< Zvakazarurwa 14 >

1 Ipapo ndakatarisa, ndikaona pamberi pangu pakanga pane Gwayana, rimire paGomo reZioni, uye rakanga rina vanhu zviuru zana namakumi mana navana vakanga vakanyorwa zita raro nezita raBaba varo pahuma dzavo.
And I loked and loo a lambe stode on the mount Syon and with him C. and xliiii. thousande havynge his fathers name written in their forhedes.
2 Uye ndakanzwa inzwi richibva kudenga rakaita somubvumo wemvura zhinji uye samaungira okutinhira. Inzwi randakanzwa rakanga rakaita seravaridzi vorudimbwa vanoridza rudimbwa rwavo.
And I herde a voyce from heven as the sounde of many waters and as the voyce of a gret thoundre And I herde the voyce of harpers harpynge with their harpes.
3 Uye vakaimba rwiyo rutsva pamberi pechigaro choushe napamberi pezvisikwa zvipenyu zvina uye napamberi pavakuru. Hakuna munhu aigona kudzidza rwiyo urwo kunze kwaava zviuru zana namakumi mana navana vakanga vadzikinurwa kubva panyika.
And they songe as it were a newe songe before the seate and before the foure beestes and the elders and no man coulde learne that songe but the hondred and xliiii. M. which were redemed from the erth.
4 Ava ndivo vaya vasina kuzvisvibisa navakadzi, nokuti vakazvichenesa. Vanotevera Gwayana kwose kwarinoenda. Vakatengwa pakati pavanhu vakapiwa kuti vave sezvipiriso zvezvibereko zvokutanga kuna Mwari nokuGwayana.
These are they which were not defyled with wemen for they are virgyns. These folowe the lambe whither soever he goeth. These were redemed from men beynge the fyrste frutes vnto God and to the lambe
5 Nhema hadzina kuwanikwa mumiromo yavo; havana chavanopomerwa.
and in their mouthes was foude no gyle. For they are with oute spott before the trone of god.
6 Ipapo ndakaona mumwe mutumwa achibhururuka pakati pechadenga, uye akanga ane vhangeri risingaperi kuti aparidzire avo vanogara panyika, kundudzi dzose, namarudzi ose, nendimi dzose uye navanhu vose. (aiōnios g166)
And I sawe an angell flye in the myddes of heven havynge an everlastynge gospell to preache vnto them that sytt and dwell on the erth and to all nacions kinreddes and tonges and people (aiōnios g166)
7 Akati nenzwi guru, “Ityai Mwari uye mumupe mbiri, nokuti nguva yokutonga kwake yasvika. Namatai iye akaita matenga, nyika, gungwa namatsime emvura.”
sayinge with a lowde voyce: Feare God and geve honour to him for the houre of his iudgement is come: and worshyppe him that made heven and erth and the see and fountaynes of water.
8 Mutumwa wechipiri akatevera akati, “Rawa! Rawa Bhabhironi Guta Guru, rakaita kuti ndudzi dzose dzinwe waini inopengesa youpombwe hwaro.”
And there folowed another angell sayinge: Babilon is fallen is fallen that gret cite for she made all nacions drynke of the wyne of hyr fornicacion.
9 Mutumwa wechitatu akavatevera uye akati nenzwi guru: “Kana munhu achinamata chikara nechifananidzo chacho uye akapiwa mucherechedzo wacho pahuma kana pamaoko,
And the thyrde angell folowed them sayinge with aloude voyce: Yf eny man worshippe the beest and his ymage and receave hie marke in his forhed or on his honde
10 naiyewo achanwa waini yokutsamwa kwaMwari, yakadirwa sezvairi mumukombe wehasha dzaMwari. Achatambudzwa nesafuri inopfuta pamberi pavatumwa vatsvene napamberi peGwayana.
the same shall drynke of the wyne of the wrath of God which is powred in the cuppe of his wrath. And he shalbe punnysshed in fyre and brymstone before the holy Angels and before the lambe.
