< Mapisarema 105 >

1 Vongai Jehovha, danai kuzita rake; zivisai zvaakaita pakati pendudzi.
Praise the Lord, and call vpon his Name: declare his workes among the people.
2 Muimbirei, muimbirei nziyo dzokurumbidza; rondedzerai mabasa ake ose anoshamisa.
Sing vnto him, sing prayse vnto him, and talke of all his wonderous workes.
3 Ngarikudzwe zita rake dzvene; mwoyo yavanotsvaka Jehovha ngaifare.
Reioyce in his holy Name: let the heart of them that seeke the Lord, reioyce.
4 Tarirai kuna Jehovha nokusimba rake; tsvakai chiso chake nguva dzose.
Seeke the Lord and his strength: seeke his face continually.
5 Rangarirai zvishamiso zvaakaita, mabasa ake, nezvaakatonga zvaakareva,
Remember his marueilous woorkes, that he hath done, his wonders and the iudgements of his mouth,
6 imi vana vaAbhurahama muranda wake, haiwa vanakomana vaJakobho, vasanangurwa vake.
Ye seede of Abraham his seruant, ye children of Iaakob, which are his elect.
7 Ndiye Jehovha Mwari wedu; kutonga kwake kuri munyika yose.
He is the Lord our God: his iudgements are through all the earth.
8 Anorangarira sungano yake nokusingaperi, iro shoko raakarayira, kuchiuru chezvizvarwa,
He hath alway remembred his couenant and promise, that he made to a thousand generations,
9 sungano yaakaita naAbhurahama, mhiko yaakapika kuna Isaka.
Euen that which he made with Abraham, and his othe vnto Izhak:
10 Akaisimbisa kuna Jakobho somutemo, nokuna Israeri sesungano isingaperi achiti,
And since hath confirmed it to Iaakob for a lawe, and to Israel for an euerlasting couenant,
11 “Ndichapa nyika yeKenani kwauri somugove wenhaka yako.”
Saying, Vnto thee will I giue the land of Canaan, the lot of your inheritance.
12 Pavaiva vashoma pakuwanda, zvirokwazvo vari vashoma, uye vari vaeni mairi,
Albeit they were fewe in nomber, yea, very fewe, and strangers in the land,
13 vakadzungaira vachibva kuno rumwe rudzi kusvikira kuno rumwe rudzi. Kubva kuno humwe ushe vachienda kuno humwe.
And walked about from nation to nation, from one kingdome to another people,
14 Haana kutendera munhu kuvadzvinyirira; akatuka madzimambo nokuda kwavo achiti,
Yet suffered he no man to doe them wrong, but reprooued Kings for their sakes, saying,
15 “Musabata vazodziwa vangu; musaitira vaprofita vangu zvakaipa.”
Touche not mine anointed, and doe my Prophets no harme.
16 Akadana nzara panyika ikaparadza zvose zvaiuyisa zvokudya;
Moreouer, he called a famine vpon ye land, and vtterly brake the staffe of bread.
17 uye akatuma munhu pamberi pavo, iye Josefa, akatengeswa senhapwa.
But he sent a man before them: Ioseph was solde for a slaue.
18 Vakakuvadza tsoka dzake nezvisungo mutsipa wake ukaiswa mumatare esimbi,
They helde his feete in the stockes, and he was laide in yrons,
19 kusvikira zvaakareva zvazadziswa, kusvikira shoko raJehovha raratidza kutendeka kwake.
Vntill his appointed time came, and the counsell of the Lord had tryed him.
20 Mambo akatuma shoko kuti asunungurwe, vatongi vavanhu vakamuregedza.
The King sent and loosed him: euen the Ruler of the people deliuered him.
21 Akamuita tenzi weimba yake, nomutongi wepfuma yake yose,
He made him lord of his house, and ruler of all his substance,
22 kuti arayire machinda ake sezvaaida uye adzidzise vakuru vake njere.
That he shoulde binde his princes vnto his will, and teach his Ancients wisedome.
