< Первая книга Паралипоменон 21 >

1 Воста же диавол на Израиля и подусти Давида, да сочислит Израиля.
And he rose up an adversary on Israel and he incited David to count Israel.
2 И рече царь Давид ко Иоаву и к началником силы: идите и сочтите Израиля от Вирсавеи даже до Дана, и принесите ко мне, да познаю число их.
And he said David to Joab and to [the] leaders of the people go count Israel from Beer Sheba and to Dan and bring [it] to me so let me know number their.
3 И рече Иоав: да приложит Господь к людем Своим, якоже сии сторицею, и очи господина моего царя да видят: не вси ли господину моему царю раби суть? И почто хощет сего господин мой? Дабы не вменилося в грех Израилю.
And he said Joab may he add Yahweh to people his - like them a hundred times ¿ not O lord my the king [do] all of them [belong] to lord my to subjects why? does he seek this lord my why? will it become guilt for Israel.
4 Но слово царево преможе Иоава: и пойде Иоав, и обыде всего Израиля, и прииде во Иерусалим.
And [the] word of the king it prevailed over Joab and he went out Joab and he went about in all Israel and he came Jerusalem.
5 И даде Иоав Давиду число сочтения людий: и обретеся всего Израиля тысяща тысящ и сто тысящ мужей и носящих оружия: и от сынов Иудиных четыре ста и седмьдесят тысящ мужей носящих оружие:
And he gave Joab [the] number of [the] muster of the people to David and it was all Israel one thousand thousands and one hundred thousand man [who] drew out a sword and Judah four hundred and seventy thousand man [who] drew out a sword.
6 Левии же и Вениамина не сочте среде их, понеже вознегодова о словеси цареве Иоав.
And Levi and Benjamin not he enrolled in midst of them for it was abhorred [the] word of the king Joab.
7 И не угодно явися пред Богом повеление сие, и порази Израиля.
And it was displeasing in [the] eyes of God on the matter this and he struck Israel.
8 Рече же Давид ко Богу: согреших зело, яко сотворих вещь сию: и ныне молю, отими беззаконие раба Твоего, яко обезумихся зело.
And he said David to God I have sinned exceedingly that I have done the thing this and now cause to pass away please [the] guilt of servant your for I have acted foolishly exceedingly.
9 И рече Господь ко Гаду пророку Давидову, глаголя:
And he spoke Yahweh to Gad [the] seer of David saying.
10 иди и рцы к Давиду, глаголя: тако глаголет Господь: трие Аз наведу на тя, избери себе едино от них, и сотворю тебе.
Go and you will speak to David saying thus he says Yahweh three [things] I [am] holding out over you choose for yourself one from them so I may do [it] to you.
11 И прииде Гад к Давиду и рече ему:
And he went Gad to David and he said to him thus he says Yahweh take for yourself.
12 сице глаголет Господь: избери себе, (еже хощеши, ) или три лета глада, или три месяцы бегати тебе от лица враг твоих, и оружие враг твоих постигнет тя, или три дни мечь Господень, и смерть на землю, и Ангел Господень убиваяй во всем наследии Израилеве: ныне убо разсмотри, что отвещаю Пославшему мя со словом.
Whether three years famine and or three months being swept away from before opponents your and [the] sword of enemies your - to overtaking [you] and or three days [the] sword of Yahweh and pestilence in the land and [the] angel of Yahweh destroying in all [the] territory of Israel and therefore consider what? will I bring back [the] [one who] sent me word.
13 И рече Давид ко Гаду: тесна ми суть три сия зело: но лучше ми есть впасти в руце Господни, зане многи щедроты Его зело, в руки же человеческия да не впаду.
And he said David to Gad it is distress to me exceedingly let me fall please in [the] hand of Yahweh for [are] great compassion his exceedingly and in [the] hand of a human may not I fall.
14 И посла Господь смерть во Израиля, и падоша от Израиля седмьдесят тысящ мужей.
And he put Yahweh a pestilence on Israel and it fell of Israel seventy thousand person[s].
15 И посла Бог Ангела во Иерусалим, да избиет его. И егда избиваше, виде Господь и раскаяся о зле, и рече Ангелу избивающему: довлеет ти, отими руку твою. Ангел же Господень стояше на гумне Орны Иевусеанина.
And he sent God - an angel - to Jerusalem to destroy it and just as was destroying [it] he saw Yahweh and he relented on the calamity and he said to the angel destroying enough now let drop hand your and [the] angel of Yahweh [was] standing near [the] threshing floor of Ornan the Jebusite.
