< Zvirevo 27 >
1 Usazvirumbidza pamusoro pezuva ramangwana, nokuti hauzivi zvingauyiswa nezuva.
Boast not of to-morrow; for you know not what the next day shall bring forth.
2 Rega mumwe akurumbidze, kwete muromo wako; mumwe munhuwo zvake, kwete miromo yako iwe.
Let your neighbor, and not your own mouth, praise you; a stranger, and not your own lips.
3 Ibwe rinorema uye jecha mutoro, asi kudenhwa nebenzi kunorema kupfuura zvose.
A stone is heavy, and sand cumbersome; but a fool's wrath is heavier than both.
4 Hasha dzine utsinye uye kutsamwa kunokurira, asi ndiani angamira pamberi pomunhu ane godo?
Wrath is merciless, and anger sharp: but envy can bear nothing.
5 Kutsiurwa pachena kuri nani pane rudo rwakavanzika.
Open reproofs are better than secret love.
6 Maronda okukuvadzwa neshamwari anogamuchirika, asi kutsvoda kwomuvengi kunonyengera.
The wounds of a friend are more to be trusted than the spontaneous kisses of an enemy.
7 Uyo akaguta anovenga uchi, asi kune ane nzara kunyange zvinovava zvinozipa.
A full soul scorns honeycombs; but to a hungry soul even bitter things appear sweet.
8 Seshiri inorasika kubva padendere rayo, ndizvo zvakaita munhu anorasika kubva pamusha wake.
As when a bird flies down from its own nest, so a man is brought into bondage whenever he estranges himself from his own place.
9 Mafuta nezvinonhuhwira zvinouyisa mufaro kumwoyo, uye kunaka kwoushamwari kunobva padzidziso dzake dzakanaka.
The heart delights in ointments and wines and perfumes: but the soul is broken by calamities.
10 Usarasa shamwari yako kana shamwari yababa vako, uye usangoenda kumba yehama yako kana wawirwa nedambudziko chete, muvakidzani ari pedyo ari nani kupfuura hama iri kure.
Your own friend, and your father's friend, forsake not; and when you are in distress go not into your brother's house: better is a friend [that is] near than a brother living far off.
11 Iva wakachenjera, mwanakomana wangu, ugofadza mwoyo wangu; ipapo ndichagona kupindura ani naani anondishora.
Son, be wise, that your heart may rejoice; and remove you from yourself reproachful words.
12 Munhu akangwara anoona njodzi agovanda, asi asina mano anoramba achienda uye agokuvadzwa nayo.
A wise man, when evils are approaching, hides himself; but fools pass on, and will be punished.
13 Torera nguo uyo anozviita rubatso kumutorwa; uitore semhiko kana achinge aiita rubatso kumukadzi asingazvibati.
Take away the man's garment, (for a scorner has passed by) whoever lays waste another's goods.
14 Kana munhu akafumira rungwanangwana kukwazisa muvakidzani wake achidaidzirisa zvichaonekwa sechituko.
Whosoever shall bless a friend in the morning with a loud voice, shall seem to differ nothing from one who curses [him].
15 Mudzimai anokakavara akafanana nemvura inoramba ichidonha-donha mushure mokunge kwanaya;
On a stormy day drops [of rain] drive a man out of his house; so also does a railing woman [drive a man] out of his own house.
16 kumudzivisa zvakafanana nokudzivisa mhepo, kana kuchingidzira mafuta noruoko.
The north wind is sharp, but it is called by name propitious.
17 Simbi inorodza simbi, saizvozvowo mumwe munhu anorodza mumwe.
Iron sharpens iron; and a man sharpens his friend's countenance.
18 Uyo anochengeta muonde achadya zvibereko zvawo, uye uyo anochengeta tenzi wake achakudzwa.
He that plants a fig tree shall eat the fruits of it: so he that waits on his own master shall be honored.
19 Sezvo mvura ichiratidza chiso, saizvozvowo mwoyo womunhu unoratidza munhu.
As faces are not like [other] faces, so neither are the thoughts of men.
20 Rufu nokuparadza hazvimboguti, kunyangewo maziso omunhu haaguti. (Sheol )
Hell and destruction are not filled; so also are the eyes of men insatiable. [He that fixes his eye is an abomination to the Lord; and the uninstructed do not restrain their tongue.] (Sheol )
21 Hari ndeyokunyautsira sirivha uye choto ndechokunatsa goridhe, asi munhu anoedzwa nerumbidzo yaanowana.
Fire is the trial for silver and gold; and a man is tried by the mouth of them that praise him. The heart of the transgressor seeks after mischiefs; but an upright heart seeks knowledge.
22 Kunyange ukatswa benzi muduri, kumutswa sezviyo nomutswi, haungabvisi upenzi hwake maari.
Though you scourge a fool, disgracing him in the midst of the council, you will [still] in no wise remove his folly from him.
23 Iva nechokwadi kuti unoziva mamiriro amakwai ako, uchengete zvakanaka mapoka ako;
Do you thoroughly know the number of your flock, and pay attention to your herds.
24 nokuti pfuma haigari nokusingaperi, uye korona haigari kusvikira kuzvizvarwa zvose.
For a man [has] not strength and power for ever; neither does he transmit it from generation to generation.
25 Kana uswa hukabviswa, uye bumhudza rikabuda, nesora rikaunganidzwa kubva kuzvikomo,
Take care of the herbage in the field, and you shall cut grass, and gather the mountain hay;
26 makwayana achakuwanisa zvokupfeka, uye mbudzi nomutengo womunda.
that you may have [wool of] sheep for clothing: pay attention to the land, that you may have lambs.
27 Uchava nomukaka wembudzi wakawanda wokudya iwe nemhuri yako, uye wokuraramisa varandakadzi vako.
[My] son, you have from me words very useful for your life, and for the life of your servants.