< Zvirevo 5 >

1 Mwanakomana wangu, nyatsoteerera kuuchenjeri hwangu, teereresa kumashoko angu oungwaru,
My son, give attention to my wisdom; let your ear be turned to my teaching:
2 kuti ugare wakachengeta kungwara uye kuti miromo yako ichengetedze zivo.
So that you may be ruled by a wise purpose, and your lips may keep knowledge.
3 Nokuti miromo yomukadzi chifeve inodonha uchi, nomutauriro wake unotedza kupfuura mafuta;
For honey is dropping from the lips of the strange woman, and her mouth is smoother than oil;
4 asi pakupedzisira anovava senduru, anopinza somunondo unocheka namativi ose.
But her end is bitter as wormwood, and sharp as a two-edged sword;
5 Tsoka dzake dzinoenda kurufu; nhambwe dzake dzinonanga kuguva. (Sheol h7585)
Her feet go down to death, and her steps to the underworld; (Sheol h7585)
6 Haafungi pamusoro penzira youpenyu; nzira dzake dzakaminama, asi iye haazvizivi.
She never keeps her mind on the road of life; her ways are uncertain, she has no knowledge.
7 Saka zvino, vanakomana vangu, nditeererei; musatsauka pane zvandinotaura.
Give ear to me then, my sons, and do not put away my words from you.
8 Fambai nenzira iri kure naye, musasvika pedyo nomusuo wemba yake,
Go far away from her, do not come near the door of her house;
9 kuti murege kupa vamwe zvakanaka zvesimba renyu, uye namakore enyu kuno uyo ane utsinye,
For fear that you may give your honour to others, and your wealth to strange men:
10 kuti vatorwa varege kudya upfumi hwenyu, uye kushanda kwenyu nesimba kurege kupfumisa imba yomumwe munhu.
And strange men may be full of your wealth, and the fruit of your work go to the house of others;
11 Pakupedzisira kwoupenyu hwako uchagomera, kana nyama nomuviri wako zvaparadzwa.
And you will be full of grief at the end of your life, when your flesh and your body are wasted;
12 Uchazoti, “Mavengero andaiita kurayirwa! Mashorero aiita mwoyo wangu kudzorwa!
And you will say, How was teaching hated by me, and my heart put no value on training;
13 Ndakanga ndisingateereri vadzidzisi vangu, kana kunzwa varairidzi vangu.
I did not give attention to the voice of my teachers, my ear was not turned to those who were guiding me!
14 Ndasvika pakuparara chaiko pakati peungano yose.”
I was in almost all evil in the company of the people.
15 Inwa mvura pachirongo chako chaicho, mvura inoerera patsime rako chairo.
Let water from your store and not that of others be your drink, and running water from your fountain.
16 Ko, zvitubu zvako zvinofanira kuerera mumigwagwa here; nzizi dzako dzemvura pazvivara?
Let not your springs be flowing in the streets, or your streams of water in the open places.
17 Ngadzive dzako woga, hadzitombofaniri kugoveranwa navatorwa.
Let them be for yourself only, not for other men with you.
18 Tsime rako ngariropafadzwe, uye ufadzwe nomudzimai woujaya hwako.
Let blessing be on your fountain; have joy in the wife of your early years.
19 Sehadzi yengururu inofadza, nehadzi yenondo yakanaka, mazamu ake ngaakufadze nguva dzose, ugare uchigutswa norudo rwake.
As a loving hind and a gentle doe, let her breasts ever give you rapture; let your passion at all times be moved by her love.
20 Unosungirweiko, mwanakomana wangu, nomukadzi chifeve? Unombundikirireiko chipfuva chomukadzi womumwe murume?
Why let yourself, my son, go out of the way with a strange woman, and take another woman in your arms?
21 Nokuti nzira dzomunhu dziri pachena pamberi paJehovha, uye anoongorora nzira dzake dzose.
For a man's ways are before the eyes of the Lord, and he puts all his goings in the scales.
22 Zviito zvakaipa zvomunhu akaipa zvichamusunga; tambo dzechivi chake dzichamubata iye kwazvo.
The evil-doer will be taken in the net of his crimes, and prisoned in the cords of his sin.
23 Achafa nokuda kwokushayiwa kuzvibata kwake, atsauswa noupenzi hwake hukuru.
He will come to his end for need of teaching; he is so foolish that he will go wandering from the right way.

< Zvirevo 5 >