16 И возведе Давид очи своя, и виде Ангела Господня стояща между землею и небом, и мечь его извлечен в руку его, простерт на Иерусалим. И паде Давид и старейшины (Израилевы) облеченнии во вретище на лице свое,
And he lifted up David eyes his and he saw [the] angel of Yahweh standing between the earth and between the heavens and sword his drawn in hand his [was] stretched out over Jerusalem and he fell David and the elders covered in sackcloth on faces their.
17 и рече Давид к Богу: не аз ли повелех сочислити люди? Аз есмь, иже согреших, и зло творя зло сотворих, сия же овцы что сотвориша? Господи Боже мой, да будет рука Твоя на мне и на дому отца моего, а не на людех Твоих в погубление, Господи.
And he said David to God ¿ not I did I say to count the people and I [am] he (the shepherd *X*) who I have sinned and exceedingly I have done evil and these the sheep what? have they done O Yahweh God my let it be please hand your on me and on [the] house of father my and on people your not to a plague.
18 Ангел же Господень рече Гаду, еже глаголати к Давиду: да взыдет и созиждет олтарь Господу Богу на гумне Орны Иевусеанина.
And [the] angel of Yahweh he said to Gad to say to David that - he will go up David to set up an altar to Yahweh on [the] threshing floor of Ornan the Jebusite.
19 И взыде Давид по словеси Гадову, еже глагола именем Господним.
And he went up David by [the] word of Gad which he had spoken in [the] name of Yahweh.
20 И обратися Орна и виде царя, и четыри сынове его с ним крыющиися. Орна же бе (в то время) млатя на гумне пшеницу.
And he turned Ornan and he saw the angel and [the] four sons his with him [were] hiding themselves and Ornan he threshed wheat.
21 И прииде Давид ко Орне, и обратися Орна, и узре Давида, и пойде от гумна, и поклонися Давиду лицем на землю.
And he came David to Ornan and he looked Ornan and he saw David and he went out from the threshing floor and he bowed down to David face [the] ground towards.
22 Рече же Орне Давид: даждь мне место гумна твоего, да созижду на нем олтарь Господеви, на сребре достойне даждь ми е, и престанет язва от людий.
And he said David to Ornan give! to me [the] place of the threshing floor so I may build on it an altar to Yahweh for money full give it to me so it may be restrained the plague from on the people.
23 Рече же Орна к Давиду: возми себе, и да сотворит господин мой царь, еже угодно пред ним: се, даю телцы на всесожжение, и плуг на дрова, и пшеницу в жертву, вся (добровольно) даю.
And he said Ornan to David take [it] for yourself so may he do lord my the king the good in view his see I give the ox[en] for the burnt offerings and the threshing-sledges for the wood and the wheat for the grain offering everything I give.
24 И рече царь Давид Орне: ни, но куплею куплю, сребром достойным, понеже не возму Господеви, яже суть твоя, еже вознести всесожжение туне Господеви.
And he said the king David to Ornan In-deed certainly I will acquire [it] for money full for not I will take [that] which [belongs] to you for Yahweh and to offer up a burnt offering for nothing.
25 И даде Давид Орне за место то сикль златых весом шесть сот.
And he gave David to Ornan for the place shekels of gold weight six hundred.
26 И созда ту Давид олтарь Господеви, и вознесе всесожжения и спасителная и воззва ко Господу, и услыша его во огни от небесе на олтарь всесожжения, и потреби всесожжение.
And he built there David an altar to Yahweh and he offered up burnt offerings and peace offerings and he called out to Yahweh and he answered him by fire from the heavens on [the] altar of the burnt offering.
27 И рече Господь ко Ангелу: и вложи мечь во влагалище его.
And he spoke Yahweh to the angel and he returned sword his to sheath its.
28 Во время оно, егда виде Давид, яко услыша его Господь на гумне Орны Иевусеанина, и пожре ту жертвы.
At the time that when saw David that he had answered him Yahweh on [the] threshing floor of Ornan the Jebusite and he sacrificed there.
29 И скиния Господня, юже сотвори Моисей в пустыни, и олтарь всесожжения во время оно бысть в вышнем, еже в Гаваоне.
And [the] tabernacle of Yahweh which he had made Moses in the wilderness and [the] altar of the burnt offering at the time that [were] in the high place at Gibeon.
30 И не возможе Давид ити пред него, еже вопросити Бога, понеже устрашен бысть от лица меча Ангела Господня.
And not he was able David to go before it to seek God for he was terrified of [the] sword of [the] angel of Yahweh.

< Первая книга Паралипоменон 21 >