< Johani 5 >

1 Shure kwezvinhu izvi kwakava nemutambo weVaJudha; Jesu ndokukwira kuJerusarema.
Afterward there was a Jewish festival, and Jesus went to Jerusalem.
2 Zvino paJerusarema pedo nesuwo regwai pane dziva rinonzi Bhetisaidha nechiHebheru, rine maberere mashanu.
Now there is at Jerusalem, nigh the sheep gate, a bath, called, in Hebrew, Bethesda, which has five covered walks.
3 Mukati mawo makange murere chaunga chikuru chevarwere, chemapofu, chezvirema, chevakawonyana, vakamirira kubvongodzwa kwemvura.
In these lay a great number of sick, blind, lame, and palsied people, waiting for the moving of the water,
4 Nokuti mutumwa waiburukira pane imwe nguva mudziva iro, achibvongodza mvura; koti anotanga kupinda shure kwekubvongodzwa kwemvura, waiporeswa, pachirwere chipi zvacho chaainge akabatwa nacho.
(for a messenger at times descended into the bath, and agitated the water; and the first that stepped in, after the agitation of the water, was cured of whatever disease he had.)
5 Zvino kwaivapo umwe munhu waiva nemakore makumi matatu nemasere ane chifo.
Now, there was one there, who had been diseased thirty-eight years.
6 Jesu wakati amuona arere, achiziva kuti ikozvino wakange ava nenguva refu, akati kwaari: Unoda kuporeswa here?
Jesus, who saw him lying, and knew that he had been long ill, said to him, Do you desire to be healed?
7 Murwere akamupindura akati: Ishe, handina munhu anondikanda mudziva, kana mvura ichibvongodzwa; asi kana ini ndichiuya, umwe anoburukira mberi kwangu.
The diseased man answered, Sir, I have no person to put me into the bath, when the water is agitated; but while I am going, another gets down before me.
8 Jesu akati kwaari: Simuka, simudza nhovo yako, ufambe.
Jesus said to him, Arise, take up your couch and walk.
9 Zvino pakarepo munhu uyu akaporeswa, ndokusimudza nhovo yake akafamba. Zvino raiva sabata nemusi iwoyo.
Instantly the man was healed, and took up his couch and walked.
10 Naizvozvo VaJudha vakati kune wakaporeswa: Isabata; hazvisi pamutemo kuti utakure nhovo.
Now, that day was the Sabbath. The Jews, therefore, said to him that was cured, This is the Sabbath. It is now lawful for you to carry the couch.
11 Akavapindura akati: Uyo wandiporesa, ndiye wati kwandiri: Simudza nhovo yako ufambe.
He answered, He who healed me, said to me, Take up your couch and walk.
12 Saka vakamubvunza vachiti: Ndiani munhu uyo wati kwauri: Simudza nhovo yako ufambe?
They asked him then, Who is the man that said to you, Take up your couch and walk?
13 Zvino wakange aporeswa wakange asingazivi kuti ndiani; nokuti Jesu wakange asvova, zvakwaiva nechaunga panzvimbo iyo.
But he that had been healed, knew who it was; for Jesus had slipped away, there being a crowd in the place.
14 Shure kwezvinhu izvi Jesu akamuwana mutembere, akati kwaari: Tarira waporeswa; usatadzazve, zvimwe chimwe chakanyanya kuipa chingaitika kwauri.
Jesus, afterward, finding him in the temple, said to him, Behold, you are cured; sin no more, lest something worse befall you.
15 Munhu akabva, akaudza VaJudha kuti ndiJesu wakamuporesa.
The man went, and told the Jews that it was Jesus who had cured him.
16 Zvino nekuda kweizvozvo VaJudha vakashusha Jesu, ndokutsvaka kumuuraya, nokuti wakaita zvinhu izvi nesabata.
Therefore, the Jews persecuted Jesus, because he had done this on the Sabbath.
17 Asi Jesu wakavapindura akati: Baba vangu vanoshanda kusvikira ikozvino, neni ndinoshanda.
But Jesus answered them, My Father works until now; I also work.
18 Naizvozvo nekuda kweizvi VaJudha vakanyanya kutsvaka kumuuraya, nokuti wakange asingadariki sabata chete, asi wakatiwo Mwari ndiBaba vake vomene, achizvienzanisa naMwari.
For this reason the Jews were the more intent to kill him; because he had not only broken the Sabbath, but, by calling God his real Father, had equaled himself to God.
19 Zvino Jesu akapindura akati kwavari: Zvirokwazvo, zvirokwazvo, ndinoti kwamuri: Mwanakomana haagoni kuita pachake, kunze kwezvaanoona Baba vachichiita; nokuti chero icho chavanoita, ndizvowo saizvozvo Mwanakomanawo zvaanoita.
Then Jesus addressed them, saying, Most assuredly, I say to you, the Son can do nothing of himself, but as he sees the Father do: for what things soever he does, such does the Son, likewise.
20 Nokuti Baba vanoda Mwanakomana, uye vanomuratidza zvinhu zvese zvavanoita ivo; vachamuratidzawo mabasa makuru anopfuura awa, kuti imwi mushamisike.
For the Father loves the Son, and shows him all that he himself does: nay, and will show him greater works than these, which will astonish you.
21 Nokuti Baba sezvavanomutsa vakafa vachivararamisa, saizvozvo Mwanakomana anoraramisawo vaanoda.
For as the Father raises and quickens the dead, the Son also quickens whom he will:
22 Nokuti naBaba havatongi munhu, asi vakapa Mwanakomana kutonga kwese;
for the Father judges no person, having committed the power of judging entirely to the Son,
23 kuti vese vakudze Mwanakomana sezvavanokudza Baba. Asingakudzi Mwanakomana, haakudzi Baba vakamutuma.
that all might honor the Son; as they honor the Father. He that honors not the Son, honors not the Father, who sent him.
