< Mapisarema 60 >

1 Kumutungamiri wokuimba namaimbirwo e“Ruva reMahapa reSungano.” Rwiyo rweMikitami rwaDhavhidhi. Rwokudzidzisa. Paakarwa neAramu Naharaimu neAramu Zobha, uye panguva yakadzoka Joabhu akaparadza zviuru gumi nezviviri zvavaEdhomu muMupata woMunyu. Makatiramba, imi Mwari, uye mukatirwisa; makanga makatsamwa, zvino tidzorei henyu!
For the music director. According to “Lily of the Testimony.” A psalm (miktam) of David, useful for teaching, about the time he fought against Aram-naharaim and Aram-zobah, and then Joab returned and killed 12,000 Edomites in the Valley of Salt. You, God, have rejected us! You have broken us; you have been angry with us; but now you have to welcome us back!
2 Makazungunusa nyika mukaitsemura napakati; gadzirai henyu mitswe yayo, nokuti iri kudengenyeka.
You have sent earthquakes on our land and split it apart. Now heal the cracks, for the land is still having tremors.
3 Makaratidza vanhu venyu nguva dzakaoma; makatipa waini inotidzedzeresa.
You have been very hard on your people; you gave us wine that made us stagger around.
4 Asi kuna vanokutyai, makasimudza mureza kuti urege kupfaranyurwa neuta. Sera
But you have given those who respect you the banner of truth to unfurl and rally around. (Selah)
5 Tiponesei uye tibatsirei noruoko rwenyu rworudyi, kuti avo vamunoda varwirwe.
Rescue those you love! Answer us, and save us by your power!
6 Mwari akataura ari muimba yake tsvene achiti: “Ndichaganhura Shekemu nesimba uye ndichayera Mupata weSukoti.
God has spoken from his Temple: “Triumphantly I divide up Shechem, and portion out the Valley of Succoth.
7 Gireadhi nderangu, uye Manase ndowangu; Efuremu inguwani yangu yakasimba, Judha itsvimbo yangu.
Both Gilead and Manasseh belong to me. Ephraim is my helmet, and Judah is my scepter.
8 Moabhu ndiwo mudziyo wangu wokushambira, pamusoro paEdhomu ndipo pandinokanda shangu yangu; pamusoro paFiristia ndinopururudza mukukunda.”
I will treat Moab as my washbasin; I will place my sandal on Edom; I will shout in triumph over Philistia.”
9 Ndianiko achandiisa kuguta rakakomberedzwa? Ndianiko achanditungamirira kuenda kuEdhomu?
Who will bring me into the fortified city? Who will lead me into Edom?
10 Hamusimi, iyemi Mwari, iyemi makatiramba here, uye mukarega kubuda nehondo dzedu?
Have you rejected us, God? Won't you lead our armies?
11 Tibatsirei pavavengi vedu, nokuti rubatsiro rwavanhu haruna maturo.
Please give us help against our enemies, for human help is worthless.
12 NaMwari wedu, tichakunda, uye achatsikira vavengi vedu pasi.
Our strength is in God, and he will crush our enemies.

< Mapisarema 60 >