23 Ipapo Israeri akapinda muIjipiti; Jakobho akagara somweni munyika yaHamu.
Then Israel came to Egypt, and Iaakob was a stranger in the land of Ham.
24 Jehovha akawanza vanhu vake chose; akavaita vazhinji kwazvo kupinda vavengi vavo,
And he increased his people exceedingly, and made them stronger then their oppressours.
25 avo vaakashandura mwoyo yavo kuti ivenge vanhu vake, kuti varangane pamusoro pavaranda vake.
He turned their heart to hate his people, and to deale craftily with his seruants.
26 Akatuma Mozisi muranda wake, naAroni, waakanga asarudza.
Then sent he Moses his seruant, and Aaron whom he had chosen.
27 Vakaita zviratidzo zvinoshamisa pakati pavo, izvo zvishamiso zvake munyika yaHamu.
They shewed among them the message of his signes, and wonders in the land of Ham.
28 Akatumira rima akaita kuti nyika ive murima, nokuti havana kumukira shoko rake here?
He sent darkenesse, and made it darke: and they were not disobedient vnto his commission.
29 Akashandura mvura yavo zhinji ikava ropa, zvikaita kuti hove dzavo dzife.
He turned their waters into blood, and slewe their fish.
30 Nyika yavo yakazara namatatya, akapinda mudzimba dzamadzimambo avo.
Their land brought foorth frogs, euen in their Kings chambers.
31 Akataura mapupira enhunzi akauya, nenda munyika yavo yose.
He spake, and there came swarmes of flies and lice in all their quarters.
32 Akashandura mvura yavo ikava chimvuramabwe, nemheni munyika yavo yose;
He gaue them haile for raine, and flames of fire in their land.
33 akarova mizambiringa yavo nemionde yavo, akaparadza miti yomunyika yavo.
He smote their vines also and their figge trees, and brake downe the trees in their coastes.
34 Akataura, mhashu dzikauya, namagutaguta asingaverengeki;
He spake, and the grashoppers came, and caterpillers innumerable,
35 zvakadya miriwo minyoro yose munyika yavo, zvikadya zvibereko zvevhu ravo.
And did eate vp all the grasse in their land, and deuoured the fruite of their ground.
36 Ipapo akarova matangwe munyika yavo, zvibereko zvokutanga zvesimba roujaya hwavo.
He smote also all the first borne in their land, euen the beginning of all their strength.
37 Akabudisa Israeri akaremerwa nesirivha negoridhe, kwakanga kusina akagumburwa pakati pamarudzi avo.
He brought them forth also with siluer and golde, and there was none feeble among their tribes.
38 Ijipiti yakafara pavakabva, nokuti kutya vaIsraeri kwakanga kwavabata.
Egypt was glad at their departing: for the feare of them had fallen vpon them.
39 Akatatamura gore rikava chifukidzo, uye moto kuti uvhenekere usiku.
He spred a cloude to be a couering, and fire to giue light in the night.
40 Vakakumbira, iye akavauyisira zvihuta, uye akavagutsa nechingwa chakabva kudenga.
They asked, and he brought quailes, and he filled them with the bread of heauen.
41 Akazarura dombo, mvura ikatubuka; ikayerera mugwenga sorwizi.
He opened the rocke, and the waters flowed out, and ranne in the drye places like a riuer.
42 Nokuti akarangarira mhiko yake tsvene yaakapa Abhurahama muranda wake.
For he remembred his holy promise to Abraham his seruant,
43 Akabudisa vanhu vake nomufaro, vasanangurwa vake nokupembera kwomufaro;
And he brought forth his people with ioy, and his chosen with gladnesse,
44 akavapa nyika dzendudzi, vakagara nhaka yakanga yatamburirwa navamwe,
And gaue them the lands of the heathen, and they tooke the labours of the people in possession,
45 kuti vachengete zvaakatema uye vacherechedze mirayiro yake. Rumbidzai Jehovha.
That they might keepe his statutes, and obserue his Lawes. Prayse ye the Lord.

< Mapisarema 105 >