< Mapisarema 58 >
1 Kumutungamiri wokuimba namaimbiro okuti, “Musaparadza.” Pisarema raDhavhidhi. Rwiyo rweMikitami. Ko, imi vatongi munotaura mukururama here? Munotonga pakati pavanhu nokururamisira here?
To him that excelleth. Destroy not. A Psalme of David on Michtam. Is it true? O Congregation, speake ye iustly? O sonnes of men, iudge ye vprightly?
2 Kwete, munofunga kusaruramisira mumwoyo menyu, uye maoko enyu anomanikidza panyika.
Yea, rather ye imagine mischiefe in your heart: your hands execute crueltie vpon the earth.
3 Kunyange kubvira pakuberekwa, vakaipa vanofamba mukutsauka; kubva mudumbu ramai, vakaipa uye vanoreva nhema.
The wicked are strangers from ye wombe: euen from the belly haue they erred, and speake lyes.
4 Uturu hwavo hwakaita souturu hwenyoka, vakafanana nemhakure yadzivira nzeve dzayo,
Their poyson is euen like the poyson of a serpent: like ye deafe adder that stoppeth his eare.
5 isingateereri maimbiro enʼanga kunyange zvazvo achiimba nouchenjeri hukuru.
Which heareth not the voyce of the inchanter, though he be most expert in charming.
6 Vhunai mazino mumiromo yavo, imi Mwari; bvisai, imi Jehovha, mazino marefu eshumba!
Breake their teeth, O God, in their mouthes: breake the iawes of the yong lions, O Lord.
7 Ngavatsakatike semvura yapera kuerera; pavanowembura uta, miseve yavo ngaigomare.
Let them melt like the waters, let them passe away: when hee shooteth his arrowes, let them be as broken.
8 Vafanane nehozhwa inonyakatika painofamba, kufanana negavamwedzi, ngavarege kuona zuva.
Let them consume like a snayle that melteth, and like the vntimely fruite of a woman, that hath not seene the sunne.
9 Hari dzenyu dzisati dzanzwa kupisa kweminzwa pamoto, ingava minyoro kana yakaoma, vakaipa vachakukurwa.
As raw flesh before your pots feele the fire of thornes: so let him cary them away as with a whirlewinde in his wrath.
10 Vakarurama vachafara pavachatsivirwa, pavachashambidza tsoka dzavo muropa ravakaipa.
The righteous shall reioyce when he seeeth the vengeance: he shall wash his feete in the blood of the wicked.
11 Ipapo vanhu vachati, “Zvirokwazvo vakarurama vachiri kungowana mubayiro; zvirokwazvo Mwari ariko anotonga nyika.”
And men shall say, Verily there is fruite for the righteous: doutlesse there is a God that iudgeth in the earth.