< Zvirevo 25 >

1 Izvi ndizvo zvimwe zvirevo zvaSoromoni, zvakanyorwa namachinda aHezekia mambo weJudha:
These also are proverbs of Solomon [Peaceable, Recompense], which the men of Hezekiah king of Judah [Praised] copied out.
2 Kukudzwa kwaMwari kuviga chinhu; kunzvera nyaya ndiko kukudzwa kwamadzimambo.
It is the kavod ·weighty glory· of God to conceal a thing, but the kavod ·weighty glory· of kings is to search out a matter.
3 Sokukwirira kwakaita denga nokudzika kwakaita nyika, saizvozvowo mwoyo yamadzimambo haigoni kunzverwa.
As the heavens for height, and the earth for depth, so the hearts of kings are unsearchable.
4 Bvisa marara pasirivha, panobva pabuda zvinoshandiswa nomuumbi wemidziyo yesirivha;
Take away the dross from the silver, and material comes out for the refiner;
5 bvisa akaipa pamberi pamambo, ipapo chigaro chake choushe chichasimbiswa kubudikidza nokururama.
Take away the wicked from the king’s presence, and his throne will be established in righteousness.
6 Usazvikudza pamberi pamambo, uye usazvipa chigaro pakati pavanhu vakuru;
Don’t exalt yourself in the presence of the king, or claim a place among great men;
7 Zviri nani kuti ati kwauri, “Kwira pano,” pano kuti akunyadzise pamberi pavanhu vanoremekedzwa.
for it is better that it be said to you, “Come up here,” than that you should be put lower in the presence of the prince, whom your eyes have seen.
8 Zvawakaona nameso ako usakurumidze kuzvikwidza kumatare edzimhosva, nokuti uchazoiteiko pamagumo, kana muvakidzani wako akakunyadzisa?
Don’t be hasty in bringing charges to court. What will you do in the end when your neighbor shames you?
9 Kana uchipikisana nomuvakidzani wako, usarase chivimbo chomumwe munhu,
Debate your case with your neighbor, and don’t betray the confidence of another;
10 kana kuti uyo achazvinzwa angangokunyadzisa, uye uchazoramba uine chimiro chakaipa.
lest one who sh'ma ·hears obeys· it put you to shame, and your bad reputation never depart.
11 Shoko rataurwa nenguva yakafanira rakafanana namaapuro egoridhe mumidziyo yesirivha.
A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver.
12 Semhete yomunzeve yegoridhe kana chishongo chegoridhe rakaisvonaka, ndizvo zvakaita kutsiura kwomunhu akachenjera, kunzeve inoteerera.
As an earring of gold, and an ornament of fine gold, so is the reproof of the wise to an sh'ma ·hearing obedient· ear.
13 Nhume yakatendeka kune anoituma yakafanana nokutonhorera kwechando panguva yokukohwa; inonyevenutsa mweya yavanatenzi vake.
As the cold of snow in the time of harvest, so is a faithful messenger to those who send him; for he refreshes the soul of his masters.
14 Samakore nemhepo zvisina mvura, ndizvo zvakaita munhu anozvirumbidza pamusoro pezvipo zvaasingapi.
As clouds and wind without rain, so is he who boasts of gifts deceptively.
15 Kubudikidza nomwoyo murefu mutongi anogona kunyengetedzwa, uye rurimi runyoro runogona kuvhuna mapfupa.
By patience a ruler is persuaded. A soft tongue breaks the bone.
16 Kana wawana uchi, idya hunokuringana chete, hukawandisa, ucharutsa.
Have you found honey? Eat as much as is sufficient for you, lest you eat too much, and vomit it.
17 Usanyanyoenda pamba pomuvakidzani wako, ukanyanya kuendapo, achakuvenga.
Let your foot be seldom in your neighbor’s house, lest he be weary of you, and hate you.
18 Setsvimbo kana munondo kana museve unopinza, ndizvo zvakaita munhu anopa uchapupu hwenhema achipikisa muvakidzani wake.
A man who gives false testimony against his neighbor is like a club, a sword, or a sharp arrow.
19 Sezino rakaora kana tsoka yakaremara, ndizvo zvakafanana nokuvimba nomunhu asina kutendeka panguva yokutambudzika.
Confidence in someone unfaithful in time of trouble is like a bad tooth, or a lame foot.
20 Souya anokurura nguo musi unotonhora, kana sevhiniga inodururwa pasoda, ndizvo zvinoita uyo anoimbira nziyo kumwoyo wakaremerwa.
As one who takes away a garment in cold weather, or vinegar on soda, so is one who sings songs to a heavy heart.
21 Kana muvengi wako ane nzara, mupe zvokudya adye; kana aine nyota, mupe mvura anwe.
If your enemy is hungry, give him food to eat. If he is thirsty, give him water to drink:
22 Mukuita izvi, uchaunganidzira mazimbe anopisa pamusoro wake, uye Jehovha achakupa mubayiro.
for you will heap burning coals [of shame] on his head, and Adonai will reward you.
23 Semhepo yokumusoro inouyisa mvura, naizvozvo rurimi rwakaipa runouyisa zviso zvakashatirwa.
The north wind produces rain: so a backbiting tongue brings an angry face.
24 Zviri nani kugara pakona redenga reimba pano kugara mumba nomudzimai anokakavara.
It is better to dwell in the corner of the housetop, than to share a house with a contentious woman.
25 Semvura inotonhorera kumweya wakaneta ndizvo zvakaita nhau dzakanaka dzinobva kunyika iri kure.
Like cold water to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country.
26 Sechitubu chizere madhaka kana tsime rasvibiswa, ndizvo zvakaita munhu akarurama anopa mukana kumunhu akaipa.
Like a muddied spring, and a polluted well, so is a upright man who gives way before the wicked.
27 Hazvina kunaka kudya uchi huzhinji, kana kuti munhu azvitsvakire kukudzwa kwake iye.
It is not good to eat much honey; nor is it kavod ·weighty glory· to seek one’s own kavod ·weighty glory·.
28 Seguta rakakoromoka masvingo ndizvo zvakaita munhu asingagoni kuzvibata.
Like a city that is broken down and without walls is a man whose spirit is without restraint.

< Zvirevo 25 >