< Mapisarema 83 >

1 Rwiyo. Pisarema raAsafi. Haiwa Mwari, regai kunyarara; musanyarara, imi Mwari, musati mwiro.
A SONG. A PSALM OF ASAPH. O God, let there be no silence to You, Do not be silent, nor be quiet, O God.
2 Tarirai kumutswa kwaitwa vavengi venyu, namasimudziro avaita misoro yavo.
For behold, Your enemies roar, And those hating You have lifted up the head,
3 Vakarangana nounyengeri pamusoro pavanhu venyu; vanorangana pamusoro paavo vamunochengeta zvakanaka.
They take crafty counsel against Your people, And consult against Your hidden ones.
4 Ivo vanoti, “Uyai, ngativaparadzei sorudzi, kuti zita raIsraeri rirove.”
They have said, “Come, and we cut them off from [being] a nation, And the name of Israel is not remembered anymore.”
5 Vanorangana pamwe chete nomwoyo mumwe chete; vanoita sungano yokuzorwa nemi,
For they consulted in heart together, They make a covenant against You,
6 matende eEdhomu nevaIshumaeri, neMoabhu navaHagari,
Tents of Edom, and Ishmaelites, Moab, and the Hagarenes,
7 Gebha, Amoni neAmareki, Firistia, navanhu veTire.
Gebal, and Ammon, and Amalek, Philistia with inhabitants of Tyre,
8 Kunyange neAsiria yabatana navo kuti vasimbise zvizvarwa zvaRoti. Sera
Asshur is also joined with them, They have been an arm to sons of Lot. (Selah)
9 Muvaitire sezvamakaitira vaMidhia, sezvamakaita kuna Sisera naJabhini paRwizi Kishoni,
Do to them as Midian, As Sisera, as Jabin, at the Brook of Kishon.
10 ivo vakafira paEndori uye vakava sendove pamusoro pevhu.
They were destroyed at Endor, They were dung for the ground!
11 Muite makurukota avo saOrebhu naZibhi, machinda avo ose saZebha naZarumuna,
Make their nobles as Oreb and as Zeeb, And as Zebah and Zalmunna—all their princes,
12 ivo vakati, “Handei tindotora mafuro aMwari.”
Who have said, “Let us occupy the pastures of God for ourselves.”
13 Haiwa Mwari wangu, vaitei sendira, sehundi inodzingwa nemhepo.
O my God, make them as a rolling thing, As stubble before wind.
14 Somoto unopisa sango kana moto unoririma mugomo,
As a fire burns a forest, And as a flame sets hills on fire,
15 saka vateverei nedutu renyu mugovavhundutsa nokutinhira wenyu.
So You pursue them with Your whirlwind, And trouble them with Your windstorm.
16 Fukidzai zviso zvavo nenyadzi kuti vanhu vagotsvaka zita renyu, imi Jehovha.
Fill their faces [with] shame, And they seek Your Name, O YHWH.
17 Ngavarambe vachinyadziswa uye vavhundutswe; ngavafire munyadzi dzavo.
They are ashamed and troubled forever, Indeed, they are confounded and lost.
18 Ngavazive kuti imi, mune zita rinonzi Jehovha, ndimi moga Wokumusoro-soro ari pamusoro penyika yose.
And they know that You—Your Name [is] YHWH—By Yourself [are] the Most High over all the earth!

< Mapisarema 83 >