< Mapisarema 78 >

1 Masikiri raAsafi. Haiwa vanhu vangu, inzwai kudzidzisa kwangu; teererai mashoko omuromo wangu.
[A Psalm] of instruction for Asaph. Give heed, O my people, to my law: incline your ear to the words of my mouth.
2 Ndichashamisa muromo wangu nditaure nomufananidzo, ndichataura zvinhu zvakavanzika, zvinhu zvakare kare,
I will open my mouth in parables: I will utter dark sayings [which have been] from the beginning.
3 zvatakanzwa nezvatakaziva, zvatakaudzwa namadzibaba edu.
All which we have heard and known, and our fathers have declared to us.
4 Hatingazozvivanziri vana vavo; tichaudza rudzi runotevera mabasa angarumbidzwa aJehovha, simba rake, nezvishamiso zvaakaita.
They were not hid from their children to a second generations; [the fathers] declaring the praises of the Lord, and his mighty acts, and his wonders which he wrought.
5 Akatema zvirevo zvaJakobho akasimbisa murayiro muIsraeri, waakarayira madzitateguru edu kuti vadzidzise vana vavo,
And he raised up a testimony in Jacob, and appointed a law in Israel, which he commanded our fathers, to make it known to their children:
6 kuti rudzi runotevera ruzvizive, kunyange vana vachazoberekwa, naivo vagozoudzawo vana vavo.
that another generation might know, even the sons which should be born; and they should arise and declare them to their children.
7 Ipapo vachavimba naMwari wavo uye havangazokanganwi mabasa ake asi vachazochengeta mirayiro yake.
That they might set their hope on God, and not forget the works of God, but diligently seek his commandments.
8 Havazofanani namadzitateguru avo, rudzi rwakanga rwakasindimara uye rwaimumukira, mwoyo yavo yakanga isingateereri Mwari, mweya yavo yakanga isina kutendeka kwaari.
That they should not be as their fathers, a perverse and provoking generation; a generation which set not its heart aright, and its spirit was not steadfast with God.
9 Vanhu vokwaEfuremu, kunyange vakanga vakapakata uta, vakadzokera shure pazuva rokurwa;
The children of Ephraim, bending and shooting [with] the bow, turned [back] in the day of battle.
10 havana kuchengeta sungano yaMwari, uye vakaramba kufamba maererano nomurayiro wake.
They kept not the covenant of God, and would not walk in his law.
11 Vakakanganwa zvaakaita, zvishamiso zvaakavaratidza.
And they forgot his benefits, and his miracles which he [had] showed them;
12 Akaita zviratidzo pamberi pamadzibaba avo munyika yeIjipiti, mudunhu reZoani.
the miracles which he wrought before their fathers, in the land of Egypt, in the plain of Tanes.
13 Akapamura gungwa akavayambutsa napakati; akaita kuti mvura imire yakasimba sorusvingo.
He clave the sea, and led them through: he made the waters to stand as [in] a bottle.
14 Akavatungamirira negore masikati, uye nechiedza chomoto usiku hwose.
And he guided them with a cloud by day, and all the night with a light of fire.
15 Akapamura ruware mugwenga akavapa mvura yakawanda seyamakungwa;
he clave a rock in the wilderness, and made them drink as in a great deep.
16 akabudisa hova dzemvura paruware akaita kuti iyerere seyenzizi.
And he brought water out of the rock, and caused waters to flow down as rivers.
17 Asi vakaramba vachingomutadzira, vachimukira Wokumusoro-soro mugwenga.
And they sinned yet more against him; they provoked the Most High in the wilderness.
18 Vakaedza Mwari nobwoni vachimugombedzera kuti avape zvokudya zvavaipanga.
And they tempted God in their hearts, in asking meat for [the desire of] their souls.
19 Vakapopotera Mwari, vachiti, “Ko, Mwari angawadzira tafura mugwenga here?
They spoke also against God, and said, Will God be able to prepare a table in the wilderness?
20 Paakarova dombo, mvura yakatubuka, uye hova dzakayerera mvura zhinji. Asi angagona kutipawo zvokudya here? Angavigira vanhu vake nyama here?”
Forasmuch as he struck the rock, and the waters flowed, and the torrents ran abundantly; will he be able also to give bread, or prepare a table for his people?
21 Jehovha akati avanzwa, akatsamwa zvikuru kwazvo; moto wake ukaveserwa Jakobho, uye hasha dzake dzikamukira Israeri,
Therefore the Lord heard, and was provoked: and fire was kindled in Jacob, and wrath went up against Israel.
22 nokuti havana kutenda muna Mwari kana kuvimba nokurwira kwake.
Because they believed not in God, and trusted not in his salvation.