24 Zvirokwazvo, zvirokwazvo, ndinoti kwamuri: Anonzwa shoko rangu, nekutenda kune wakandituma, ane upenyu husingaperi; uye haasviki mukupiwa mhosva, asi wapfuura kubva murufu akaenda muupenyu. (aiōnios g166)
Most assuredly, I say to you, he who hears my doctrine, and believes him who sent me, has eternal life; and shall not suffer condemnation, having passed from death to life. (aiōnios g166)
25 Zvirokwazvo, zvirokwazvo, ndinoti kwamuri: Awa rinouya, nazvino ravapo, apo vakafa vachanzwa inzwi reMwanakomana waMwari, uye vanonzwa vachararama.
Most assuredly, I say to you, the time comes; or, rather, is come, when the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God; and hearing, they shall live.
26 Nokuti Baba sezvavane upenyu mavari pachavo, saizvozvo vakapa kuMwanakomanawo kuti ave neupenyu maari pachake;
For, as the Father has life in himself, so has he given to the Son, to have life in himself;
27 uye vakamupa simba rekutongawo, nokuti Mwanakomana wemunhu.
and has given him even the judicial authority, because he is a Son of Man.
28 Musashamisika nezvizvi; nokuti awa rinouya, apo vese vari mumakuva vachanzwa inzwi rake,
Wonder not at this: for the time comes when all that are in their graves shall hear his voice,
29 zvino vachabuda, avo vakaita zvakanaka, mukumuka kweupenyu; neavo vakaita zvakaipa, mukumuka kwekupiwa mhosva.
and shall come forth. They who have done good, shall arise to enjoy life; they who have done evil, shall arise to suffer punishment.
30 Ini handigoni kuita chinhu pachangu; sekunzwa kwangu, ndinotonga; uye kutonga kwangu kwakarurama, nokuti handitsvaki chido changu, asi chido chaBaba vakandituma.
I can do nothing of myself; as I hear, I judge; and my judgment is just, because I seek not to please myself, but to please him who sent me.
31 Kana ini ndichipupura nezvangu, uchapupu hwangu hahusi hwechokwadi.
If I alone testify concerning myself, my testimony is not to be regarded:
32 Aripo umwe anopupura nezvangu; uye ndinoziva kuti uchapupu hwaanopupura nezvangu ndehwechokwadi.
there is another who testifies concerning me; and I know that his testimony of me ought to be regarded.
33 Imwi makatumira kuna Johwani, uye akapupurira chokwadi.
You, yourselves, sent to John, and he bore testimony of the truth.
34 Asi ini handigamuchiri uchapupu hunobva kumunhu, asi ndinoreva zvinhu izvi kuti imwi muponeswe.
As for me, I need no human testimony; I can only urge this for your salvation.
35 Iye wakange ari mwenje unopfuta neunovhenekera, nemwi makange muchishuva kufara kwazvo kwechinguvana muchiedza chake.
He was the blazing and shining lamp; and for awhile, you were glad to enjoy his light.
36 Asi ini ndine uchapupu ukuru kune hwaJohwani; nokuti mabasa Baba avakandipa kuti ndimapedze, mabasa pachawo ini andinoita, anopupura nezvangu kuti Baba vakandituma.
But I have greater testimony than John's: for the works which the Father has empowered me to perform, the works themselves, which I do, testify for me, that the Father has sent me.
37 NaBaba vakandituma, ivo vakapupura nezvangu. Hamuna chero nguva kunzwa inzwi rake, kana kuona chimiro chake.
Nay, the Father, who sent me, has himself attested me. Did you never hear his voice, or see his form?
38 Uye hamuna shoko rake rinogara mamuri, nokuti iye waakatuma, uyu imwi hamuna kumutenda.
Or, have you forgotten his declaration, that you believe not him whom he has sent forth?
39 Nzverai magwaro, nokuti imwi munofunga kuti mune upenyu husingaperi maari, uye ndiwo anopupura nezvangu. (aiōnios g166)
You search the scriptures because you think to obtain by them eternal life. Now these, also, are witnesses for me; (aiōnios g166)
40 Asi hamudi kuuya kwandiri, kuti muve neupenyu.
yet you will not come to me, that you may obtain life.
41 Handigamuchiri rukudzo kuvanhu;
I desire not honor from men;
42 asi ndinokuzivai imwi, kuti hamuna rudo rwaMwari mamuri.
but I know you, that you are strangers to the love of God.
43 Ini ndauya muzita raBaba vangu, asi hamuna kundigamuchira; kana umwe akauya muzita rake pachake, muchamugamuchira iye.
I am come in my Father's name, and you did not receive me; if another come, in his own name, you will receive him.
44 Munogona kutenda sei imwi munogamuchira rukudzo umwe kune umwe, asi musingatsvaki rukudzo rwunobva kuna Mwari ega?
How can you believe, while you court honor one from another, regardless of the honor which comes from God alone?
45 Musafunga kuti ini ndichakupai mhosva kuna Baba; ariko anokupai mhosva, ndiye Mozisi wamunovimba naye imwi.
Do not think that I am he who will accuse you to the Father. Your accuser is Moses, in whom you confide.
46 Nokuti dai maitenda Mozisi, maitenda ini; nokuti iye wakanyora nezvangu.
For if you believed Moses, you would believe me: for he wrote concerning me.
47 Asi kana musingatendi magwaro ake, muchatenda sei mashoko angu?
But if you believe not his writings, how shall you believe my words?

< Johani 5 >