the] word of Yahweh.
14 И рече Самуил: и кий глас стад сих во ушию моею, и глас говяд, егоже аз слышу?
And he said Samuel and what? [is] [the] sound of the sheep this in ears my and [the] sound of the cattle which I [am] hearing.
15 И рече Саул: от Амалика пригнах я, ихже сохраниша людие лучшая от стад и от волов, еже пожрети я Господу Богу твоему, прочая же избих.
And he said Saul from [the] Amalekite[s] people brought them that it had compassion the people on [the] best of the sheep and the cattle so as to sacrifice [them] to Yahweh God your and the rest we totally destroyed.
16 И рече Самуил к Саулу: потерпи, и возвещу ти, яже глагола Господь ко мне нощию.
And he said Samuel to Saul be quiet so let me tell to you [that] which he said Yahweh to me this night (and he said *Q(K)*) to him speak.
17 И рече ему (Саул): глаголи. И рече Самуил к Саулу: еда не мал был еси ты пред Ним, и не властелина ли тя постави хоругви колена Израилева? И помаза тя Господь на царство Израилево:
And he said Samuel ¿ not though [were] small you in own eyes your [the] head of [the] tribes of Israel [are] you and he anointed you Yahweh to king over Israel.
18 и посла тя Господь путем и рече тебе: иди и искорени Амалика, и погуби согрешших предо Мною, и воюй их, дондеже скончаеши их:
And he sent you Yahweh on a journey and he said go and you will totally destroy the sinners Amalek and you will wage war against it until destroy they them.
19 и почто не послушал еси гласа Господня по всему, елико глагола тебе, но устремился еси на корысти и сотворил еси лукавое пред Господем?
And why? not did you listen to [the] voice of Yahweh and did you rush? to the plunder and did you do? the evil in [the] eyes of Yahweh.
20 И рече Саул к Самуилу: послушах гласа людий и идох путем, имже посла мя Господь, и приведох Агага царя Амаликова, и Амалики искорених:
And he said Saul to Samuel that I listened to [the] voice of Yahweh and I went on the journey which he sent me Yahweh and I brought Agag [the] king of Amalek and Amalek I totally destroyed.
21 и взяша людие корысти от стад и буйволы, первая от истребляемых на пожрение Господу Богу нашему в Галгалех.
And it took the people from the plunder sheep and cattle [the] choicest of the object[s] for destruction to sacrifice [them] to Yahweh God your in Gilgal.
22 И рече Самуил: еда угодны Господу всесожжения и жертвы, якоже послушати гласа Господня? Се, послушание паче жертвы благи, и покорение паче тука овня:
And he said Samuel ¿ [does] delight [belong] to Yahweh in burnt offerings and sacrifices like listening to [the] voice of Yahweh here! to obey more than sacrifice [is] good to pay attention more than [the] fat of rams.
23 якоже грех есть чарование, тако (грех есть) противление, и якоже грех есть идолопоклонение, тако непокорение: понеже уничижил еси глаголгол Господень, и уничижит тя Господь не быти тебе царем во Израили.
For [is the] sin of divination rebellion and [is] wickedness and teraphim presumption because you have rejected [the] word of Yahweh and he has rejected you from king.
24 И рече Саул к Самуилу: согреших, яко преступих слово Господне и глагол твой, убояхся бо людий и послушах гласа их:
And he said Saul to Samuel I have sinned for I have transgressed [the] mouth of Yahweh and words your for I feared the people and I listened to voice their.
25 и ныне возми грех мой и возвратися со мною, да поклонюся Господу Богу твоему.
And therefore forgive please sin my and return with me so I may bow down to Yahweh.
26 И рече Самуил к Саулу: не возвращуся с тобою, яко уничижил еси глаголгол Господень, и уничижит тя Господь не быти тебе царем во Израили.
And he said Samuel to Saul not I will return with you for you have rejected [the] word of Yahweh and he has rejected you Yahweh from being king over Israel.
27 И отврати Самуил лице свое еже отити: и ят Саул за воскрилие ризы его и раздра е.
And he turned round Samuel to go and he took hold on [the] skirt of robe his and it tore.
28 И рече ему Самуил: раздра Господь царство Израилево от руку твоею днесь, и даст е ближнему твоему, лучшему паче тебе,
And he said to him Samuel he has torn Yahweh [the] kingdom of Israel from with you this day and he will give it to neighbor your good more than you.
29 и разделится Израиль на двое: и не обратится, ниже раскается Святый Израилев, занеже не яко человек есть, еже раскаятися Ему, запретит, и не пребудет.
And also [the] eminence of Israel not he will deal falsely and not he will regret for not [is] a man he to regret.
30 И рече Саул: согреших, но прослави мя ныне пред старейшины Израилевы и пред людьми моими, и возвратися со мною, и поклонюся Господу Богу твоему.
And he said I have sinned now honor me please before [the] elders of people my and before Israel and return with me and I will bow down to Yahweh God your.
31 И возвратися Самуил вслед Саула, и поклонися Саул Господу.
And he turned back Samuel after Saul and he bowed down Saul to Yahweh.
32 И рече Самуил: приведите ми Агага царя Амаликова. И прииде к нему Агаг трепеща, и рече Агаг: тако ли горька смерть?
And he said Samuel bring near to me Agag [the] king of Amalek and he came to him Agag bonds and he said Agag truly it has departed [the] bitterness of death.
33 И рече Самуил ко агагу: якоже обезчадствова жен оружие твое, тако обезчадится в женах мати твоя. И закла Самуил Агага пред Господем в Галгалех.
And he said Samuel just as it has made childless women sword your so she will become childless from women mother your and he cut to pieces Samuel Agag before Yahweh in Gilgal.
34 И отиде Самуил во Армафем: и Саул отиде в дом свой в Гаваю.
And he went Samuel Ramah towards and Saul he went up to house his Gibeah of Saul.
35 И не приложи Самуил ктому видети Саула даже до дне смерти своея, понеже плакаше Самуил о Сауле, занеже раскаяся Господь, яко постави Саула царя во Израили.
And not he repeated Samuel to see Saul until [the] day of death his for he mourned Samuel concerning Saul and Yahweh he regretted that he had made king Saul over Israel.

< Первая книга Царств 15 >