23 Asi akarayira matenga kumusoro akazarura makonhi okumatenga;
Yet he commanded the clouds from above, and opened the doors of heaven,
24 akanayisa mana kuti vanhu vadye, akavapa zviyo zvokudenga.
and rained upon them manna to eat, and gave them the bread of heaven.
25 Vanhu vakadya chingwa chavatumwa; akavatumira zvokudya zvose zvavaigona kudya.
Man ate angels' bread; he sent them provision to the full.
26 Akazarura mhepo yokumabvazuva kubva kudenga, uye akafambisa mhepo yakabva zasi nesimba rake.
He removed the south wind from heaven; and by his might he brought in the southwest wind.
27 Akavanayisira nyama pamusoro pavo seguruva, shiri dzinobhururuka dzakaita sejecha rokumhenderekedzo yegungwa.
And he rained upon them flesh like dust, and feathered birds like the sand of the seas.
28 Akaita kuti dziburukire mumisasa yavo, dzakapoteredza matende avo ose.
And they fell into the midst of their camp, round about their tents.
29 Vakadya kusvikira vaguta kwazvo, nokuti akanga avapa zvavakanga vachipanga.
So they ate, and were completely filled; and he gave them their desire.
30 Asi vasati vafuratira chokudya chavaikarira, kunyange pachakanga chichiri pamiromo yavo,
They were not disappointed of their desire: [but] when their food was yet in their mouth,
31 kutsamwa kwaMwari kwakavamukira; akauraya vakanga vakanyanya kusimba pakati pavo, akaparadza majaya eIsraeri.
then the indignation of God rose up against them, and killed the fattest of them, and overthrew the choice men of Israel.
32 Kunyange zvakadaro, vakaramba vachingotadza; kunyange zvazvo zviratidzo zvake izvi zvaivapo, havana kutenda.
In the midst of all this they sinned yet more, and believed not his miracles.
33 Saka akagumisa mazuva avo nezvisina maturo, uye makore avo mukutya.
And their days were consumed in vanity, and their years with anxiety.
34 Pose pavaiurayiwa naMwari, ndipo pavaimutsvaka; vaishingairira kudzokerazve kwaari.
When he killed them, they sought him: and they returned and called betimes upon God.
35 Vakarangarira kuti Mwari ndiye Dombo ravo, kuti Mwari Wokumusoro-soro ndiye Mudzikinuri wavo.
And they remembered that God was their helper, and the most high God was their redeemer.
36 Asizve vaingomubata kumeso nemiromo yavo, vachimurevera nhema nendimi dzavo;
Yet they loved him [only] with their mouth, and lied to him with their tongue.
37 mwoyo yavo yakanga isina kutendeka kwaari, vakanga vasina kutendeka pasungano yake.
For their heart [was] not right with him, neither were they steadfast in his covenant.
38 Kunyange zvakadaro iye akavanzwira tsitsi; akavakanganwira kuipa kwavo akasavaparadza. Nguva nenguva akadzora kutsamwa kwake, uye haana kumutsa hasha dzake dzose.
But he is compassionate, and will forgive their sins, and will not destroy [them]: yes, he will frequently turn away his wrath, and will not kindle all his anger.
39 Akarangarira kuti ivo vaingova nyama bedzi, mhepo inopfuura isingadzoki.
And he remembered that they are flesh; a wind that passes away, and returns not.
40 Vakamumukira mugwenga kazhinji sei, uye vakamuitisa shungu murenje!
How often did they provoke him in the wilderness, [and] anger him in a dry land!
41 Vakaedza Mwari vamuedzazve; vakagumbusa Iye Mutsvene waIsraeri.
Yes, they turned back, and tempted God, and provoked the Holy One of Israel.
42 Havana kurangarira simba rake, zuva raakavadzikinura kubva pamudzvinyiriri,
They remembered not his hand, the day in which he delivered them from the hand of the oppressor.
43 zuva raakaratidza zviratidzo zvake zvinoshamisa muIjipiti, zvishamiso zvake mudunhu reZoani.
How he had wrought his signs in Egypt, and his wonders in the field of Tanes:
44 Akashandura nzizi dzavo dzikava ropa; havana kugona kunwa muhova dzavo.
and had changed their rivers into blood; and their streams, that they should not drink.
45 Akavatumira mapupira enhunzi dzikavaparadza, uye matatya akavaparadza zvikuru.
He sent against them the dog-fly, and it devoured them; and the frog, and it spoiled them.
46 Akapa zviyo zvavo kumagutaguta nezvibereko zvavo kumhashu.
And he gave their fruit to the canker worm, and their labours to the locust.
47 Akaparadza mazambiringa avo nechimvuramabwe, uye namaonde emionde yavo nechando.
He killed their vines with hail, and their sycamores with frost.
48 Mombe dzavo akadziisa kuchimvuramabwe, nezvipfuwo zvavo kukurova kwemheni.
And he gave up their cattle to hail, and their substance to the fire.
