< Mapisarema 4 >
1 Kumutungamiri wenziyo nemitengeranwa. Pisarema raDhavhidhi. Ndipindurei pandinodana kwamuri, imi Mwari wangu makarurama. Ndisunungurei pakutambudzika kwangu; ndinzwirei ngoni uye munzwe munyengetero wangu.
To him that excelleth on Neginoth. A Psalme of Dauid. Heare me when I call, O God of my righteousnes: thou hast set me at libertie, when I was in distresse: haue mercie vpon me and hearken vnto my prayer.
2 Nhai imi vanhu, muchashandura kukudzwa kwangu kukava chinyadziso kusvikira riniko? Muchada kutsauswa nokutsvaka vamwari venhema kusvikira riniko? Sera
O ye sonnes of men, howe long will yee turne my glory into shame, louing vanitie, and seeking lyes? (Selah)
3 Zivai kuti Jehovha akazvitsaurira vanomuda; Jehovha achandinzwa pandinodana kwaari.
For be ye sure that the Lord hath chosen to himselfe a godly man: the Lord will heare when I call vnto him.
4 Pakutsamwa kwenyu, regai kutadza; pamunenge muri pamibhedha yenyu, nzverai mwoyo yenyu uye munyarare. Sera
Tremble, and sinne not: examine your owne heart vpon your bed, and be still. (Selah)
5 Ipai zvibayiro zvakarurama uye muvimbe naJehovha.
Offer the sacrifices of righteousnes, and trust in the Lord.
6 Vazhinji vanobvunza vachiti, “Ndianiko angatiratidza chakanaka?” Chiedza chechiso chenyu ngachipenye pamusoro pedu, imi Jehovha.
Many say, Who will shewe vs any good? but Lord, lift vp the light of thy countenance vpon vs.
7 Makazadza mwoyo wangu nomufaro mukuru kupfuura zviyo zvavo newaini yavo itsva yakawanda.
Thou hast giuen mee more ioye of heart, then they haue had, when their wheate and their wine did abound.
8 Ndichavata pasi ndigokotsira norugare, nokuti imi moga, Jehovha, munoita kuti ndigare pakasimba.
I will lay mee downe, and also sleepe in peace: for thou, Lord, onely makest me dwell in safetie.