< Zvirevo 29 >

1 Munhu anoramba akaomesa mutsipa wake mushure mokutsiurwa kazhinji achaparadzwa nokukurumidza, kusina chingamubatsira.
He that being often reproved hardeneth his neck, shall suddenly be destroyed, and without remedy.
2 Kana vakarurama vachiwanda, vanhu vanofara; asi kana vakaipa vachitonga, vanhu vanogomera.
When the righteous increase, the people rejoice; but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn.
3 Munhu anoda uchenjeri anouyisa mufaro kuna baba vake, asi anoshamwaridzana nechifeve anoparadza pfuma yake.
Whoso loveth wisdom rejoiceth his father; but he that is a companion of harlots destroyeth [his] substance.
4 Nokururamisira mambo anosimbisa nyika, asi uyo anokara fufuro anoiparadza.
A king by just judgment establisheth the land; but he that taketh gifts overthroweth it.
5 Ani naani anonyengera muvakidzani wake anodzikira tsoka dzake mumbure.
A man that flattereth his neighbour spreadeth a net for his steps.
6 Munhu akaipa anoteyiwa nezvivi zvake, asi munhu akarurama anogona kuimba uye agofara.
In the transgression of an evil man there is a snare; but the righteous shall sing and rejoice.
7 Vakarurama vane hanya nokururamisirwa kwavarombo, asi vakaipa havana hanya naizvozvo.
The righteous taketh knowledge of the cause of the poor; the wicked understandeth not knowledge.
8 Vatuki vanomutsa bope muguta, asi vanhu vakachenjera vanodzora kutsamwa.
Scornful men set the city in a flame; but the wise turn away anger.
9 Kana munhu akachenjera akaenda kumatare nebenzi, benzi rinotsamwa uye rigotuka, zvokuti hapangavi norugare.
If a wise man contendeth with a fool, whether he rage or laugh, [he] hath no rest.
10 Vanhu vanofarira kudeura ropa vanovenga munhu akarurama, uye vanotsvaka kuuraya vakarurama.
The bloodthirsty hate the perfect, but the upright care for his soul.
11 Benzi rinobudisa hasha dzaro dzose, asi munhu akachenjera anozvibata.
A fool uttereth all his mind; but a wise [man] keepeth it back.
12 Kana mutongi akateerera nhema machinda ake ose achava akaipa.
If a ruler hearken to lying words, all his servants are wicked.
13 Murombo nomunhu anomanikidza vakafanana pachinhu ichi: Jehovha ndiye anoita kuti meso avo vose aone.
The indigent and the oppressor meet together; Jehovah lighteneth the eyes of them both.
14 Kana mambo akatonga varombo nokururamisira, chigaro chake choushe chinogara chakachengetedzeka nguva dzose.
A king that faithfully judgeth the poor, his throne shall be established for ever.
15 Shamhu yokuranga inopa uchenjeri, asi mwana anosiyiwa akadaro achanyadzisa mai vake.
The rod and reproof give wisdom; but a child left [to himself] bringeth his mother to shame.
16 Kana vakaipa vachiwanda, nezvivi zvinowandawo, asi vakarurama vachaona kuwa kwavo.
When the wicked increase, transgression increaseth; but the righteous shall see their fall.
17 Ranga mwanakomana wako, ipapo achakupa rugare; achauyisa mufaro kumweya wako.
Chasten thy son, and he shall give thee rest, and shall give delight unto thy soul.
18 Pasina chizaruro, vanhu vanoramba kuzvidzora; asi akaropafadzwa uyo anochengeta murayiro.
Where there is no vision the people cast off restraint; but happy is he that keepeth the law.
19 Muranda haarayirwi namashoko zvawo chete, nokuti kunyange achinzwisisa, haangadaviri.
A servant is not corrected by words: he understandeth indeed, but he will not answer.
20 Unoona here munhu anotaura achikurumidza? Benzi rine tariro zhinji kupfuura iye.
Hast thou seen a man hasty in his words? there is more hope of a fool than of him.
21 Kana munhu akaregerera muranda wake kubva paudiki, achazotarisira kodzero dzomwanakomana pakupedzisira.
He that delicately bringeth up his servant from a child, shall in the end have him as a son.
22 Munhu akashatirwa anomutsa kupesana, uye munhu ane hasha anoita zvivi zvizhinji.
An angry man exciteth contention; and a furious man aboundeth in transgression.
23 Kuzvikudza kwomunhu kunomudzikisira pasi, asi munhu ane mweya wokuzvininipisa achawana kukudzwa.
A man's pride bringeth him low; but the humble in spirit shall obtain honour.
24 Anoshamwaridzana nembavha anozvivenga iye pachake; anoiswa pasi pemhiko, asi haangakwanisi kupa uchapupu.
Whoso shareth with a thief hateth his own soul: he heareth the adjuration, and declareth not.
25 Kutya munhu kuchava musungo, asi ani naani anovimba naJehovha achagara akachengetedzeka.
The fear of man bringeth a snare; but whoso putteth his confidence in Jehovah is protected.
26 Vazhinji vanotsvaka nyasha kumutongi, asi kururamisirwa kwomunhu kunobva kuna Jehovha.
Many seek the ruler's face; but a man's right judgment is from Jehovah.
27 Vakarurama vanovenga vasina kutendeka; vakaipa vanovenga vakarurama.
An unjust man is an abomination to the righteous; and he that is of upright way is an abomination to the wicked [man].

< Zvirevo 29 >