< Mapisarema 139 >
1 Kumutungamiri wokuimba. Pisarema raDhavhidhi. Haiwa Jehovha, makandinzvera uye munondiziva.
For the leader. Of David, a psalm. O Lord, you search and know me;
2 Munoziva nguva yandinogara neyandinosimuka; munonzwisisa pfungwa dzangu muri kure.
when I sit, when I rise you know it, you perceive my thoughts from afar.
3 Munonzvera kubuda kwangu nokuvata kwangu pasi; munoziva nzira dzangu dzose.
When I walk, when I lie you sift it, familiar with all my ways.
4 Shoko risati rava parurimi rwangu, tarirai, imi Jehovha, munoriziva rose.
There is not a word on my tongue, but see! Lord, you know it all.
5 Munondikomberedza shure nemberi; makaisa ruoko rwenyu pamusoro pangu.
Behind and before you beset me, upon me you lay your hand.
6 Kuziva kwakadai kunondishamisa, kwakanyanya kukwirira zvokuti handingasvikiri.
It’s too wonderful for me to know too lofty I cannot attain it.
7 Ndingaendepiko kuti ndibve paMweya wenyu? Ndingatizirepiko kuti ndibve pamberi penyu?
Whither shall I go from your spirit? Or whither shall I flee from your face?
8 Kana ndikakwira kumatenga, imi muriko; kana ndikawarira mubhedha wangu kwakadzika, imi muriko. (Sheol )
If I climb up to heaven, you are there: or make Sheol my bed, you are there. (Sheol )
9 Kana ndikasimuka namapapiro amambakwedza, kana ndikandogara kumagumo egungwa,
If I lift up the wings of the morning and fly to the end of the sea,
10 kunyange ipapo ruoko rwenyu runondisesedza, ruoko rwenyu rworudyi runondimbundikira.
there also your hand would grasp me, and your right hand take hold of me.
11 Kana ndikati, “Zvirokwazvo rima richandivanza, uye chiedza chinondikomberedza chichava usiku kwandiri,”
If I say, “Let the darkness cover me, and night be the light about me,”
12 kunyange rima haringavi rima kwamuri; usiku huchapenya samasikati, nokuti rima rakaita sechiedza kwamuri.
The dark is not dark for you, but night is as light as the day.
13 Nokuti imi makasika zvomukatikati mangu; makandiruka ndiri mudumbu ramai vangu.
For you did put me together; in my mother’s womb you did weave me.
14 Ndinokurumbidzai nokuti ndakaitwa nomutoo unotyisa uye unoshamisa; mabasa enyu anoshamisa, ndinonyatsozviziva kwazvo.
I give you praise for my fashioning so full of awe, so wonderful. Your works are wonderful. You knew me right well;
15 Mapfupa angu akanga asina kuvanzika kwamuri, pandakanga ndaiswa munzvimbo yakavanda. Pandakarukwa ndiri pakadzika penyika,
my bones were not hidden from you, when I was made in secret, and woven in the depths of the earth.
16 meso enyu akaona muviri usati waumbwa. Mazuva ose andakarongerwa akanga akanyorwa mubhuku renyu, rimwe rawo risati ravapo.
Your eyes saw all my days: they stood on your book every one written down, before they were fashioned, while none of them yet was mine.
17 Mirangariro yenyu inokosha sei kwandiri, imi Mwari! Yakakura sei pakuverengwa kwayo!
But how far, O God, beyond measure are your thoughts! How mighty their sum!
18 Dai ndaiverenga, ingadai yaikunda tsanga dzejecha pakuwanda. Pandinopepuka, ndinenge ndinemi.
Should I count, they are more than the sand. When I wake, I am still with you.
19 Dai mukangouraya vakaipa, imi Mwari! Endai kure neni, imi vanhu vokuteura ropa!
Will you slay the wicked, O God? And remove from me the bloodthirsty,
20 Ivo vanotaura nemi nomurangariro wakaipa; vadzivisi venyu vanoshandisa zita renyu zvakaipa.
who maliciously defy you and take your name in vain.
21 Ko, ini handivengi vanokuvengai here, imi Jehovha, nokusema vaya vanokumukirai?
Do I not hate those who hate you, Lord? Do I not loathe those who resist you?
22 Handina chimwe chinhu asi kuvavenga ivo; ndinovati vavengi vangu.
With perfect hatred I hate them, I count them my enemies.
23 Ndinzverei, imi Mwari, mugoziva mwoyo wangu; ndiedzei mugoziva kushuva kwendangariro dzangu.
Search me, O God, know my heart: test me, and know my thoughts,
24 Muone kana musina nzira yakaipa mandiri, mugondifambisa munzira isingaperi.
and see if guile be in me; and lead me in the way everlasting.