11 Uye utsi hwokutambudzika kwavo hunokwira nokusingaperi-peri. Hapana zororo masikati kana usiku kuna avo vanonamata chikara nechifananidzo chacho, kana kuna ani zvake anogamuchira mucherechedzo wezita racho.” (aiōn g165)
And the smoke of their turment ascendeth vp evermore. And they have no rest daye ner nyght which worshippe ye beast and his ymage and whosoever receaveth the prynt of his name. (aiōn g165)
12 Izvi zvinoda kutsungirira kwavatsvene vanoteerera mirayiro yaMwari uye vanoramba vakatendeka kuna Jesu.
Here is the pacience of saynctes. Heare are they that kepe the commaundmentes and the fayth of Iesu.
13 Ipapo ndakanzwa inzwi richibva kudenga richiti, “Nyora uti: Vakaropafadzwa vakafa vanofira muna She kubva zvino.” “Hongu,” ndizvo zvinoreva Mweya, “vachazorora pakubata kwavo kukuru, nokuti mabasa avo achavatevera.”
And I herde a voyce from heven sayinge vnto me: wryte. Blessed are the deed which here after dye in the lorde even soo sayth the sprete: that they maye rest fro their laboures but their workes shall folowe them.
14 Ndakatarira, ipapo pamberi pangu pakanga pane gore jena, uye akanga agere pagore akanga ari mumwe “akaita somwanakomana womunhu” ane korona yegoridhe pamusoro wake uye ane jeko rinopinza muruoko rwake.
And I loked and beholde a whyte clowde and apon the clowde one syttynge lyke vnto the sonne of man havynge on his heed a golde crowne and in his honde a sharpe sykle.
15 Ipapo mumwe mutumwa akabuda mutemberi akadanidzira nenzwi guru kuna iye akanga agere pagore akati, “Tora jeko rako ugokohwa, nokuti nguva yokukohwa yasvika, nokuti gohwo renyika raibva.”
And another angell came oute of the temple cryinge with a lowde voyce to him that sate on the clowde. Thruste in thy sycle and repe: for the tyme is come to repe for the corne of the erth is rype.
16 Saka iye akanga agere pagore akavheyesa jeko rake panyika, nyika ikakohwewa.
And he that sate on the clowde thrust in his sykle on the erth and the erth was reped.
17 Mumwe mutumwa akabuda mutemberi iri mudenga, naiyewo akanga ane jeko rinopinza.
And another angell came oute of the temple which is in heven havynge also a sharpe sycle.
18 Mumwezve mutumwa, akanga ane simba pamusoro pomoto, akabuda achibva paaritari akadanidzira nenzwi guru kuna iye akanga ane jeko rinopinza akati, “Tora jeko rako rinopinza ugounganidza masumbu amazambiringa anobva pamuzambiringa wenyika, nokuti mazambiringa awo aibva.”
And another angell came oute from yt aultre which had power over fyre and cryed with a lowde crye to him that had the sharpe sykle and sayde: thrust in thy sharpe sykle and gaddre the clusters of the erth for her grapes are rype.
19 Mutumwa akavheyesa jeko rake panyika, akaunganidza mazambiringa awo akaakanda muchisviniro chikuru chewaini chehasha dzaMwari.
And the angell thrust in his sykle on the erth and cut doune the grapes of the vyneyarde of the erth: and cast them into the gret wynefat of the wrath of god
20 Akatsikwa muchisviniro, kunze kweguta, uye ropa rikayerera richibuda muchisviniro rikakwira kusvikira pamatomu amabhiza kwechinhambwe chinoita makiromita mazana matatu.
and the wynefat was trodden with out the cite and bloud came oute of the fat eve vnto the hors brydles by the space of a thowsande and. vi. C. furlonges.

< Zvakazarurwa 14 >