< Mapisarema 37 >
1 Pisarema raDhavhidhi. Usava neshungu nokuda kwavanhu vakaipa, uye usaitira godo avo vanoita zvakaipa;
A psalm of David. Don't be upset over wicked people, or be jealous of those who do wrong.
2 nokuti souswa vachaoma nokukurumidza, somuriwo wakasvibira vachakurumidza kuoma.
For like grass, they will quickly dry up; like plants, they will soon wither away.
3 Vimba naJehovha uite zvakanaka; gara panyika ufarikane pamafuro manyoro.
Trust in the Lord, and do good. Live in the land and feed on faithfulness.
4 Farikana muna Jehovha, uye iye achakupa zvinodikanwa nomwoyo wako.
Find your happiness in the Lord, and he will give you what you want the most.
5 Isa nzira yako kuna Jehovha; uvimbe naye uye iye achaita izvi;
Entrust all that you do to the Lord. Place your confidence in him and he will help you.
6 achaita kuti kururama kwako kupenye samambakwedza, nokururamisirwa kwako sezuva ramasikati.
He will make your vindication shine like a light, the rightness of your cause like the noonday sun.
7 Nyarara pamberi paJehovha, umurindire unyerere; usava neshungu kana vanhu vachibudirira panzira dzavo, pavanoita mano avo akaipa avakaronga.
Be still in God's presence; wait patiently for him. Don't be upset over people who prosper when they carry out their evil schemes.
8 Rega kutsamwa, uzvidzore pahasha; usava neshungu zvinokutungamirira mune zvakaipa.
Give up your anger! Let go your rage! Don't get mad—it only results in evil!
9 Nokuti vasakarurama vachagurwa, asi avo vanomirira Jehovha vachagara nhaka yenyika.
For the wicked will be destroyed, and those who trust in the Lord will take possession of the land.
10 Chinguva chiduku duku, vakaipa havachazovapozve; kunyange ukavatsvaka, havazowanikwi.
In a little while the wicked will be no more—though you look for them you won't find them.
11 Asi vanyoro vachagara nhaka yenyika, uye vachafarikana norugare rukuru.
The humble will own the land; they will live there happily, in peace and prosperity.
12 Vakaipa vanofungira vakarurama mano akaipa, uye vanovarumanyira meno avo.
The wicked plot evil against those who do good, gnashing their teeth at them.
13 Asi Ishe anoseka vakaipa nokuti anoziva kuti zuva ravo riri kuuya.
But the Lord laughs at them, for he sees their coming day of judgment.
14 Vakaipa vanovhomora munondo uye vanowembura uta kuti vawisire pasi varombo navanoshayiwa, kuti vauraye avo vane nzira dzakarurama.
The wicked draw their swords, and bend their bows to destroy the poor and needy, to kill those who live right.
15 Asi minondo yavo ichabaya mwoyo yavo pachavo, uye uta hwavo huchavhunika.
But the swords of the wicked will slice through their own hearts, and their bows will be broken.
16 Zvishoma zvowakarurama zviri nani kupinda pfuma yavakaipa vazhinji;
It's better to do right and only have a little, than to be wicked and rich.
17 nokuti simba ravakaipa richavhuniwa, asi Jehovha anotsigira vakarurama.
For the power of the wicked will be broken, but the Lord supports those who do right.
18 Mazuva avakarurama anozivikanwa naJehovha, uye nhaka yavo ichagara nokusingaperi.
The Lord knows what is happening to the innocent and grants them an eternal inheritance.
19 Panguva yamatambudziko, havanganyadziswi; mumazuva enzara ivo vachava nezvakawanda.
They will not be humiliated in bad times; even in days of famine they will have plenty to eat.
20 Asi vakaipa vachaparara: vavengi vaJehovha vachafanana norunako rweminda, vachanyangarika soutsi.
But the wicked will die. The enemies of the Lord are like the flowers of the field—they will vanish like smoke.
