< Mateo 5 >

1 Zvino wakati achiona zvaunga akakwira mugomo, zvino wakati agara pasi vadzidzi vake vakauya kwaari;
Jesus, seeing so great a confluence, repaired to a mountain, and having sat down, his disciples came to him.
2 akashamisa muromo wake, akavadzidzisa achiti:
Then breaking silence, he taught them, saying:
3 Vakaropafadzwa varombo pamweya; nokuti ushe hwekumatenga ndehwavo.
Happy the poor who repine not; for the kingdom of heaven is theirs!
4 Vakaropafadzwa vanochema; nokuti ivo vachanyaradzwa.
Happy they who mourn; for they shall receive consolation!
5 Vakaropafadzwa vanyoro; nokuti ivo vachagara nhaka yenyika.
Happy the meek; for they shall inherit the land!
6 Vakaropafadzwa vane nzara nenyota yekururama; nokuti ivo vachagutiswa.
Happy they who hunger and thirst for righteousness; for they shall be satisfied!
7 Vakaropafadzwa vane tsitsi; nokuti ivo vachaitirwa tsitsi.
Happy the merciful; for they shall obtain mercy!
8 Vakaropafadzwa vakachena pamoyo; nokuti ivo vachaona Mwari.
Happy the pure in heart; for they shall see God!
9 Vakaropafadzwa vanoyananisa; nokuti ivo vachanzi vana vaMwari.
Happy the peace-makers; for they shall be called sons of God!
10 Vakaropafadzwa vanoshushwa nekuda kwekururama; nokuti ushe hwekumatenga ndehwavo.
Happy they who suffer persecution on account of righteousness; for the kingdom of heaven is theirs!
11 Makaropafadzwa imwi, kana vachikutukai, vachikushushai, vachikutaurirai zvakaipa zvese vachireva nhema nekuda kwangu.
Happy shall you be, when men shall revile and persecute you; and, on my account, accuse you falsely of every evil thing!
12 Farai mupembere kwazvo, nokuti mubairo wenyu mukuru mumatenga; nokuti vakashusha saizvozvo vaporofita vakakutangirai.
Rejoice and exult, for great is your reward in heaven; for thus the Prophets were persecuted, who were before you.
13 Imwi muri munyu wenyika; asi kana munyu warasa kuvava, ucharungwa nei? Hauchabatsiri chinhu, asi kurasirwa kunze, utsikwe-tsikwe nevanhu.
You are the salt of the earth. If the salt become insipid, how shall its saltness be restored? It is thenceforth fit only to be cast out, and trod under foot.
14 Imwi muri chiedza chenyika; guta rakamiswa pamusoro pegomo haringavanziki;
You are the light of the world. A city situate on a mountain must be conspicuous.
15 uye mwenje havautungidzi vakauisa pasi pedengu, asi pachigadziko chemwenje, uvhenekere vese vari mumba.
A lamp is lighted to be put, not under a vessel, but on a stand, that it may shine to all the family.
16 Saizvozvo chiedza chenyu ngachivhenekere pamberi pevanhu, kuti vaone mabasa enyu akanaka, vagokudza Baba venyu vari kumatenga.
Thus, let your light shine before men, that they, seeing your good actions, may glorify your Father, who is in heaven.
17 Musafunga kuti ndauya kuzoparadza murairo kana vaporofita; handina kuuya kuzoparadza, asi kuzozadzisa.
Think not that I am come to subvert the law or the prophets. I am come not to subvert, but to ratify.
18 Nokuti zvirokwazvo ndinoti kwamuri: Kusvikira denga nenyika zvichipfuura, vara diki rimwe kana chidodzi chimwe kubva pamurairo hazvingatongopfuuri, kusvikira zvese zvaitika.
For, indeed, I say to you, heaven and earth shall sooner perish, than one iota, or on tittle of the law shall perish, without attaining its end.
