< Mapisarema 75 >

1 Kumutungamiri wokuimba namaimbiro okuti, “Regai kuparadza.” Pisarema raAsafi. Rwiyo. Tinokuvongai, imi Mwari, tinokuvongai, nokuti Zita renyu riri pedyo; vanhu vanotaura nezvamabasa enyu anoshamisa.
“For the leader of the music. To the tune of “Do not destroy.” A psalm of Asaph.” We give thanks to thee, O God! we give thanks to thee, and near is thy name; Men shall declare thy wondrous deeds!
2 Imi munoti, “Ndinosarudza nguva yakatarwa; ndini ndinotonga zvakarurama.
“When I see my time, Then will I judge with equity.
3 Panozununguka nyika yose navanhu vayo, ini ndini ndinobata mbiru dzayo zvakasimba. Sera
The earth trembleth, and all her inhabitants; But I uphold her pillars.”
4 Kuna vanozvikudza ndinoti, ‘Regai kuzvikudzazve,’ uye kuna vakaipa, ndinoti, ‘Regai kusimudza nyanga dzenyu.
I say to the proud, Behave not proudly! To the wicked, Lift not up your horn!
5 Regai kusimudzira nyanga dzenyu kudenga; regai kutaura nemitsipa mikukutu.’”
Lift not up your horn on high, And speak not with a stiff neck!
6 Hakuna munhu anobva kumabvazuva kana kumavirira, kana anobva kugwenga angasimudzira munhu.
For promotion cometh neither from the east, nor from the west, nor from the south;
7 Asi Mwari ndiye anotonga: Anoderedza mumwe, achisimudzira mumwe.
But it is God that judgeth; He putteth down one, and setteth up another.
8 Muruoko rwaJehovha mune mukombe uzere newaini inopupuma, yakavhenganiswa nezvinonhuhwira; anoidururira pasi, uye vakaipa vose vapanyika vanoinwa kusvikira pamasese ayo.
For in the hand of the LORD there is a cup; The wine is foaming and full of spices, And of it he poureth out; Even to the dregs shall all the wicked of the earth drink it.
9 Kana ndirini, ndichaparidza izvi nokusingaperi; ndichaimbira Mwari waJakobho rwiyo rwokurumbidza.
Therefore I will extol him for ever; I will sing praise to the God of Jacob.
10 Ndichagura nyanga dzavakaipa vose, asi nyanga dzavakarurama dzichasimudzirwa kumusoro.
“I will bring down all the power of the wicked; But the righteous shall lift up their heads.”

< Mapisarema 75 >