< Mapisarema 10 >

1 Munomirireiko kure, imi Jehovha? Munozvivanzireiko panguva yokutambudzika?
Why, YHWH, do You stand at a distance? Do You hide in times of adversity?
2 Pakuzvikudza kwake munhu akaipa anovhima vasina simba, vanobatwa namano okufunga kwake.
Through the pride of the wicked, Is the poor inflamed, They are caught in schemes that they devised.
3 Anozvirumbidza pamusoro pezvinopangwa nomwoyo wake; anoropafadza vanokara uye anozvidza Jehovha.
Because the wicked has boasted Of the desire of his soul, And he has blessed a dishonest gainer, He has despised YHWH.
4 Pakuzvikudza kwake akaipa haamutsvaki; mundangariro dzake dzose hamuna nzvimbo yaMwari.
The wicked does not inquire according to the height of his face. “There is no God!” [are] all his schemes.
5 Nzira dzake dzinobudirira nguva dzose; anozvikudza uye mirayiro yenyu iri kure naye; anodadira vavengi vake vose.
His ways writhe at all times, Your judgments [are] on high before him, All his adversaries—he puffs at them.
6 Anoti pakufunga kwake, “Hakuna chichandizungunusa; ndichagara ndakafara uye handingatongotambudziki.”
He has said in his heart, “I am not moved, [And am] not in calamity to generation and generation.”
7 Muromo wake uzere nokutuka, kureva nhema, uye nokutyisidzira; matambudziko nezvakaipa zviri pasi porurimi rwake.
His mouth is full of oaths, And deceits, and fraud: Under his tongue [is] perverseness and iniquity,
8 Anovandira ari pedyo nemisha; pakuvandira uku anouraya vasina mhosva, ari panzvimbo yakavanzika anotarira vaachaparadza.
He sits in an ambush of the villages, He slays the innocent in secret places. His eyes secretly watch for the afflicted,
9 Anovandira seshumba iri panzvimbo yayo; anovandira kuti abate vasina anovabatsira; anobata vasina anobatsira uye anovakweva achienda navo mumumbure wake.
He lies in wait in a secret place, as a lion in a covert. He lies in wait to catch the poor, He catches the poor, drawing him into his net.
10 Vabatwa vake anovapwanya, vanowa; vanowira pasi pesimba rake.
He is bruised—he bows down, The afflicted has fallen by his mighty ones.
11 Anoti mumwoyo make, “Mwari akanganwa; akafukidza chiso chake uye haazoonizve.”
He said in his heart, “God has forgotten, He has hid His face, He has never seen.”
12 Simukai, imi Jehovha! Simudzai ruoko rwenyu, imi Mwari. Regai kukanganwa vanomanikidzwa.
Arise, O YHWH! O God, lift up Your hand! Do not forget the humble.
13 Munhu akaipa anozvidzireiko Mwari? Seiko achiti mumwoyo make, “Haazondibvunzi?”
Why has the wicked despised God? He has said in his heart, “It is not required.”
14 Asi imi, iyemi Mwari, munoona kutambudzika nokusuwa; munokutarisisa kuti mukupedze. Asina simba anozviisa kwamuri; muri mubatsiri wenherera.
You have seen, For You behold perverseness and anger; By giving into Your hand, The afflicted leave [it] on You, You have been a helper of the fatherless.
15 Vhunai ruoko rweakaipa nerwomunhu akaipa; ngaazvidavirire pazvakaipa zvake zvakanga zvisingazoonekwi.
Break the arm of the wicked and the evil, Seek out his wickedness, find none;
16 Jehovha ndiye Mambo nokusingaperi-peri; ndudzi dzichaparara munyika yake.
YHWH [is] King for all time and forever, The nations have perished out of His land!
17 Munonzwa henyu, imi Jehovha, zvishuvo zvavanotambura; munovakurudzira, uye munoteerera kuchema kwavo,
You have heard the desire of the humble, O YHWH. You prepare their heart; You cause Your ear to attend,
18 muchiruramisira nherera nevakamanikidzwa, kuti munhu wenyika, arege kuramba achingovhundutsa.
To judge the fatherless and bruised: He adds no more to oppress—man of the earth!

< Mapisarema 10 >