< Zvirevo 27 >
1 Usazvirumbidza pamusoro pezuva ramangwana, nokuti hauzivi zvingauyiswa nezuva.
Don't boast about what you're going to do tomorrow, because you don't know what the day may bring.
2 Rega mumwe akurumbidze, kwete muromo wako; mumwe munhuwo zvake, kwete miromo yako iwe.
Let others praise you, not you yourself; someone else, not you personally.
3 Ibwe rinorema uye jecha mutoro, asi kudenhwa nebenzi kunorema kupfuura zvose.
Stone may be heavy, and sand may weigh a lot, but the annoyance caused by stupid people is the biggest burden of all.
4 Hasha dzine utsinye uye kutsamwa kunokurira, asi ndiani angamira pamberi pomunhu ane godo?
Fury may be fierce and cruel, anger may be a destructive flood, but who can withstand jealousy?
5 Kutsiurwa pachena kuri nani pane rudo rwakavanzika.
Open criticism is better than hidden love.
6 Maronda okukuvadzwa neshamwari anogamuchirika, asi kutsvoda kwomuvengi kunonyengera.
A friend's honest comments may hurt you, but an enemy's kisses are over the top.
7 Uyo akaguta anovenga uchi, asi kune ane nzara kunyange zvinovava zvinozipa.
If you're full up, you can't face honey; but if you're starving, even bitter food tastes sweet.
8 Seshiri inorasika kubva padendere rayo, ndizvo zvakaita munhu anorasika kubva pamusha wake.
Having to leave home is like a bird having to leave its nest.
9 Mafuta nezvinonhuhwira zvinouyisa mufaro kumwoyo, uye kunaka kwoushamwari kunobva padzidziso dzake dzakanaka.
Perfume and scented oils make you feel happy, but good advice from a friend is even better.
10 Usarasa shamwari yako kana shamwari yababa vako, uye usangoenda kumba yehama yako kana wawirwa nedambudziko chete, muvakidzani ari pedyo ari nani kupfuura hama iri kure.
Don't give up on your friends or your family's friends. Don't go to a relative's house when you've got trouble. A friend nearby is more useful than a relative far away.
11 Iva wakachenjera, mwanakomana wangu, ugofadza mwoyo wangu; ipapo ndichagona kupindura ani naani anondishora.
My son, make me happy by being wise, so I can respond to anyone who criticizes me.
12 Munhu akangwara anoona njodzi agovanda, asi asina mano anoramba achienda uye agokuvadzwa nayo.
If you're sensible you see danger coming and get out of the way; but stupid people just keep going and suffer the consequences.
13 Torera nguo uyo anozviita rubatso kumutorwa; uitore semhiko kana achinge aiita rubatso kumukadzi asingazvibati.
If someone guarantees a stranger's debt with their cloak, be sure to take it! Make sure you have whatever is pledged to an immoral woman!
14 Kana munhu akafumira rungwanangwana kukwazisa muvakidzani wake achidaidzirisa zvichaonekwa sechituko.
If when you get up every morning you shout a loud hello to your neighbors, they will see that as a curse!
15 Mudzimai anokakavara akafanana nemvura inoramba ichidonha-donha mushure mokunge kwanaya;
An argumentative wife is as irritating as constant dripping on a rainy day.
16 kumudzivisa zvakafanana nokudzivisa mhepo, kana kuchingidzira mafuta noruoko.
Trying to stop her is like trying to make the wind stop or trying to hold olive oil in your hand.
17 Simbi inorodza simbi, saizvozvowo mumwe munhu anorodza mumwe.
An iron blade is sharpened with an iron tool, and one person's mind is sharpened by another's.
18 Uyo anochengeta muonde achadya zvibereko zvawo, uye uyo anochengeta tenzi wake achakudzwa.
Those who care for a fig tree eat its fruit, and those who care for their master are rewarded.
19 Sezvo mvura ichiratidza chiso, saizvozvowo mwoyo womunhu unoratidza munhu.
Just as water reflects your face, your mind reflects who you really are.
20 Rufu nokuparadza hazvimboguti, kunyangewo maziso omunhu haaguti. (Sheol )
In the same way that the grave and destruction are never satisfied, human desire is never satisfied. (Sheol )
21 Hari ndeyokunyautsira sirivha uye choto ndechokunatsa goridhe, asi munhu anoedzwa nerumbidzo yaanowana.
Just as a crucible tests silver, and a furnace tests gold, people are tested by the praise they receive.
22 Kunyange ukatswa benzi muduri, kumutswa sezviyo nomutswi, haungabvisi upenzi hwake maari.
Even if you ground stupid people in a mortar, crushing them like grain with the pestle, you can't get rid of stupidity from them.
23 Iva nechokwadi kuti unoziva mamiriro amakwai ako, uchengete zvakanaka mapoka ako;
You should know the condition of your flocks really well and take good care of your herds,
24 nokuti pfuma haigari nokusingaperi, uye korona haigari kusvikira kuzvizvarwa zvose.
for wealth doesn't last forever—is a crown passed down through all generations?
25 Kana uswa hukabviswa, uye bumhudza rikabuda, nesora rikaunganidzwa kubva kuzvikomo,
Once the hay is cut, and the new growth begins, and fodder from the mountains is gathered,
26 makwayana achakuwanisa zvokupfeka, uye mbudzi nomutengo womunda.
and the lambs have provided you wool to make clothing, and the sale of goats have paid for a field,
27 Uchava nomukaka wembudzi wakawanda wokudya iwe nemhuri yako, uye wokuraramisa varandakadzi vako.
there'll be enough milk from your goats to feed you, your family, and your servant girls.