< VaRoma 8 >

1 Naizvozvo zvino, hakuchina kupiwa mhosva kuna vari muna Kristu Jesu,
Hence, there is no condemnation to them who do not walk according to the flesh, in Jeshu Meshiha.
2 nokuti kubudikidza naKristu Jesu murayiro woMweya woupenyu wakandisunungura kubva pamurayiro wechivi norufu.
For the law of the Spirit of life, which is in Jeshu Meshiha, hath set thee free from the law of sin and of death.
3 Nokuti zvakanga zvisingakwaniswi kuitwa nomurayiro pakushayiswa simba kwawo nomunhu wechivi, Mwari akazviita nokutuma Mwanakomana wake mumufananidzo wemunhu wechivi kuti ave chipiriso chechivi. Uye akapa mhosva kuchivi chiri mumunhu wechivi,
Because the law was weak through the infirmity of the flesh, Aloha sent his Son in the likeness of the flesh of sin, on account of sin to condemn sin in his flesh;
4 kuitira kuti kururama kunodiwa nomurayiro kuzadziswe matiri, isu tisingafambi maererano nenyama asi maererano noMweya.
that the righteousness of the law might in us be fulfilled, who walk not in the flesh, but in the Spirit.
5 Nokuti vaya vanorarama namararamiro enyama, pfungwa dzavo dzinofunga zvinodiwa nenyama; asi vaya vanorarama namararamiro oMweya, pfungwa dzavo dzinofunga zvoMweya.
For they who are in the flesh, of that flesh are mindful; and they who are of the Spirit, of that Spirit are mindful.
6 Nokuti kufunga kwomunhu wechivi ndirwo rufu, asi kufunga kunotongwa noMweya ndihwo upenyu norugare;
For the mind of the flesh is death, and the mind of the Spirit life and peace.
7 nokuti kufunga kwenyama kunovenga Mwari. Hakuzviisi pasi pomurayiro waMwari, uye hakugoni kuzviita.
Because the mind of the flesh is enmity towards Aloha; for to the law of Aloha it is not subject, for it cannot be;
8 Avo vanotongwa nenyama havagoni kufadza Mwari.
and they who are in the flesh cannot please Aloha.
9 Asi imi hamutongwi nenyama asi noMweya, kana Mweya waMwari achigara mamuri. Uye kana munhu asina Mweya waKristu, haazi waKristu,
But you are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if truly the Spirit of Aloha dwelleth in you. But if a man have not the Spirit of the Meshiha, this (man) is not his.
10 Asi kana Kristu ari mamuri, muviri wenyu wakafa nokuda kwechivi, asi Mweya wenyu mupenyu nokuda kwokururama.
And if the Meshiha be in you, the body is dead because of sin; but the Spirit is life because of righteousness.
11 Uye kana Mweya waiye akamutsa Kristu kubva kuvakafa uchigara mamuri, iye akamutsa Kristu kubva kuvakafa achapawo upenyu kumiviri yenyu inofa kubudikidza noMweya wake unogara mamuri.
And if the Spirit of him who raised our Lord Jeshu Meshiha from among the dead dwell in you, he who raised our Lord Jeshu Meshiha from among the dead will also make alive your dead bodies, on account of his Spirit who dwelleth in you.
12 Naizvozvo, hama, tine mungava, asi kwete wenyama, kuti tirarame maererano nezvainoda.
Now, my brethren, we are debtors, not to the flesh, that according to the flesh we should walk.
13 Nokuti kana muchirarama maererano nezvinodiwa nenyama, muchafa, asi kana muchirarama noMweya munouraya mabasa akaipa omuviri, uye muchararama,
For if after the flesh you live, you must die: but if, after the Spirit, the habitudes of the body you mortify, you live.
14 nokuti vaya vanotungamirirwa noMweya waMwari ndivo vana vaMwari.
For they who by the Spirit of Aloha are led, they are the sons of Aloha.
15 Nokuti hamuna kugamuchira mweya wouranda kuti muitwezve varanda vokutya, asi makagamuchira Mweya wokuitwa vana, uya watinodana naye tichiti, “Abha, Baba.”
For we have not received the spirit of servitude again unto fear, but we have received the Spirit of the adoption of sons, by whom we cry, Father, our Father!
16 Mweya amene anopupurirana noMweya wedu kuti tiri vana vaMwari.
And the Spirit himself witnesseth with our spirit, that we are the sons of Aloha.
17 Zvino kana tiri vana, naizvozvo tiri vadyi venhaka pamwe chete naye kuitira kuti tigozokudzwawo pamwe chete naKristu, kana zvirokwazvo tichitambudzika pamwe chete naye kuitira kuti tigozokudzwawo pamwe chete naye.
And if sons, heirs also; heirs of Aloha, and the sons of the inheritance of Jeshu Meshiha. For if we suffer with him, with him also shall we be glorified.
18 Nokuti ndinoti matambudziko atinawo nguva ino haana kufanira kuenzaniswa nokubwinya kuchazoratidzwa kwatiri.
For I consider that the sufferings of this time are not equal to that glory which is to be revealed in us.
19 Nokuti zvisikwa zvinotarisira zvikuru zvichimirira kuratidzwa kwavanakomana vaMwari.
For the whole creation hopeth and waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of Aloha.
