< VaHebheru 1 >

1 Mwari iye ataura kare nenzira dzakawanda kumadzibaba nevaporofita muzvikamu nezvikamu,
God, who, of old, at many times and in many ways, spoke to our ancestors, by the Prophets,
2 pamazuva awa ekupedzisira akataura kwatiri muMwanakomana, waakagadza mudyi wenhaka wezvinhu zvese, waakaitawo naye nyika, (aiōn g165)
has in these latter days spoken to us by the Son, whom he appointed the heir of all things, and through whom he made the universe. (aiōn g165)
3 iye ari kupenya kwekubwinya, nemufananidzo chaiwo wekuvapo kwake, uye achitakura zvinhu zvese neshoko resimba rake, wakati aita kubudikidza naiye pachake kunatswa kwezvivi zvedu, akagara pasi kuruoko rwerudyi rweuMambo huri kunzvimbo dzekumusoro,
For he is the radiance of the Glory of God and the very expression of his Being, upholding all creation by the power of his word; and, when he had made an expiation for the sins of men, he ‘took his seat at the right hand’ of God’s Majesty on high,
4 apfuudzwa vatumwa zvikuru pakunaka, sezvo akange awana nhaka yezita gurusa kupfuura ivo.
having shown himself as much greater than the angels as the Name that he has inherited surpasses theirs.
5 Nokuti ndekune upi wevatumwa kwaakamboti: Ndiwe Mwanakomana wangu, nhasi ini ndakubereka? Uyezve: Ini ndichava kwaari Baba, uye iye achava Mwanakomana kwandiri?
For to which of the angels did God ever say — ‘Thou art my Son; this day I have become thy Father’? or again — ‘I will be to him a Father, and he shall be to me a Son’?
6 Uye kana achiuisazve dangwe panyika anoti: Nevatumwa vese vaMwari ngavamunamate.
And again, when God brought the First-born into the world, he said — ‘Let all the angels of God bow down before him.’
7 Nekuvatumwa zvirokwazvo anoti: Iye anoita vatumwa vake mweya, nevaranda vake murazvo wemoto;
Speaking of the angels, he said — ‘He makes the winds his angels And the fiery flames his servants’;
8 asi kuMwanakomana anoti: Chigaro chenyu cheushe, Mwari, chiripo nekusingaperi-peri, tsvimbo yekururama itsvimbo yeushe hwenyu. (aiōn g165)
while of the Son he said — ‘God is thy throne for ever and ever; The sceptre of his Kingdom is the sceptre of Justice; (aiōn g165)
9 Makada kururama, ndokuvenga kuipa; naizvozvo Mwari, iye Mwari wenyu, wakakuzodzai nemafuta emufaro kupfuura vamwe venyu.
Thou lovest righteousness and hatest iniquity; Therefore God, thy God, has anointed thee with the festal oil more abundantly than thy peers.’
10 Uye kuti: Imwi Ishe, pakutanga makateya nheyo dzenyika, nematenga mabasa emaoko enyu;
Again — ‘Thou, Lord, in the beginning didst lay the foundation of the earth, And the heavens are the work of thy hands.
11 izvo zvichaparara, asi imwi mucharamba muripo; uye zvese zvichasakara senguvo;
They shall perish, but thou remainest; As a garment they shall all grow old;
12 uye sechifukidzo muchazvipeta, uye zvichashandurwa; asi imwi makangodaro, nemakore enyu haangagumi.
As a mantle thou wilt fold them up, And as a garment they shall be changed, But thou art the same, and thy years shall know no end.’
13 Asi ndekune upi wevatumwa kwaakambotaura achiti: Gara kuruoko rwangu rwerudyi, kusvikira ndaita vavengi vako chitsiko chetsoka dzako?
To which of the angels has God ever said — ‘Sit thou at my right hand Until I put thy enemies as a stool for thy feet’?
14 Ko havasi vese mweya inoshumira yakatumwa kuzoshumira nekuda kwevachazodya nhaka yeruponeso here?
Are not all the angels spirits in the service of God, sent out to minister for the sake of those who are destined to obtain Salvation?

< VaHebheru 1 >