19 Naizvozvo ani nani anotyora umwe wemirairo midikisa iyi, akadzidzisa vanhu saizvozvo, achanzi mudikisa muushe hwekumatenga; asi ani nani anoita akaidzidzisa, iye achanzi mukuru muushe hwekumatenga.
Whosoever, therefore, shall violate, or teach others to violate, were it the least of these commandments, shall be in no esteem in the Reign of Heaven; but whosoever shall practice and teach them, shall be highly esteemed in the Reign of Heaven.
20 Nokuti ndinoti kwamuri: Kunze kwekuti kururama kwenyu kukapfuura kwevanyori nekweVaFarisi, hamungatongopindi muushe hwekumatenga.
For I tell you, that unless your righteousness excel the righteousness of the Scribes and Pharisees, you shall never enter the kingdom of heaven.
21 Makanzwa kuti zvakanzi kune vekare: Usauraya; uye ani nani anouraya achava nemhosva yemutongo;
You have heard that it was said to the ancients, "You shall not commit murder; for whosoever commits murder shall be obnoxious to the judges."
22 asi ini ndinoti kwamuri: Ani nani anotsamwira umwe wake pasina chikonzero, achava nemhosva yemutongo; neanoti kune umwe wake: Dununu! achava nemhosva yedare remakurukota; uye anoti: Benzi! achava nemhosva yegehena remoto. (Geenna g1067)
But I say to you, whosoever is angry with his brother unjustly, shall be obnoxious to the judges; whosoever shall call him fool, shall be obnoxious to the council; but whosoever shall call him miscreant, shall be obnoxious to hell fire. (Geenna g1067)
23 Naizvozvo kana uchiuisa chipo chako kuaritari, ipapo ukarangarira kuti umwe wako ane chekupikisana newe,
Therefore, if you bring your gift to the altar, and there recollect, that your brother has ground to complain of you;
24 siya ipapo chipo chako pamberi pearitari, uende umbonotanga wayanana neumwe wako, ugouya wopira chipo chako.
leave there your gift before the altar: first go and procure reconciliation with your brother; then come, and offer your gift.
25 Tenderana nemudzivisi wako nekukurumidza, uchiri munzira naye, zvimwe mudzivisi angakukumikidza kumutongi, mutongi akukumikidze kumupurisa, ukakandirwa mutirongo.
Compound speedily with your creditor, while you are on the road together; lest he deliver you to the judge; and the judge consign you to the officer, and you be thrown into prison.
26 Zvirokwazvo ndinoti kwauri: Haungatongobudimo, kusvikira waripa kamari kekupedzisira.
Indeed, I say to you, you will not be released, until you have discharged the last farthing.
27 Makanzwa kuti zvakanzi kune vekare: Usaita upombwe;
You have heard that it was said, "You shall not commit adultery."
28 asi ini ndinoti kwamuri: Wese anotarisa mukadzi kuti amuchive, watoita upombwe naye mumoyo make.
But I say to you, whoever looks on another man's wife, in order to cherish impure desire, has already committed adultery with her in his heart.
29 Uye kana ziso rako rerudyi richikugumbusa, uridzure urase kubva kwauri; nokuti zviri nani kwauri kuti umwe wemitezo yako uparare, kwete kuti muviri wako wese ukandirwe mugehena. (Geenna g1067)
Therefore, if your right eye ensnare you, pluck it out, and throw it away: it is better for you to lose one of your members, than that your whole body be cast into hell. (Geenna g1067)
30 Zvino kana ruoko rwako rwerudyi ruchikugumbusa, urugure urasire kure newe; nokuti zviri nani kwauri kuti umwe wemitezo yako uparare, kwete kuti muviri wako wese ukandirwe mugehena. (Geenna g1067)
And if your right hand ensnare you, cut it off and throw it away: it is better for you to lose one of your members, than that your whole body be cast into hell. (Geenna g1067)
31 Zvakanziwo: Ani nani anoramba mukadzi wake, ngaamupe rugwaro rwekurambana;
It has been said, "Whosoever would dismiss his wife, let him give her a writ of divorce."
