< Mapisarema 21 >
1 Kumutungamiri wokuimba. Pisarema raDhavhidhi. Haiwa Jehovha, mambo anofara musimba renyu. Mufaro wake mukuru sei pakukunda kwamunomupa!
For the leader. A psalm of David. The king rejoices, Lord, in your might, how he exults because of your help!
2 Makamupa zvinodikanwa nomwoyo wake, uye hamuna kumunyima zvaikumbirwa nomuromo wake. Sera
You have granted to him his heart’s desire, you have not withheld his lips’ request. (Selah)
3 Makamugamuchira nemikomborero yakapfuma, uye makadzika pamusoro pake korona yegoridhe yakachena.
You came to meet him with rich blessings, you set on his head a golden crown.
4 Akakukumbirai upenyu, mukamupa mazuva mazhinji, nokusingaperi-peri.
He asked you for life, you gave it – many long days, forever and ever.
5 Kubudikidza nokukunda kwamakamupa, kukudzwa kwake kukuru; makaisa pamusoro pake kubwinya nokukudzwa.
Great is his glory because of your help, honor and majesty you lay upon him.
6 Zvirokwazvo makamupa maropafadzo anogara nokusingaperi, mukamufadza nomufaro pamberi penyu.
For you make him most blessed forever, you make him glad with the joy of your presence.
7 Nokuti mambo anovimba naJehovha; nokuda kworudo rusingaperi rwoWokumusoro-soro, iye haangazungunuswi.
For the king puts always his trust in the Lord; the Most High, in his love, will preserve him unshaken.
8 Ruoko rwenyu ruchabata vavengi venyu vose; ruoko rwenyu rworudyi ruchabata vavengi venyu.
Your hand will reach all your foes, your right hand, all who hate you.
9 Panguva yokuonekwa kwenyu muchavaita sevira romoto. Jehovha achavamedza nehasha dzake, uye moto wake uchavaparadza.
You will make them like a furnace of fire, when you appear, Lord. The Lord will swallow them up in his wrath. The fire will devour them.
10 Muchaparadza zvizvarwa zvavo kubva panyika, vana vavo kubva pakati pavanhu.
You will sweep their offspring from the earth, their children from humanity.
11 Kunyange vachirangana zvakaipa pamusoro penyu nokufunga mano akaipa, havangagoni kubudirira;
When they scheme against you and hatch evil plots – they will fail.
12 nokuti muchaita kuti vafuratire, pamuchavananga nouta hwakawemburwa.
For you aim your bow at their faces, make them turn in flight.
13 Simudzirwai, imi Jehovha, musimba renyu; tichaimba uye ticharumbidza simba renyu.
Be exalted, Lord, in your strength, to your might we shall sing and make music.