< Mapisarema 61 >

1 Kumutungamiri wokuimba, nomutengeranwa une hungiso. Pisarema raDhavhidhi. Inzwai kuchema kwangu, imi Mwari; rerekerai nzeve yenyu kumunyengetero wangu.
“For the leader of the music. To be sung upon stringed instruments. A psalm of David.” Hear my cry, O God! Attend to my prayer!
2 Kubva kumigumo yenyika, ndinodanidzira kwamuri, ndinodana sezvo mwoyo wangu woziya; nditungamirirei kudombo rakakwirira kundipfuura.
From the extremity of the land I cry unto thee in deep sorrow of heart; Lead me to the rock that is high above me!
3 Nokuti imi makanga muri utiziro hwangu, shongwe yakasimba pamusoro pavavengi vangu.
For thou art my refuge, My strong tower against the enemy.
4 Ndinopanga kugara mutende renyu nokusingaperi, uye nokuvanda mumumvuri wamapapiro enyu. Sera
I shall dwell in thy tabernacle for ever; I will seek refuge under the covert of thy wings.
5 Nokuti makanzwa mhiko dzangu, imi Mwari; makandipa nhaka yaavo vanotya zita renyu.
For thou, O God! wilt hear my vows, And give me the inheritance of those who fear thy name.
6 Wedzerai mazuva oupenyu hwamambo, makore ake kumarudzi namarudzi.
O prolong the life of the king! May his years extend through many generations!
7 Ngaagare pachigaro choushe pamberi paMwari nokusingaperi; gadzai rudo nokutendeka kwenyu kuti zvimudzivirire.
May he reign for ever before God! Grant that mercy and truth may preserve him!
8 Ipapo ndichagara ndichirumbidza zita renyu nenziyo, uye ndichazadzisa mhiko dzangu zuva nezuva.
So will I sing praise to thy name for ever; I will daily perform my vows.

< Mapisarema 61 >