< VaRoma 11 >
1 Naizvozvo ndinoti: Mwari wakarasa vanhu vake here? Ngazvisadaro! Nokuti iniwo ndiri muIsraeri, kubva pambeu yaAbhurahama, werudzi rwaBhenjamini.
I Demaund then, Hath God cast away his people? God forbid: for I also am an Israelite, of the seede of Abraham, of the tribe of Beniamin.
2 Mwari haana kurasa vanhu vake vaakagara aziva. Kana hamuzivi kuti rugwaro rwunoti kudini kuna Eria here? Kuti anoreverera sei kuna Mwari achipesana neVaIsraeri, achiti:
God hath not cast away his people which he knew before. Know ye not what the Scripture sayth of Elias, howe hee communeth with God against Israel, saying,
3 Ishe, vakauraya vaporofita venyu, uye vakaputsa aritari dzenyu; zvino ini ndasara ndega, uye vanotsvaka upenyu hwangu.
Lord, they haue killed thy Prophets, and digged downe thine altars: and I am left alone, and they seeke my life?
4 Asi mhinduro yaMwari inoti kudii kwaari? Inoti: Ndakazvisiira zvuru zvinomwe zvevarume, vasina kufugamira ibvi kuna Bhaari.
But what saith the answere of God to him? I haue reserued vnto my selfe seuen thousand men, which haue not bowed the knee to Baal.
5 Zvino saizvozvo nemunguva yaikozvino variko vakasara maererano nesananguro yenyasha.
Euen so then at this present time is there a remnant according to the election of grace.
6 Asi kana zviri zvenyasha, hazvichabvi pamabasa; kana zvisakadaro, nyasha hadzisisiri nyasha. Asi kana zvichibva pamabasa, hadzisati dzichiri nyasha; kana zvisakadaro basa harisati richiri basa.
And if it be of grace, it is no more of workes: or els were grace no more grace: but if it be of workes, it is no more grace: or els were worke no more worke.
7 Ko zvino? Israeri zvaakange achitsvaka, haana kuzviwana, asi vasanangurwa vakazviwana, vamwewo vakaomeswa;
What then? Israel hath not obtained that he sought: but the election hath obteined it, and the rest haue bene hardened,
8 sezvazvakanyorwa, zvichinzi: Mwari wakavapa mweya wehope huru, meso kuti varege kuona, nenzeve kuti varege kunzwa, kusvikira zuva ranhasi.
According as it is written, God hath giuen them the spirit of slumber: eyes that they should not see, and eares that they should not heare vnto this day.
9 NaDhavhidhi anoti: Tafura yavo ngaiitwe rudzingi nemusungo, nechigumbuso nekutsiva kwavari;
And Dauid sayth, Let their table be made a snare, and a net, and a stumbling blocke, euen for a recompence vnto them.
10 meso avo ngaasvibirwe kuti varege kuona, uye mukotamise musana wavo narinhi.
Let their eyes be darkened that they see not, and bowe downe their backe alwayes.
11 Naizvozvo ndinoti: Vakagumbuswa kuti vawe here? Ngazvisadaro! Asi nekudarika kwavo ruponeso rwakasvika kuvahedheni, kuvamutsira godo.
I demaund then, Haue they stumbled, that they should fall? God forbid: but through their fall, saluation commeth vnto the Gentiles, to prouoke them to follow them.
12 Zvino kana kudarika kwavo kuri fuma yenyika, nekukundikana kwavo ifuma yevahedheni, zvikuru sei kuzara kwavo?
Wherefore if the fall of them be the riches of the world, and the diminishing of them the riches of the Gentiles, how much more shall their aboundance be?
13 Nokuti ndinotaura kwamuri vahedheni; sezvo ndiri ini muapositori wevahedheni, ndinokudza ushumiri hwangu;
For in that I speake to you Gentiles, in as much as I am the Apostle of ye Gentiles, I magnifie mine office,
14 kuti zvimwe ndingamutsira godo venyama yangu, uye ndiponese vamwe vavo.
To trie if by any meanes I might prouoke them of my flesh to follow them, and might saue some of them.
15 Nokuti kana kuraswa kwavo kuri kuyananiswa kwenyika, kugamuchirwa kuchaveiko, kunze kwekuti upenyu hunobva kuvakafa?
For if the casting away of them be the reconciling of the world, what shall the receiuing be, but life from the dead?
16 Zvino kana chibereko chekutanga chiri chitsvene, bunduwo rakadaro; uye kana mudzi uri mutsvene, nematavi akadaro.
For if the first fruites be holy, so is the whole lumpe: and if the roote be holy, so are the branches.
17 Asi kana mamwe ematavi akavhuniwa, newe uri muorivhi wekudondo ukabatanidzwa pakati pawo, ukava mugovani pamwe nawo pamudzi nepamafuta emuorivhi,
And though some of the branches be broken off, and thou being a wilde Oliue tree, wast graft in for them, and made partaker of the roote, and fatnesse of the Oliue tree.