20 Nokuti zvisikwa zvakaiswa pasi pokudzungaira kukuru, zvisingadi hazvo, asi nokuda kwaiye akazviisa pasi pokudzungaira, mutariro
For the creation hath been subjected to vanity, not willingly, but on account of him who subjected her, upon the hope
21 yokuti zvisikwa pachazvo zvichazosunungurwa kubva pauranda hwokuora uye zvigoiswa pakusunungurwa kwokubwinya kwavana vaMwari.
that the creation herself also shall be made free from the servitude of corruption into the liberty of the glory of the sons of Aloha.
22 Tinoziva kuti zvisikwa zvose zvinogomera sokurwadza kwokuzvara mwana kusvikira panguva ino.
For we know that all creatures groan and travail until this day;
23 Kwete izvozvo chete, asi nesuwo, vane zvibereko zvokutanga zvoMweya, tinogomera mukati medu tichimirira zvikuru kuitwa kwedu vana, iko kudzikinurwa kwemiviri yedu.
and not only they, but we also who have in us the first-fruit of the Spirit, groan within ourselves, and wait for the adoption, the redemption of our bodies.
24 Nokuti mutariro iyi takaponeswa. Asi tariro inoonekwa haizi tariro zvachose. Ndiani anotarisira chaanacho kare?
For in hope we live: but hope that is seen is not hope; for if we see it, why hope we for it?
25 Asi kana tine tariro yechinhu chatisina, tinochimirira nokutsungirira.
But if we hope for that which is not seen, in patience we wait.
26 Saizvozvowo, Mweya anotibatsira mukusava nesimba kwedu. Nokuti hatizivi zvatinofanira kunyengeterera, asi Mweya amene anotinyengeterera nokugomera kusingatsananguriki namashoko.
So also the Spirit helpeth our infirmity: for what to pray for as we ought we know not; but the Spirit himself prayeth on our behalf in groanings unspoken.
27 Uye iye anonzvera mwoyo yedu anoziva kufunga kwaMweya, nokuti Mweya anonyengeterera vatsvene maererano nokuda kwaMwari.
But he who searcheth the hearts, he knoweth the mind of the Spirit, who, according to the will of Aloha, prayeth for the saints.
28 Uye tinoziva kuti muzvinhu zvose Mwari anoita kuti zviitire zvakanaka kuna avo vanomuda, vaya vakadanwa sezvaakafunga.
BUT we know that those who love Aloha, in every thing he helpeth them for good; them whom he set before that they might be called.
29 Nokuti avo Mwari vaakaziva kare, ndivo vaakatemerawo kare, kuti vafanane nomufananidzo woMwanakomana wake, kuti agova dangwe pakati pehama dzake zhinji.
And from the first he knew them, and signified them in the likeness of the image of his Son, that he might be the first-born of many brethren.
30 Uye vaya vaakatemera kare, ndivo vaakadanawo; vaya vaakadana, ndivo vaakaruramisirawo; vaya vaakaruramisira, ndivo vaakakudzawo.
But whom he before signified, them he called; and whom he called, them he justified; and whom he justified, them he glorified.
31 Zvino tichatiiko pazvinhu izvi? Kana Mwari ari kurutivi rwedu, ndiani angatirwisa?
What then shall we say of these? If Aloha be for us, who is against us?
32 Iye asina kuramba noMwanakomana wake, asi akamupa chose nokuda kwedu tose, angarega seiko kutipawo zvose, pamwe chete naye?
And if his Son be spared not, but for all of us delivered him up, how will he not with him give us all things?
33 Ndianiko achapa mhosva avo vakasarudzwa naMwari? Mwari ndiye anoruramisira.
Who is against the chosen of Aloha? Aloha justifieth.
34 Ndianiko achavapa mhosva? Kristu Jesu, ndiye akafa pamusoro pezvo, ndiye akamutswa akava mupenyu, ari kurudyi rwaMwari, uye anotinyengetererawo.
Who condemneth? The Meshiha hath died and arisen, and is at the right hand of Aloha, and prayeth for us.
35 Ndianiko achatiparadzanisa norudo rwaKristu? Kutambudzika here, kana nhamo, kana kutambudzwa, kana nzara, kana kushayiwa zvokupfeka, kana njodzi, kana munondo?
Who shall separate us from the love of Meshiha? Affliction, or sorrow, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or the sword?
36 Sezvazvakanyorwa zvichinzi: “Nokuda kwenyu tinotarisana norufu zuva rose; tinoitwa samakwai anofanira kubayiwa.”
As it is written: For thee all the day long are we killed, We are reckoned as sheep for the slaughter.
37 Kwete, pazvinhu zvose izvi tiri vakundi nokupfuurisa kubudikidza naiye akatida.
But in these we all are victorious by the hand of him who hath loved us.
38 Nokuti ndinoziva kwazvo kuti kunyange rufu, kana upenyu, kana vatumwa, kana madhimoni, kana zvazvino, kana zvichauya, kana masimba api zvawo,
For I am persuaded that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor authorities, nor powers, nor things subsisting, nor things to come,
39 kana kwakakwirira, kana kwakadzika, kana chimwe chinhuwo zvacho pazvisikwa zvose, hazvingagoni kutiparadzanisa norudo rwaMwari, rwuri muna Kristu Jesu Ishe wedu.
nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate me from the love of Aloha which is in our Lord Jeshu Meshiha.

< VaRoma 8 >