< Mapisarema 107 >

1 Vongai Jehovha, nokuti akanaka; rudo rwake runogara nokusingaperi.
Give glory to the Lord, for he is good: for his mercy endureth for ever.
2 Vakadzikinurwa naJehovha ngavadaro, vaakadzikinura muruoko rwomuvengi,
Let them say so that have been redeemed by the Lord, whom he hath redeemed from the hand of the enemy: and gathered out of the countries.
3 avo vaakaunganidza kubva panyika dzose, kubva kumabvazuva nokumavirira, nokumusoro nezasi.
From the rising and the setting of the sun, from the north and from the sea.
4 Vamwe vakadzungaira murenje nomugwenga, vachishayiwa nzira yokuenda kuguta kwavangagara.
They wandered in a wilderness, in a place without water: they found not the way of a city for their habitation.
5 Vakava nenzara nenyota, uye upenyu hwavo hwakanga hwoparara.
They were hungry and thirsty: their soul fainted in them.
6 Ipapo vakachema kuna Jehovha pakutambudzika kwavo, akavarwira pakutambura kwavo.
And they cried to the Lord in their tribulation: and he delivered them out of their distresses.
7 Akavafambisa nenzira yakarurama kuenda kuguta ravaizogara.
And he led them into the right way: that they might go to a city of habitation.
8 Vanhu ngavavonge Jehovha nokuda kworudo rwake rusingaperi, uye nokuda kwamabasa anoshamisa aakavaitira,
Let the mercies of the Lord give glory to him: and his wonderful works to the children of men.
9 nokuti anogutsa vane nyota, uye vane nzara anovazadza nezvakanaka.
For he hath satisfied the empty soul, and hath filled the hungry soul with good things.
10 Vamwe vakagara murima nokusurikirwa kwakadzama, vari vasungwa vanotambudzika muzvisungo zvamatare,
Such as sat in darkness and in the shadow of death: bound in want and in iron.
11 nokuti vakanga vamukira mashoko aMwari uye vakazvidza kurayira kweWokumusoro-soro.
Because they had exasperated the words of God: and provoked the counsel of the most High:
12 Saka akaita kuti vashande zvinorwadza; vakagumburwa, uye pakanga pasina anovabatsira.
And their heart was humbled with labours: they were weakened, and their was none to help them.
13 Ipapo vakachema kuna Jehovha pakutambudzika kwavo, uye akavaponesa pakutambura kwavo.
Then they cried to the Lord in their affliction: and he delivered them out of their distresses.
14 Akavabudisa murima nomukusviba kwakadzika dzika, uye akadambura ngetani dzavo.
And he brought them out of darkness, and the shadow of death; and broke their bonds in sunder.
15 Vanhu ngavavonge Jehovha nokuda kworudo rwake rusingaperi, uye namabasa ake anoshamisa aakavaitira,
Let the mercies of the Lord give glory to him, and his wonderful works to the children of men.
16 nokuti anopwanya masuo endarira, uye akagura mazariro esimbi.
Because he hath broken gates of brass, and burst the iron bars.
17 Vamwe vakava mapenzi nokuda kwenzira dzavo dzokumukira, uye vakatambudzwa kwazvo nokuda kwezvakaipa zvavo.
He took them out of the way of their iniquity: for they were brought low for their injustices.
18 Vakasema zvokudya zvose, uye vakaswedera pamasuo orufu.
Their soul abhorred all manner of meat: and they drew nigh even to the gates of death.
19 Ipapo vakachema kuna Jehovha pakutambudzika kwavo, uye akavaponesa pakutambura kwavo.
And they cried to the Lord in their affliction: and he delivered them out of their distresses.
20 Akatuma shoko rake uye akavaporesa; akavanunura kubva paguva.
He sent his word, and healed them: and delivered them from their destructions.
21 Vanhu ngavavonge Jehovha nokuda kworudo rwake rusingaperi, uye namabasa ake anoshamisa aakavaitira.
Let the mercies of the Lord give glory to him: and his wonderful works to the children of men.
