< Mapisarema 10 >
1 Munomirireiko kure, imi Jehovha? Munozvivanzireiko panguva yokutambudzika?
Why standest thou farre off, O Lord, and hidest thee in due time, euen in affliction?
2 Pakuzvikudza kwake munhu akaipa anovhima vasina simba, vanobatwa namano okufunga kwake.
The wicked with pride doeth persecute the poore: let them be taken in the craftes that they haue imagined.
3 Anozvirumbidza pamusoro pezvinopangwa nomwoyo wake; anoropafadza vanokara uye anozvidza Jehovha.
For the wicked hath made boast of his owne heartes desire, and the couetous blesseth himselfe: he contemneth the Lord.
4 Pakuzvikudza kwake akaipa haamutsvaki; mundangariro dzake dzose hamuna nzvimbo yaMwari.
The wicked is so proude that hee seeketh not for God: hee thinketh alwayes, There is no God.
5 Nzira dzake dzinobudirira nguva dzose; anozvikudza uye mirayiro yenyu iri kure naye; anodadira vavengi vake vose.
His wayes alway prosper: thy iudgements are hie aboue his sight: therefore defieth he all his enemies.
6 Anoti pakufunga kwake, “Hakuna chichandizungunusa; ndichagara ndakafara uye handingatongotambudziki.”
He saith in his heart, I shall neuer be moued, nor be in danger.
7 Muromo wake uzere nokutuka, kureva nhema, uye nokutyisidzira; matambudziko nezvakaipa zviri pasi porurimi rwake.
His mouth is full of cursing and deceite and fraude: vnder his tongue is mischiefe and iniquitie.
8 Anovandira ari pedyo nemisha; pakuvandira uku anouraya vasina mhosva, ari panzvimbo yakavanzika anotarira vaachaparadza.
He lieth in waite in the villages: in the secret places doeth hee murder the innocent: his eyes are bent against the poore.
9 Anovandira seshumba iri panzvimbo yayo; anovandira kuti abate vasina anovabatsira; anobata vasina anobatsira uye anovakweva achienda navo mumumbure wake.
He lyeth in waite secretly, euen as a lyon in his denne: he lyeth in waite to spoyle the poore: he doeth spoyle the poore, when he draweth him into his net.
10 Vabatwa vake anovapwanya, vanowa; vanowira pasi pesimba rake.
He croucheth and boweth: therefore heaps of the poore doe fall by his might.
11 Anoti mumwoyo make, “Mwari akanganwa; akafukidza chiso chake uye haazoonizve.”
He hath said in his heart, God hath forgotten, he hideth away his face, and will neuer see.
12 Simukai, imi Jehovha! Simudzai ruoko rwenyu, imi Mwari. Regai kukanganwa vanomanikidzwa.
Arise, O Lord God: lift vp thine hande: forget not the poore.
13 Munhu akaipa anozvidzireiko Mwari? Seiko achiti mumwoyo make, “Haazondibvunzi?”
Wherefore doeth the wicked contemne God? he saith in his heart, Thou wilt not regard.
14 Asi imi, iyemi Mwari, munoona kutambudzika nokusuwa; munokutarisisa kuti mukupedze. Asina simba anozviisa kwamuri; muri mubatsiri wenherera.
Yet thou hast seene it: for thou beholdest mischiefe and wrong, that thou mayest take it into thine handes: the poore committeth himselfe vnto thee: for thou art the helper of the fatherlesse.
15 Vhunai ruoko rweakaipa nerwomunhu akaipa; ngaazvidavirire pazvakaipa zvake zvakanga zvisingazoonekwi.
Breake thou the arme of the wicked and malicious: searche his wickednes, and thou shalt finde none.
16 Jehovha ndiye Mambo nokusingaperi-peri; ndudzi dzichaparara munyika yake.
The Lord is King for euer and euer: the heathen are destroyed foorth of his land.
17 Munonzwa henyu, imi Jehovha, zvishuvo zvavanotambura; munovakurudzira, uye munoteerera kuchema kwavo,
Lord, thou hast heard the desire of the poore: thou preparest their heart: thou bendest thine eare to them,
18 muchiruramisira nherera nevakamanikidzwa, kuti munhu wenyika, arege kuramba achingovhundutsa.
To iudge the fatherlesse and poore, that earthly man cause to feare no more.