< Mapisarema 51 >

1 Kumutungamiri wokuimba. Pisarema raDhavhidhi. Panguva yakauya muprofita Natani kwaari shure kwokuita upombwe kwaDhavhidhi naBhatishebha. Ndinzwirei tsitsi, imi Mwari, nokuda kworudo rwenyu rusingaperi; dzimai kudarika kwangu nokuda kwengoni dzenyu huru.
To victorie, the salm of Dauid; `whanne Nathan the prophete cam to hym, whanne he entride to Bersabee. God, haue thou merci on me; bi thi greet merci. And bi the mychilnesse of thi merciful doyngis; do thou awei my wickidnesse.
2 Shambidzai zvakaipa zvangu zvose uye mundinatse kubva pachivi changu.
More waische thou me fro my wickidnesse; and clense thou me fro my synne.
3 Nokuti ndinoziva kudarika kwangu, uye chivi changu chinogara chiri pamberi pangu.
For Y knouleche my wickidnesse; and my synne is euere ayens me.
4 Ndakakutadzirai imi, iyemi moga nokuita chinhu chakaipa pamberi penyu, kuti munzi makarurama pamunotaura uye musapomerwa mhosva pakutonga kwenyu.
I haue synned to thee aloone, and Y haue do yuel bifor thee; that thou be iustified in thi wordis, and ouercome whanne thou art demed. For lo!
5 Zvirokwazvo ndakanga ndiri mutadzi pandakaberekwa, ndiri mutadzi kubva pandakaumbwa mudumbu ramai vangu.
Y was conseyued in wickednessis; and my modir conceyuede me in synnes.
6 Zvirokwazvo imi munoda chokwadi pakati pomwoyo; munondidzidzisa uchenjeri panzvimbo yomukatikati.
For lo! thou louedist treuthe; thou hast schewid to me the vncerteyn thingis, and pryuy thingis of thi wisdom.
7 Ndinatsei nehisopi, ipapo ndichachena; ndishambidzei, ipapo ndichachena sechando.
Lord, sprenge thou me with ysope, and Y schal be clensid; waische thou me, and Y schal be maad whijt more than snow.
8 Ndiitei kuti ndinzwe mufaro nokufarisisa; itai kuti mapfupa amakapwanya afare.
Yyue thou ioie, and gladnesse to myn heryng; and boonys maad meke schulen ful out make ioye.
9 Vanzai chiso chenyu pazvivi zvangu uye mudzime zvakaipa zvangu zvose.
Turne awei thi face fro my synnes; and do awei alle my wickidnesses.
10 Sikai mukati mangu mwoyo wakachena, imi Mwari, uye muvandudze mweya wakarurama mukati mangu.
God, make thou a clene herte in me; and make thou newe a riytful spirit in my entrailis.
11 Regai kundirasa pamberi penyu kana kubvisa Mweya wenyu Mutsvene kwandiri.
Caste thou me not awei fro thi face; and take thou not awei fro me thin hooli spirit.
12 Dzoreraizve kwandiri mufaro woruponeso rwenyu, uye mundipe mweya unoda, kuti undiraramise.
Yiue thou to me the gladnesse of thyn helthe; and conferme thou me with the principal spirit.
13 Ipapo ndichadzidzisa vadariki nzira dzenyu, uye vatadzi vachatendeukira kwamuri.
I schal teche wickid men thi weies; and vnfeithful men schulen be conuertid to thee.
14 Ndiponesei pamhosva yeropa, imi Mwari, iyemi Mwari anondiponesa, ipapo rurimi rwangu ruchaimba zvokururama kwenyu.
God, the God of myn helthe, delyuere thou me fro bloodis; and my tunge schal ioyfuli synge thi riytfulnesse.
15 Haiwa Ishe, zarurai miromo yangu, ipapo muromo wangu uchaparidza rumbidzo yenyu.
Lord, `opene thou my lippis; and my mouth schal telle thi preysyng.
16 Hamufariri chibayiro, ndingadai ndakuvigirai, imi hamufariri zvipiriso zvinopiswa.
For if thou haddist wold sacrifice, Y hadde youe; treuli thou schalt not delite in brent sacrifices.
17 Zvibayiro zvaMwari mweya wakaputsika; mwoyo wakaputsika nowakapwanyika, imi Mwari hamuzoushori.
A sacrifice to God is a spirit troblid; God, thou schalt not dispise a contrit herte and `maad meke.
18 Pamufaro wenyu wakanaka, itai kuti Zioni ribudirire; muvake masvingo eJerusarema.
Lord, do thou benygneli in thi good wille to Syon; that the wallis of Jerusalem be bildid.
19 Ipapo pachava nezvibayiro zvakarurama, zvipiriso zvinopiswa zvakazara zvinokufadzai; ipapo hando dzichabayirwa paaritari yenyu.
Thanne thou schalt take plesauntli the sacrifice of riytfulnesse, offryngis, and brent sacrifices; thanne thei schulen putte calues on thin auter.

< Mapisarema 51 >