< VaFiripi 2 >
1 Kana muine kurudziro inobva pakubatana naKristu, kana paine kunyaradza kunobva parudo rwake, kana pano kuwadzana noMweya, kana paino unyoro netsitsi,
If, then, any encouragement comes through union with Christ, if there is any persuasive power in love, if there is any communion with the Spirit, if there is any tenderness or pity,
2 ipapo itai kuti mufaro wangu uzare nokuva nomurangariro wakadaro, muine rudo rumwe chete, muri vamwe mumweya nechinangwa.
I entreat you to make my happiness complete – live together animated by the same spirit and in mutual love, one in heart, animated by one Spirit.
3 Musaita chinhu nomwoyo wokuchiva kana kuzvikudza, asi mukuzvininipisa muchionawo vamwe kuti vari nani kupfuura imi.
Nothing should be done out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility lift others up above yourselves,
4 Mumwe nomumwe wenyu ngaarege kungotsvaka zvake chete, asi zvavamwewo.
considering not only your own interests but also the interests of others.
5 Kufunga kwenyu ngakuve sokwaKristu Jesu:
Let the spirit of Christ Jesus be yours also.
6 Uyo, kunyange aiva Mwari chaiye, haana kufunga kuti kuenzana naMwari chinhu chingabatisiswa,
Though the divine nature was his from the beginning, yet he did not look on equality with God as above all things to be clung to,
7 asi akazviita chinhu pasina, akatora chimiro chomuranda chaiye, akaitwa somunhu.
but impoverished himself by taking the nature of a servant and becoming like one of us;
8 Uye akati awanikwa ane chimiro chomunhu, akazvininipisa uye akateerera kusvikira pakufa, kunyange rufu pamuchinjikwa.
he appeared among us as a man, and still further humbled himself by submitting even to death – to death on a cross!
9 Naizvozvo Mwari akamukudza panzvimbo yapamusoro-soro, uye akamupa zita riri pamusoro pamazita ose,
And that is why God raised him to the very highest place, and gave him the name which stands above all other names,
10 kuti muzita raJesu mabvi ose apfugame, mudenga napanyika uye napasi penyika,
so that in adoration of the name of Jesus every knee should bend, in heaven, on earth, and under the earth,
11 uye ndimi dzose dzipupure kuti Jesu Kristu ndiye Ishe, kuti Mwari Baba vakudzwe.
and that every tongue should acknowledge JESUS CHRIST as LORD – to the glory of God the Father.
12 Naizvozvo, shamwari dzangu dzinodiwa, sezvamunogara muchiteerera, kwete ndiripo bedzi, asi zvino zvikuru ndisipo, rambai muchishandira ruponeso rwenyu nokutya nokudedera,
Therefore, my dear friends, as you have always been obedient in the past, so now work out your own salvation with anxious care, not only when I am with you, but all the more now that I am absent.
13 nokuti ndiMwari anoshanda mukati menyu kuti mude uye muite maererano nokuda kwake kwakanaka.
Remember it is God who, in his kindness, is at work within you, enabling you both to will and to work.
14 Itai zvose musinganyunyuti kana kukakavara,
In all that you do, avoid murmuring and dissension,
15 kuitira kuti mugova vasina chavangapomerwa uye vakachena, vana vaMwari vasina mhosva murudzi urwu rwakakombama uye rwakatsauka, rwamunovhenekera senyeredzi munyika
so as to prove yourselves blameless and innocent – faultless children of God, in the midst of an evil-disposed and perverse generation, in which you are seen shining like stars in a dark world,
16 sezvamunobatirira pashoko roupenyu, kuitira kuti ndigozvirumbidza pazuva raKristu uye kuti handina kumhanya kana kushanda pasina.
offering to them the message of life; and then I will be able at the day of Christ to boast that I did not run my course for nothing, or toil for nothing.
17 Asi kunyange dai ndadururwa hangu sechipiriso chinonwiwa pamusoro pechibayiro noushumiri hunobva pakutenda kwenyu, ndinofara uye ndinofarisisa nemi mose.
And yet, even if, when your faith is offered as a sacrifice to God, my lifeblood must be poured out in addition, still I will rejoice and share the joy of you all;
18 Saka nemiwo munofanira kufara nokufarisisa neni.
and you must also rejoice and share my joy.
19 Ndine tariro muna Ishe Jesu kuti nditume Timoti kwamuri nokukurumidza, kuti neniwo ndifare pandichanzwa mashoko pamusoro penyu.
I hope, however, as one who trusts in the Lord Jesus, to send Timothy to you before long, so that I may myself be cheered by receiving news of you.
20 Handina mumwe akaita saye, ane hanya kwazvo nokugara kwenyu kwakanaka.
For I have no one but him to send – no one of kindred spirit who would take the same genuine interest in your welfare.
21 Nokuti munhu wose anozvitsvakira zvake, zvisati zviri zvaJesu Kristu.
They are all pursuing their own aims and not those of Christ Jesus.
22 Asi munoziva kuti Timoti akaratidza kutendeka kwake, nokuti somwanakomana ana baba vake akashanda neni mubasa revhangeri.
But you know what Timothy has proved himself to be, and how, like a child working for his father, he worked hard with me in spreading the good news.
23 Naizvozvo, ndine tariro yokuti ndimutume nokukurumidza kana ndaona kuti zvinhu zvinondifambira sei.
It is Timothy, then, whom I hope to send, just as soon as I find out what is going to happen to me here.
24 Ndinovimba muna She kuti ini pachangu ndichauya nokukurumidza.
And I am confident, as one who trusts in the Lord Jesus, that before long I myself will follow.
25 Asi ndinofunga kuti zvakafanira kuti nditumirezve kwamuri Epafrodhitasi, hama yangu, mubati pamwe chete neni uye murwi pamwe chete neni, iye nhume yenyuwo, wamakatuma kuti azondibatsira pane zvandaishayiwa.
Still I think it necessary to send Epaphroditus to you now, for he is my dear friend, fellow worker, and fellow soldier, and he was also your messenger to help me in my need.
26 Nokuti anokushuvai mose uye ari kutambudzika nokuti makanzwa kuti akanga achirwara.
For he has been longing to see you all, and has been distressed because you heard of his illness.
27 Zvechokwadi akanga achirwara, uye akapotsa afa. Asi Mwari akava nengoni naye, uye kwete kwaari oga asi kwandiriwo, kuti ndirege kuva nokusuwa pamusoro pokusuwa.
And I can assure you that his illness very nearly proved fatal. But God had pity on him, and not on him only but also on me, so that I might not have sorrow on sorrow.
28 Naizvozvo ndinoshinga kwazvo kuti ndimutume, kuti pamunomuonazve mugofara uye ini ndive nokufunganya kushoma.
I am all the more ready, therefore, to send him, so that the sight of him may revive your spirits and my own sorrow be lightened.
29 Mugamuchirei muna She nomufaro mukuru, uye mukudze munhu akaita saiyeye,
Give him, then, the heartiest of Christian welcomes, and hold such people in great honor.
30 nokuti akapotsa afa nokuda kwebasa raKristu, akaisa upenyu hwake panjodzi kuti akwanise kubatsira kwamakanga musingagoni kundiitira imi.
For it was owing to his devotion to the Master’s work that he was at the point of death, having risked his own life in the effort to supply what was wanting in the help that you sent me.