< Mapisarema 38 >

1 Pisarema raDhavhidhi. Chikumbiro. Haiwa Jehovha, musandirayira mukutsamwa kwenyu kana kundiranga muhasha dzenyu.
A Melody of David. To bring to Remembrance. O Yahweh, do not, in thine anger, correct me, nor, in thy wrath, chastise me;
2 Nokuti miseve yenyu yandibaya, uye ruoko rwenyu rwawira pamusoro pangu.
For, thine arrows, have sunk down into me, and thy hand, presseth heavily upon me.
3 Mumuviri mangu hamuchina utano nokuda kwehasha dzenyu; mapfupa angu apera simba nokuda kwechivi changu.
There is no soundness in my flesh, By reason of thine indignation, There is no peace in my bones, By reason of my sin;
4 Mhosva yangu yandiremera somutoro unorema kwazvo kuutakura.
For, mine iniquities, have passed over my head, Like a heavy burden, they are too heavy for me:
5 Maronda angu aora uye anosemesa nokuda kwoupenzi hwokutadza kwangu.
My wounds are of bad odour—they have festered, by reason of my folly:
6 Ndakotamiswa uye ndaderedzwa kwazvo; ndinofamba ndichichema zuva rose.
I am bent, I am bowed down very low. All the day, have I gloomily walked;
7 Musana wangu wazara nokupisa kunorwadza; muviri wangu hauchina utano.
For, my loins, are filled with inflammation, and there is no soundness in my flesh:
8 Ndarukutika uye ndapwanyika chose; ndiri kugomera nokurwadza kwomwoyo.
I am benumbed and crushed exceedingly, —I have cried aloud because of the groaning of my heart.
9 Haiwa Ishe, zvose zvandinoshuva zviri pachena pamberi penyu, kugomera kwangu hakuna kuvanzika kwamuri.
O My Lord! before thee, is all my longing, and, my sighing, from thee, hath not been hid:
10 Hana yangu inorova, simba rangu rapera; kunyange nechiedza chabva pameso angu.
My heart, fluttereth, my strength hath forsaken me, and, as for the light of mine eyes, even they, are not with me:
11 Shamwari dzangu navafambidzani vondinzvenga nokuda kwamaronda angu; vavakidzani vangu vanogara kure neni.
My lovers, and my friends, from before my stroke, stand aloof, —and, my near ones, far away, do stand:
12 Avo vanotsvaka kundiuraya vanonditeya nemisungo yavo, avo vanoda kundikuvadza vanotaura nezvokuparadzwa kwangu; zuva rose vanorangana zvounyengeri.
Yea they who are seeking my life, have laid snares, and they who are asking my harm, have threatened engulfing ruin, And, deceitful things—all day long, do they mutter.
13 Ini ndafanana nematsi, isinganzwi, sembeveve, isingagoni kushamisa muromo wayo;
But, I, as one deaf, will not hear, —and as one dumb, who will not open his mouth:
14 ndava somunhu asinganzwi, ano muromo usingapinduri.
Thus have I become as a man who cannot hear, in whose mouth are no arguments:
15 Haiwa Jehovha, ndakakumirirai; muchapindura, imi Ishe Mwari wangu.
Because, for thee, O Yahweh, have I waited, Thou, wilt answer, O Adonay, my God!
16 Nokuti ndakati, “Musavarega vachifarira kutambudzika kwangu kana kuzvisimudzira pamusoro pangu, rutsoka rwangu parunotedzemuka.”
For I said, Lest they rejoice over me! When my feet were tottering, against me, have they magnified themselves:
17 Nokuti ndava pedyo nokuwa, uye kurwadziwa kwangu kunogara neni.
For, I, to halt, am ready, and, my pain, is before me continually;
18 Ndinoreurura chivi changu; chivi changu chinonditambudza.
For, mine iniquity, will I declare, I shall be anxious because of my sin;
19 Vavengi vangu vane simba vazhinji; vanondivenga ndisina mhosva vakawanda.
And, my foes, are alive—have become strong, —and multiplied are they who hate me for false cause:
20 Ivavo vanotsiva zvakanaka zvangu nezvakaipa, vanondireva pandinotevera zvakanaka.
Even they who are repaying evil for good, accuse me because I pursue the good.
21 Haiwa Jehovha, regai kundisiya; regai kuva kure neni, imi Mwari wangu.
Do not forsake me, O Yahweh, My God! be not far from me:
22 Haiwa Ishe Muponesi wangu, kurumidzai kuuya kuzondibatsira.
Make haste to help me, My Lord, my deliverance!

< Mapisarema 38 >