22 Ngavabayire zvibayiro zvokuvonga, uye vareve zvamabasa ake nenziyo dzomufaro.
And let them sacrifice the sacrifice of praise: and declare his works with joy.
23 Vamwe vakafamba rwendo pagungwa nezvikepe; vakanga vari vashambadziri pamvura zhinji.
They that go down to the sea in ships, doing business in the great waters:
24 Vakaona mabasa aJehovha, mabasa ake anoshamisa pakadzika.
These have seen the works of the Lord, and his wonders in the deep.
25 Nokuti akataura uye akamutsa dutu rikasimudza mafungu.
He said the word, and there arose a storm of wind: and the waves thereof were lifted up.
26 Vakaenda kumusoro kumatenga vakaendawo pasi kwakadzika; mukutambudzika kwavo kushinga kwavo kwakanyongodeka.
They mount up to the heavens, and they go down to the depths: their soul pined away with evils.
27 Vakandeya vakadzedzereka savanhu vadhakwa; vakasvika pakupererwa namazano.
They were troubled, and reeled like a drunken man; and all their wisdom was swallowed up.
28 Ipapo vakachema kuna Jehovha pakutambudzika kwavo, uye akavabudisa pakutambura kwavo.
And they cried to the Lord in their affliction: and he brought them out of their distresses.
29 Akanyaradza dutu remhepo nezevezeve; mafungu egungwa akanyarara kuti mwiro.
And he turned the storm into a breeze: and its waves were still.
30 Vakafara parakadzikama, uye akavatungamirira kwakachengetedzeka kwavaida.
And they rejoiced because they were still: and he brought them to the haven which they wished for.
31 Vanhu ngavavonge Jehovha nokuda kworudo rwake rusingaperi, uye namabasa ake anoshamisa aakaitira vanhu.
Let the mercies of the Lord give glory to him, and his wonderful works to the children of men.
32 Ngavamukudze paungano yavanhu, uye vamurumbidze pagungano ramakurukota.
And let them exalt him in the church of the people: and praise him in the chair of the ancients.
33 Akashandura nzizi dzikava gwenga, hova dzinoerera dzikava nyika ine nyota,
He hath turned rivers into a wilderness: and the sources of water into dry ground:
34 uye nyika yezvibereko ikava gwenga romunyu, nokuda kwezvakaipa zvavaigaramo.
A fruitful land into barrenness, for the wickedness of them that dwell therein.
35 Akashandura gwenga rikava madziva emvura, nenyika yakaoma ikava zvitubu zvinoerera;
He hath turned a wilderness into pools of water, and a dry land into water springs.
36 ndipo paakagarisa vane nzara, uye vakavaka guta ravangagara.
And hath placed there the hungry; and they made a city for their habitation.
37 Vakadyara minda, uye vakasima minda yemizambiringa, ikabereka mukohwo wakanaka;
And they sowed fields, and planted vineyards: and they yielded fruit of birth.
38 akavaropafadza, uye akavawanza zvikuru, uye haana kutendera zvipfuwo zvavo kuparara.
And he blessed them, and they were multiplied exceedingly: and their cattle he suffered not to decrease.
39 Ipapo vakava vashoma, uye vakaninipiswa vakadzvinyirirwa, nenjodzi uye nokusuwa;
Then they were brought to be few: and they were afflicted through the trouble of evils and sorrow.
40 iye anodurura kuzvidzwa pamusoro pamakurukota, akaita kuti vadzungaire musango risina nzira.
Contempt was poured forth upon their princes: and he caused them to wander where there was no passing, and out of the way.
41 Akasimudza vanoshayiwa kubva mukutambudzika kwavo, uye akawedzera mhuri dzavo samapoka amakwai.
And he helped the poor out of poverty: and made him families like a flock of sheep.
42 Vakarurama vanozviona vagofara, asi vakaipa vose vanodzivirwa miromo yavo.
The just shall see, and shall rejoice, and all iniquity shall stop their mouth.
43 Ani naani akachenjera ngaachengete zvinhu izvi, uye arangarire rudo rukuru rwaJehovha.
Who is wise, and will keep these things: and will understand the mercies of the Lord?

< Mapisarema 107 >