< Mapisarema 85 >

1 Kumutungamiri wokuimba waVanakomana vaKora. Pisarema. Makanzwira nyasha nyika yenyu, imi Jehovha; makadzosera Jakobho nhaka yake.
For the end, a Psalm for the sons of Core. O Lord, you has taken pleasure in your land: you have turned back the captivity of Jacob.
2 Makakanganwira kutadza kwavanhu venyu, uye mukafukidza zvivi zvavo zvose. Sera
You have forgiven your people their transgressions; you has covered all their sins. (Pause)
3 Makaisa parutivi hasha dzenyu dzose, mukadzoka pakutsamwa kwenyu kunotyisa.
You has caused all your wrath to cease: you have turned from your fierce anger.
4 Tidzoreizve, imi Mwari Muponesi wedu, mugoisa kure nemi kusafara kwenyu pamusoro pedu.
Turn us, O God of our salvation, and turn your anger away from us.
5 Mucharamba makatitsamwira nokusingaperi here? Mucharega kutsamwa kwenyu kuripo kusvikira kuzvizvarwa zvose here?
Wouldest you be angry with us for ever? or will you continue your wrath from generation to generation?
6 Ko, hamungatimutsiridzizve here, kuti vanhu venyu vagofara mamuri?
O God, you will turn and quicken us; and your people shall rejoice in you.
7 Tiratidzei ngoni dzenyu, imi Jehovha, mugotipawo ruponeso rwenyu.
Show us your mercy, O Lord, and grant us your salvation.
8 Ndichateerera zvichataurwa naJehovha Mwari; anovimbisa rugare kuvanhu vake, vatsvene vake, asi ngavasadzokerazve kuupenzi.
I will hear what the Lord God will say concerning me: for he shall speak peace to his people, and to his saints, and to those that turn their heart towards him.
9 Chokwadi, ruponeso rwake rwuri pedyo navanomutya, kuti kubwinya kwake kugogara munyika yedu.
Moreover his salvation is near them that fear him; that glory may dwell in our land.
10 Rudo nokutendeka zvinosangana pamwe chete; kururama norugare zvinosvetana.
Mercy and truth are met together: righteousness and peace have kissed [each other].
11 Kutendeka kunomera panyika, kururama kunotarira pasi kuri kudenga.
Truth has sprung out of the earth; and righteousness has looked down from heaven.
12 Chokwadi, Jehovha achapa zvinhu zvakanaka, uye nyika yedu ichabereka mukoho wayo.
For the Lord will give goodness; and our land shall yield her fruit.
13 Kururama kuchamutungamirira, uye kuchamugadzirira nzira yetsoka dzake.
Righteousness shall go before him; and shall set his steps in the way.

< Mapisarema 85 >