32 asi ini ndinoti kwamuri: Ani nani anoramba mukadzi wake, kunze kwemhosva yeupombwe, anomuitisa upombwe; uye ani nani anowana wakarambwa anoita upombwe.
But I say to you, whosoever shall dismiss his wife, except for whoredom, is the occasion of her becoming an adulteress; and whosoever marries her that is dismissed, commits adultery.
33 Zvekare makanzwa kuti zvakanzi kune vekare: Usapika nhema, asi uripire Ishe mhiko dzako;
Again, you have heard that it was said to the ancients, "You shall not forswear yourself, but shall perform your oaths to the Lord."
34 asi ini ndinoti kwamuri: Musatongopika; kana nedenga, nokuti chigaro chaMwari cheushe;
But I say to you, swear not at all; neither by heaven, for it is God's throne;
35 kana nenyika, nokuti chitsiko chetsoka dzake; kana neJerusarema, nokuti iguta raMambo mukuru;
nor by the earth, for it is his footstool; neither shall you swear by Jerusalem, for it is the city of the great King;
36 uye usapika nemusoro wako, nokuti haugoni kuita ruvhudzi rumwe ruchena kana rutema.
not by your head, because you can not make one hair white or black.
37 Asi shoko renyu ngarive: Hongu, hongu; kwete, kwete; chinopfuura izvi chinobva kune wakaipa.
But let your yes, be Yes; your no, No; for whatever exceeds these, proceeds from evil.
38 Makanzwa kuti zvakanzi: Ziso neziso, uye zino nezino;
You have heard that it was said, "Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth."
39 asi ini ndinoti kwamuri: Musapikisa wakaipa; asi ani nani anokurova padama rako rerudyi, umutendeusire rimwewo.
But I say to you, contend not with the injurious. But if any one strike you on the right cheek, turn to him also the left.
40 Neanoda kukusungisa, nekutora shati yako, umutendere nguvo yakowo.
Whoever will sue you for your coat, let him have your mantle likewise.
41 Ani nani anokumanikidza kuenda maira imwe uende naye mbiri.
And if a man constrain you to go one mile with him, go two.
42 Ipa anokumbira kwauri, usafuratira anoda kukwereta kwauri.
Give to him that asks you; and him that would borrow from you, put not away.
43 Makanzwa kuti zvakanzi: Ude umwe wako, uvenge muvengi wako.
You have heard that it was said, "You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy."
44 Asi ini ndinoti kwamuri: Idai vavengi venyu, ropafadzai vanokutukai, batai zvakanaka vanokuvengai, munyengeterere vanokubatai zvakaipa vachikushushai.
But I say to you, love your enemies; bless them who curse you; do good to them who hate you; and pray for them who arraign and persecute you;
45 Kuti muve vana vaBaba venyu vari kumatenga, nokuti vanobudisira zuva ravo kune vakaipa nevakanaka, nemvura vanoinaisira vakarurama nevasakarurama.
that you may be children of your Father in heaven, who makes his sun arise on bad and good, and sends rain on just and unjust.
46 Nokuti kana muchida vanokudai, mune mubairo wei? Ko, vateresiwo havaiti izvozvo here?
For if you love them only who love you, what reward can you expect? Do not even the publicans so?
47 Uye kana muchikwazisa vamwe venyu chete, munoita zvikuru kupfuura vamwe nei? Ko, vateresiwo havaiti saizvozvo here?
And if you salute your brothers only, wherein do you excel? Do not even the Pagans as much?
48 Naizvozvo imwi muve vakakwana, saBaba venyu vari kumatenga vakakwana.
Be you therefore perfect, as your father who is in heaven is perfect.

< Mateo 5 >