< Mateo 4 >

1 Zvino Jesu wakatungamirirwa neMweya kurenje kuti anoidzwa nadhiabhorosi.
Then Jesus was led up into the wilderness by the Spirit to be tempted by the devil.
2 Zvino wakati atsanya mazuva makumi mana neusiku makumi mana, akazonzwa nzara.
And having fasted days forty and nights forty afterward He was hungry.
3 Zvino muidzi wakati auya kwaari, akati: Kana uri Mwanakomana waMwari, raira kuti mabwe awa aite zvingwa.
And having come the [one] tempting he said to Him; If Son You are of God, (do speak *NK(O)*) that stones these loaves of bread may become.
4 Asi iye wakapindura akati: Kwakanyorwa kuchinzi: Munhu haangararami nechingwa chega, asi neshoko rimwe nerimwe rinobuda mumuromo maMwari.
But answering He said; It has been written: Not by bread alone will live (the *no*) man, but (by *NK(o)*) every declaration coming out through [the] mouth of God.’
5 Zvino dhiabhorosi wakamutora akamuisa muguta dzvene, akamumisa pachiruvu chetembere,
Then takes Him the devil to the holy city and (set *N(k)O*) Him upon the pinnacle of the temple
6 ndokuti kwaari: Kana uri Mwanakomana waMwari, zvikandire pasi; nokuti kwakanyorwa kuti: Iye acharaira vatumwa vake pamusoro pako, uye pamaoko vachakugamha, zvimwe ungagumbusa rutsoka rwako pabwe.
and says to him; If Son You are of God, do throw Yourself down; it has been written for that To the angels of Him He will give orders concerning You, and in [their] hands will they bear up You otherwise otherwise You may strike against a stone the foot of You.’
7 Jesu akati kwaari: Kwakanyorwa zvekare: Usaidza Ishe Mwari wako.
was saying to him Jesus; Again it has been written: Not you will test [the] Lord the God of you.’
8 Dhiabhorosi akamuisazve pagomo refusa, akamuratidza ushe hwese hwenyika nekubwinya kwahwo.
Again takes Him the devil to a mountain high exceedingly and shows to Him all the kingdoms of the world and the glory of them
9 Akati kwaari: Zvese zvinhu izvi ndichapa kwauri kana ukawira pasi ukandinamata.
and (he says *N(k)O*) to Him; These things to You all will I give, if falling down You shall worship me.
10 Ipapo Jesu akati kwaari: Ibva, Satani, nokuti kwakanyorwa kuchinzi: Uchanamata Ishe Mwari wako, uchashumira iye oga.
Then says to him Jesus; do go away (behind me *O*) Satan; it has been written for: [The] Lord the God of you you will worship and Him alone will you serve.’
11 Ipapo dhiabhorosi akamusiya; zvino tarira, vatumwa vakauya vakamushandira.
Then leaves Him the devil, and behold angels came and they were ministering to Him.
12 Zvino Jesu wakati anzwa kuti Johwani wakumikidzwa mutirongo, akabva akaenda Garirea.
Having heard now (Jesus *k*) that John was delivered up He withdrew into Galilee.
13 Zvino wakabva Nazareta, akauya akagara muKapenaume riri pagungwa, mumiganhu yeZebhuruni neNafitarimi;
And having left Nazareth, having come he dwelt at Capernaum which [is] on the sea-side in [the] region of Zebulun and of Naphtali,
14 kuti zvizadziswe zvakarehwa naIsaya muporofita, achiti:
that it may be fulfilled that having been spoken through Isaiah the prophet saying:
15 Nyika yeZebhuruni nenyika yeNefitarimi, panzira yegungwa, mhiri kwaJoridhani, Garirea revahedheni;
Land of Zebulun and land of Naphtali, way of [the] sea beyond the Jordan, Galilee of the Gentiles —
16 vanhu vakange vagere murima vakaona chiedza chikuru; nevakange vagere panharaunda nemumumvuri werufu, chiedza chakabudira kwavari.
The nation the [one] sitting in (darkness *NK(o)*) light have seen great, and to those sitting in [the] land and in a shadow of death a light has dawned on them.
17 Kubvira panguva iyo Jesu wakatanga kuparidza nokuti: Tendeukai, nokuti ushe hwekumatenga hwaswedera.
From that time began Jesus to proclaim and to say; do repent; has drawn near for the kingdom of the heavens.
18 Zvino Jesu wakati achifamba-famba parutivi rwegungwa reGarirea akaona vanakomana vemunhu umwe vaviri, Simoni anonzi Petro, naAndiriya munin'ina wake, vachikandira mumbure mugungwa; nokuti vakange vari varedzi.
Walking now (Jesus *k*) beside the Sea of Galilee He saw two brothers, Simon the [one] being named Peter and Andrew the brother of him casting a net into the sea; they were for fishermen.
19 Akati kwavari: Nditeverei, ndigokuitai varedzi vevanhu.
And He says to them; Come after Me, and I will make you fishers of men.
20 Pakarepo vakasiya mimbure vakamutevera.
And immediately having left the nets they followed Him.
21 Zvino wakati apfuurira kubva ipapo akaona vamwe vaviri vanakomana vemunhu umwe, Jakobho waZebhedhi naJohwani munin'ina wake muchikepe pamwe naZebhedhi baba vavo, vachigadzira mimbure yavo, akavadana.
And having gone on from there He saw others two brothers, James the [son] of Zebedee and John the brother of him in the boat with Zebedee the father of them mending the nets of them, and He called them.
22 Pakarepo vakasiya chikepe nababa vavo vakamutevera.
And immediately having left the boat and the father of them they followed Him.
23 Jesu akapota neGarirea rese achidzidzisa mumasinagoge avo, nekuparidza evhangeri yeushe, achiporesa denda rega-rega neurwere hwega-hwega pavanhu.
And He was going (through *no*) (all Galilee *N(k)O*) (Jesus *ko*) teaching in the synagogues of them and proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom and healing every disease and every sickness among the people.
24 Shoko rake rikabudira kuSiriya yese; vakauisa kwaari varwere vese, vakabatwa nehosha dzakasiyana-siyana, nemarwadzo, nevakange vane madhimoni, nevaiva nezvipusha, nevakange vakafa mitezo; akavaporesa.
And went out the news of Him into all Syria; And they brought to Him all the sick having various diseases and by pains oppressing, and those being demonised and those being epileptic and those paralytic; and He healed them.
25 Zvino zvaunga zvikuru zvakamutevera, vaibva Garirea, neDhekapori, neJerusarema, neJudhiya, nemhiri kwaJoridhani.
And followed Him crowds great from Galilee and [the] Decapolis and Jerusalem and Judea and beyond the Jordan.

< Mateo 4 >