< Mabasa 22 >
1 Varume, hama, nemadzibaba, inzwai kuzvidavirira kwangu ikozvino kwamuri.
Men brothers and fathers, do hear of me the to you (now *N(k)O*) defense.
2 Vakati vachinzwa kuti anotaura nerurimi rwechiHebheru kwavari, vakanyanya kunyarara, zvino akati:
Having heard then that in the Hebrew language he was addressing them, even more they became quiet. And he says;
3 Ini ndiri zvirokwazvo murume muJudha, wakaberekerwa muTaso yeKirikia, akarerwa muguta rino pamakumbo aGamarieri, ndikadzidziswa zvakasimba maererano nemurairo wemadzibaba, mushingairiri waMwari, sezvamuri mese nhasi;
I myself (indeed *k*) am a man Jewish born in Tarsus of Cilicia, brought up however in city this at the feet of Gamaliel instructed according to [the] exactness of the of our Fathers law, a zealous one being for God even as all you yourselves are this day,
4 waishusha nzira iyi kusvikira parufu, ndichisunga nekukumikidza mutirongo vese varume nevakadzi,
who this Way persecuted as far as death binding and betraying to prisons men both and women,
5 nemupristi mukuru sezvaanondipupurira, nedare rese remakurukota evakuru, kwandakagamuchirawo kwavari tsamba kuhama, ndikaenda kuDhamasiko kuti ndiuise kuJerusarema avo vaivapowo vakasungwa, kuti varangwe.
as also the high priest bears witness to me and all the elderhood, from whom also letters having received to the brothers to Damascus I was on my way going to bring also those there being bound to Jerusalem in order that they may be punished.
6 Zvino zvakaitika kuti ndichifamba ndoswedera Dhamasiko, anenge masikati, pakarepo kwakapenya kubva kudenga chiedza chikuru chakandipoteredza.
It happened however to me journeying and drawing near to Damascus about noon suddenly out of heaven shining a light great around me myself;
7 Zvino ndakawira pasi, ndokunzwa inzwi richiti kwandiri: Sauro, Sauro, unondishushirei?
I fell then to the ground and heard a voice saying to me; Saul Saul, why Me persecute you?
8 Ini ndikapindura, ndikati: Ndimwi ani, Ishe? Akati kwandiri: Ndini Jesu weNazareta waunoshusha iwe.
I myself then answered; Who are You Lord? He said then to me; I myself am Jesus of Nazareth whom you yourself are persecuting.
9 Zvino avo vaiva neni vakaona chiedza, uye vakatya; asi havana kunzwisisa inzwi rewakataura neni.
Those then with me myself being the indeed light beheld (and terrified they were *K*) the however voice not did they hear the [One] speaking to me.
10 Zvino ndikati: Ndoita chii, Ishe? Ishe ndokuti kwandiri: Simuka uende kuDhamasiko; uye ikoko uchaudzwa maererano nezvinhu zvese zvakatarirwa iwe kuti uite.
I said then; What shall I do Lord? And the Lord said to me; Having risen up do go to Damascus, and there and there you it will be told concerning all things that it has been appointed you to do.
11 Zvino zvandakange ndisingaoni nekubwinya kwechiedza icho, ndakatungamirirwa neruoko nevaiva neni, ndikasvika kuDhamasiko.
While now not I was seeing because of the brightness of the light that, being led by the hand by those being with me I came to Damascus.
12 Zvino umwe Ananiasi, murume waishingaira pakunamata zvinoenderana nemurairo, waipupurirwa zvakanaka neVaJudha vese vakange vagerepo,
Ananias then certain, a man (devout *N(k)O*) according to the law, borne witness to by all the dwelling [there] Jews,
13 akauya kwandiri ndokumira padivi pangu akati kwandiri: Sauro hama, chionazve. Neni nenguva iyo ndikamuona.
having come to me and having stood by [me] he said to me; Saul brother, do receive sight. And I myself And I myself on the same hour looked up at him.
14 Zvino akati: Mwari wemadzibaba edu wakagara akusarudza kuti uzive chido chake, nekuona Wakarurama, uye unzwe inzwi rinobva mumuromo wake.
And he said; The God of the fathers of us has appointed you to know the will of Him and to see the Righteous One and to hear [the] voice out of the mouth of Him;
15 Nokuti uchava chapupu chake kuvanhu vese chezvawakaona nekunzwa.
For you will be a witness for Him to all men of what you have seen and heard.