21 Vakaipa vanokwereta uye havadzori, asi vakarurama vanopa zvakawanda;
The wicked borrow, but don't repay; while those who do right give generously.
22 avo vanoropafadzwa naJehovha vachagara nhaka yenyika, asi avo vaanotuka vachaparadzwa.
Those who are blessed by God will own the land, but those he curses will die.
23 Kana Jehovha achifarira nzira yomunhu, anosimbisa mafambiro ake;
The Lord shows the right path to those who follow him, and is happy with the way they live.
24 kunyange akagumburwa, haangawi, nokuti Jehovha anomutsigira noruoko rwake.
Though they may trip up, they will not fall to the ground, for the Lord holds their hand.
25 Ndakanga ndiri muduku uye zvino ndakwegura, asi handina kumboona vakarurama vachiraswa, kana vana vavo vachipemha chingwa.
Once I was young, and now I've grown old, yet I've never seen those who do right abandoned, nor their children having to beg for bread.
26 Vanogara vachingopa vamwe, uye vachikweretesa pasina muripo; vana vavo vacharopafadzwa.
They are always kind, and generous with their loans; their children are a blessing.
27 Dzoka pane zvakaipa ugoita zvakanaka; ipapo uchagara panyika nokusingaperi.
Reject evil, do what is good, and you will live forever in the land.
28 Nokuti Jehovha anoda vanoruramisira uye haangazosiyi vanhu vake vakatendeka. Vachadzivirirwa nokusingaperi; asi vana vowakaipa vachaparadzwa;
For the Lord loves fairness and he will never abandon those who are trustworthy. He will protect them forever. But the children of the wicked will die.
29 vakarurama vachagara nhaka yenyika uye vachagara mairi nokusingaperi.
Those who do right will own the land and will live there forever.
30 Muromo womunhu akarurama unotaura uchenjeri, uye rurimi rwake runotaura kururamisira.
People who do right give good advice, explaining what is fair.
31 Murayiro waMwari wake uri pamwoyo wake; tsoka dzake hadzitedzemuki.
God's law lives in their minds, so they will not slip from his way.
32 Vakaipa vanovandira vakarurama, vachitsvaka upenyu hwavo chaihwo;
The wicked lie in wait for those who do good, intending to kill them.
33 asi Jehovha haangavasiyi vari musimba ravo, kana kuvarega vachipomerwa kana vamira pakutongwa.
But the Lord will not let them fall into the hands of the wicked, and he will not let those who do good be condemned when they are put on trial.
34 Rindira Jehovha, uye uchengete nzira yake. Achakusimudzira kuti ugare nhaka yenyika; kana vakaipa voparadzwa, iwe uchazviona.
Trust in the Lord, and stay on his path. He will lift you up and give you the land to own. You will see when the wicked are destroyed.
35 Ndakaona munhu akaipa uye ano utsinye achibudirira somuti wakasvibira pavhu romunyika yawo,
I have watched the wicked acting brutally, spreading like a large tree in its native land.
36 asi nokukurumidza akapfuura uye akasazovapozve; kunyange ndakamutsvaka, haana kuzowanikwa.
But when I passed that way the next time, they were gone. I searched for them but couldn't find them.
37 Cherechedza asina mhosva, ongorora akarurama; ane ramangwana rakanaka munhu worugare.
Observe the innocent, look at those who do right! Those who love peace have a future!
38 Asi vatadzi vose vachaparadzwa; ramangwana rowakaipa richagurwa.
But those who are rebellious will be altogether destroyed; the wicked have no future.
39 Ruponeso rwavakarurama runobva kuna Jehovha; ndiye nhare yavo panguva yamatambudziko.
The Lord saves those who live right; he is their protection in times of trouble.
40 Jehovha anovabatsira uye anovanunura; anovanunura kubva kuna vakaipa uye anovaponesa, nokuti vanovanda maari.
The Lord helps them and rescues them from the wicked. He saves them because they go to him for protection.