49 Akaregedzera kutsamwa kwake kukuru pamusoro pavo, hasha dzake, shungu dzake noukasha hwake, boka ravatumwa vokuparadza.
He sent out against them the fury of his anger, wrath, and indignation, and affliction, a message by evil angels.
50 Akagadzira nzira yokutsamwa kwake; haana kuponesa mweya yavo parufu asi akavaisa kudenda.
He made a way for his wrath; he spared not their souls from death, but consigned their cattle to death;
51 Akauraya matangwe ose eIjipiti, chibereko chokutanga chomurume pamatende aHamu.
and struck every firstborn in the land of Egypt; the first fruits of their labours in the tents of Cham.
52 Asi akabudisa vanhu vake seboka ramakwai; akavatungamirira samakwai nomugwenga.
And he removed his people like sheep; he led them as a flock in the wilderness.
53 Akavafambisa norugare, asi gungwa rakamedza vavengi vavo.
And he guided them with hope, and they feared not: but the sea covered their enemies.
54 Saizvozvo akavasvitsa kumuganhu wenyika yake tsvene, kunyika yamakomo yaakatora noruoko rwake rworudyi.
And he brought them in to the mountain of his sanctuary, this mountain which his right hand had purchased.
55 Akadzinga ndudzi mberi kwavo, akagovera nyika yavo kwavari senhaka; akagarisa rudzi rwaIsraeri mudzimba dzavo.
And he cast out the nations from before them, and made them to inherit by a line of inheritance, and made the tribes of Israel to dwell in their tents.
56 Asi vakaedza Mwari uye vakamukira Wokumusoro-soro; vakasachengeta zvirevo zvake.
Yet they tempted and provoked the most high God, and kept not his testimonies.
57 Vakanga vasingazvirereki uye vasina kutendeka samadzibaba avo, vasingavimbiki souta hunonyengera.
And they turned back, and broke covenant, even as also their fathers: they became like a crooked bow.
58 Vakamutsamwisa nenzvimbo dzavo dzakakwirira; vakamutsa godo rake nokuda kwezvifananidzo zvavo.
And they provoked him with their high places, and moved him to jealousy with their graven images.
59 Mwari akati avanzwa akatsamwa zvikuru kwazvo; akaramba Israeri zvachose.
God heard and lightly regarded [them], and greatly despised Israel.
60 Akasiya tabhenakeri yeShiro, iyo tende yaakanga amisa pakati pavanhu.
And he rejected the tabernacle of Selom, his tent where he lived amongst men.
61 Akaendesa areka yesimba rake kuutapwa, kubwinya kwake mumaoko omuvengi.
And he gave their strength into captivity, and their beauty into the enemy's hand.
62 Akaisa vanhu vake kumunondo; akatsamwira nhaka yake zvikuru kwazvo.
And he gave his people to the sword; and disdained his inheritance.
63 Moto wakaparadza majaya avo, uye varandakadzi vavo vakashayiwa nziyo dzesvitsa;
Fire devoured their young men; and their virgins mourned not.
64 vaprista vavo vakanga vaiswa kumunondo, uye chirikadzi dzavo hadzina kugona kuchema.
Their priests fell by the sword; and their widows shall not be wept for.
65 Ipapo Ishe akamuka somunhu anga akakotsira, somunhu amuka pakubatwa newaini.
So the Lord awaked as one out of sleep, [and] as a mighty man who has been heated with wine.
66 Akarova vavengi vake vakadzokera shure; akavanyadzisa nokusingaperi.
And he struck his enemies in the hinder parts: he brought on them a perpetual reproach.
67 Ipapo akaramba matende aJosefa, haana kusarudza rudzi rwaEfuremu;
And he rejected the tabernacle of Joseph, and chose not the tribe of Ephraim;
68 asi akasarudza rudzi rwaJudha, Gomo reZioni, raakada.
but chose the tribe of Juda, the mount Sion which he loved.
69 Akavaka nzvimbo yake tsvene senhare yakakwirira, senyika yaakasimbisa nokusingaperi.
And he built his sanctuary as [the place] of unicorns; he founded it for ever on the earth.
70 Akasarudza Dhavhidhi muranda wake, akamutora kumatanga amakwai;
He chose David also his servant, and took him up from the flocks of sheep.
71 akamubvisa pakufudza makwai kuti ave mufudzi wavanhu vake Jakobho, vaIsraeri nhaka yake.
He took him from following the ewes great with young, to be the shepherd of Jacob his servant, and Israel his inheritance.
72 Uye Dhavhidhi akavafudza nokururama kwomwoyo; akavatungamirira namaoko ouchenjeri.
So he tended them in the innocency of his heart; and guided them by the skilfulness of his hands.

< Mapisarema 78 >