16 Zvino ikozvino uchanonokerei? Simuka ubhabhatidzwe uye usukwe zvivi zvako, uchidana zita raIshe.
And now why delay you? Having arisen do yourself be baptized and do yourself wash away the sins of you calling on the name (of Him. *N(K)O*)
17 Zvino zvakaitika kuti ndadzokera kuJerusarema, uye ndichinyengetera mutembere, ndikaita chiyeverwa chemweya,
It happened then to me having returned to Jerusalem and praying by me in the temple falling I into a trance
18 ndokumuona achiti kwandiri: Kurumidza uye ubude muJerusarema ikozvino-zvino; nokuti havagamuchiri uchapupu hwako maererano neni.
and seeing Him saying to me; do make haste and do go away with speed out of Jerusalem, because not they will receive your (*k*) testimony about Me.
19 Ini ndikati: Ishe, ivo vanoziva kuti ini ndaiisa mutirongo nekurova musinagoge rega-rega avo vaitenda kwamuri;
And I myself And I myself said; Lord, they themselves know that I myself was imprisoning and beating in each of those synagogues those believing on You;
20 uye pakadururwa ropa raSitefano chapupu chenyu, neni ndakange ndimirepo ndichibvumirana nekuurawa kwake, uye ndakachengeta nguvo dzevaimuuraya.
And when was poured out the blood of Stephen the witness of You, also I myself was already standing by and consenting (to the killing of him *K*) and watching over the garments of those executing him.
21 Zvino akati kwandiri: Enda, nokuti ini ndichakutuma kure kuvahedheni.
And He said to me; do go, for I myself to [the] Gentiles far away will send you.
22 Vakamuteerera kusvikira pashoko iri, ndokusimudza inzwi ravo vachiti: Wakadai ngaabviswe panyika; nokuti hazvina kufanira kuti ararame.
They were listening now to him until this word and they lifted up the voice of them saying; Away from the earth [with] such; Not for (it was proper *N(k)O*) [for] him to live!
23 Zvino vachidanidzira, nekurasa nguvo, vachikushira guruva mumhepo,
(While shouting out *NK(o)*) (then *N(k)O*) they and casting off the garments and dust throwing into the air
24 mukuru wechuru wakaraira kuti aiswe kuimba yemauto achiti abvunzurudzwe nekurohwa netyava, kuti azive kuti chikonzeroi chavaidanidzira kudai pamusoro pake.
Ordered the commander (to be brought in *N(k)O*) him into the barracks having directed by flogging to be examined him, so that he may know for what cause like this they were crying out against him.
25 Zvino vakati vamutandavadzira mberi nemakashu, Pauro akati kumukuru wezana wakange amirepo: Zviri pamutemo here kwamuri kurova netyava munhu ari muRoma uye asina kupiwa mhosva?
As however (they stretched forward *N(k)O*) him with the straps, said to the already standing by centurion Paul; If a man a Roman and uncondemned it is lawful to you to flog?
26 Zvino mukuru wezana wakati achizvinzwa, akaswedera akaudza mukuru wechuru achiti: Chenjerai zvamoda kuita; nokuti munhu uyu muRoma.
Having heard then the centurion having gone to the commander he reported [it] saying; (do you see *K*) what are you going to do? for man this a Roman is.
27 Zvino mukuru wechuru akaswedera akati kwaari: Ndiudze, iwe uri muRoma here? Iye akati: Hongu.
Having come near then the commander said to him; do tell me, (if *k*) you yourself a Roman are? And he was saying; Yes.
28 Mukuru wechuru ndokupindura akati: Nemutengo mukuru ini ndakawana ugaro uhu. Pauro akati: Asi neni ndakaberekwa nahwo.
Answered (then *N(k)O*) the commander; I myself with a great sum citizenship this bought. But Paul was saying; I myself however even has been born [so].
29 Naizvozvo pakarepo vakabva kwaari ivo vaiva vomubvunzurudza. Nemukuru wechuru wakatyawo aziva kuti iye muRoma, uye nokuti wakange amusunga.
Immediately therefore departed from him those being about him to examine. and the commander also was afraid having ascertained that a Roman he is and because him he had having bound.
30 Zvino chifume achida kuziva chokwadi, kuti nemhosva yei aipomerwa neVaJudha, wakamusunungura pazvisungo, akaraira kuti vapristi vakuru nedare ravo remakurukota rese vauye, akaburusira Pauro ndokugadzika pamberi pavo.
On the now next day desiring to know for certain why he is accused (by *N(k)O*) the Jews, he unbound him (from the chains *K*) and commanded (to assemble *N(k)O*) the chief priests and (all *N(k)O*) the council (of them, *k*) And having brought down Paul he set [him] among them.