18 usazvikudza pamusoro pematavi; asi kana uchizvikudza, hausi iwe anotakura mudzi, asi mudzi unokutakura iwe.
Boast not thy selfe against the branches: and if thou boast thy selfe, thou bearest not the roote, but the roote thee.
19 Zvino uchati: Matavi akavhuniwa, kuti ini ndibatanidzwe.
Thou wilt say then, The branches are broken off, that I might be graft in.
20 Zvakanaka; nekusatenda vakavhuniwa, iwe umire nerutendo. Usazvikudza, asi itya;
Well: through vnbeliefe they are broken off, and thou standest by faith: bee not hie minded, but feare.
21 nokuti kana Mwari asina kurega matavi echisikirwo, zvimwe haangakuregi iwewo.
For if God spared not the naturall branches, take heede, least he also spare not thee.
22 Zvino tarira unyoro nekuomarara kwaMwari; kune vanowa, kuomarara; asi kwauri, unyoro, kana uchigara paunyoro hwake; kana zvikasadaro newe ungatemwa.
Beholde therefore the bountifulnesse, and seueritie of God: towarde them which haue fallen, seueritie: but toward thee, bountifulnesse, if thou continue in his bountifulnesse: or els thou shalt also be cut off.
23 Naivowo, kana vasingagari pakusatenda, vachabatanidzwa, nokuti Mwari anogona kuvabatanidzazve.
And they also, if they abide not still in vnbeliefe, shall be graffed in: for God is able to graffe them in againe.
24 Nokuti kana iwe wakatemwa kumuorivhi uri wedondo pachisikirwo, ukabatanidzwa zvinopesana nechisikirwo pamuorivhi wakasimwa, vangabatanidzwa zvikuru sei avo vari matavi echisikirwo pamuorivhi wekwavo?
For if thou wast cut out of the Oliue tree, which was wilde by nature, and wast graffed contrary to nature in a right Oliue tree, how much more shall they that are by nature, bee graffed in their owne Oliue tree?
25 Nokuti handidi kuti musaziva, hama, zvechakavanzika ichi, kuti murege kuzviita vakangwara, kuti kuomeswa kwemoyo kwakawira Israeri muchidimbu kusvikira kwapinda kuzara kwavahedheni;
For I would not, brethren, that ye should be ignorant of this secret (least ye should bee arrogant in your selues) that partly obstinacie is come to Israel, vntill the fulnesse of the Gentiles be come in.
26 saizvozvowo Israeri wese achaponeswa; sezvazvakanyorwa zvichinzi: PaZiyoni pachabva Musununguri achabvisa kusada Mwari kuna Jakobho.
And so all Israel shalbe saued, as it is written, The deliuerer shall come out of Sion, and shall turne away the vngodlinesse from Iacob.
27 Uye iyi isungano yangu kwavari, pandichabvisa zvivi zvavo.
And this is my couenant to them, When I shall take away their sinnes.
28 Maererano neevhangeri vavengi nekuda kwenyu; asi maererano nekusanangura vadikanwi nekuda kwemadzibaba;
As concerning the Gospel, they are enemies for your sakes: but as touching the election, they are beloued for the fathers sakes.
29 nokuti zvipo nekudana kwaMwari hazvishanduki.
For the giftes and calling of God are without repentance.
30 Nokuti semwiwo kare musina kuteerera Mwari, asi zvino makanzwirwa tsitsi nekusateerera kwavo;
For euen as yee in times past haue not beleeued God, yet haue nowe obteined mercie through their vnbeliefe:
31 saizvozvo naivava ikozvino havana kuteerera, kuti netsitsi dzenyu naivo vanzwirwe tsitsi;
Euen so nowe haue they not beleeued by the mercie shewed vnto you, that they also may obtaine mercie.
32 nokuti Mwari wakavapfigira vese mukusateera, kuti ave netsitsi kwavari vese. (eleēsē )
For God hath shut vp all in vnbeliefe, that he might haue mercie on all. (eleēsē )
33 Haiwa kudzika kwefuma, zvese yeuchenjeri neruzivo rwaMwari! Kutonga kwake hakunzverwi zvakadini, nenzira dzake hadzirondwi!
O the deepenesse of the riches, both of the wisdome, and knowledge of God! howe vnsearcheable are his iudgements, and his wayes past finding out!
34 Nokuti ndiani wakaziva fungwa yaIshe? Kana ndiani wakange ari murairidzi wake?
For who hath knowen the minde of the Lord? or who was his counsellour?
35 Kana ndiani wakatanga kupa kwaari, uye zvichadzorerwa kwaari?
Or who hath giuen vnto him first, and he shalbe recompensed?
36 Nokuti zvese zvinobva kwaari, nemaari, zvinoenda kwaari; kubwinya ngakuve kwaari kusvika narinhi. Ameni. (aiōn )
For of him, and through him, and for him are all things: to him be glory for euer. Amen. (aiōn )