< Numeri 8 >

1 Jehovha akati kuna Mozisi,
The Lord told Moses,
2 “Taura naAroni uti kwaari, ‘Kana uchimisa mwenje minonwe, inofanira kuvhenekera nzvimbo iri mberi kwechigadziko chomwenje.’”
“Tell Aaron, ‘When you place the seven lamps on the lampstand, make sure they shine towards the front.’”
3 Aroni akaita saizvozvo; akamisa mwenje yakatarisa mberi kuchigadziko chomwenje, sezvakanga zvarayirwa Mozisi naJehovha.
So that's what Aaron did. He placed the lamps facing towards the front of the lampstand, as the Lord had ordered Moses.
4 Aya ndiwo magadzirirwo akanga akaitwa chigadziko chomwenje: Chakanga chakaitwa negoridhe rakapambadzirwa kubva pahwaro hwacho kusvikira pamaruva acho. Chigadziko chomwenje chakanga chakagadzirwa zvakanyatsofanana nomufananidzo wakanga waratidzwa Mozisi naJehovha.
The lampstand was made of hammered gold from its base to the flower decorations on the top, in accordance with the design that the Lord had shown Moses.
5 Jehovha akati kuna Mozisi:
The Lord told Moses,
6 “Bvisa vaRevhi pakati pavamwe vaIsraeri ugovanatsa.
“Separate the Levites from the other Israelites and purify them.
7 Pakuvanatsa, unofanira kuita izvi: Sasa pamusoro pavo mvura yokuvachenesa; ipapo ugoita kuti vaveure miviri yavo yose vagosuka nguo dzavo, kuitira kuti vazvinatse.
This is how you will purify them. Sprinkle on them the water of purification. They are to shave off all the hair from their bodies and wash their clothes so they will be clean.
8 Uite kuti vatore hando duku nechipiriso chayo chezviyo choupfu hwakatsetseka hwakavhenganiswa namafuta, ipapo munofanira kutorazve imwe hando duku yechipiriso chechivi.
Have them bring a young bull with its grain offering of the best flour mixed with olive oil, and you are to bring a second young bull as a sin offering.
9 Uuye navaRevhi mberi kweTende Rokusangana ugounganidza ungano yose yavaIsraeri.
Take the Levites and have them stand in front of the Tent of Meeting and have all the Israelites gather there.
10 Unofanira kuuya navaRevhi pamberi paJehovha, uye vaIsraeri vanofanira kuisa maoko avo pamusoro pavo.
When you bring the Levites to the Lord the Israelites are to place their hands upon them.
11 Aroni anofanira kuisa vaRevhi pamberi paJehovha sechipiriso chokuninira chinobva kuvaIsraeri, kuitira kuti vagadzirire kuita basa raJehovha.
Aaron shall present the Levites to the Lord as a wave offering from the Israelites so that they can do the Lord's work.
12 “Mushure mokunge vaRevhi vaisa maoko avo pamisoro yehando, ushandise imwe yacho sechipiriso chechivi kuna Jehovha uye imwe yacho sechipiriso chinopiswa, kuti uyananisire vaRevhi.
The Levites are to place their hands on the heads of the bulls. One is to be sacrificed as a sin offering to the Lord, and the other as a burnt offering to set the Levites right with the Lord.
13 Uite kuti vaRevhi vamire pamberi paAroni navanakomana vake ipapo ugovakumikidza sechipiriso chokuninira kuna Jehovha.
Have the Levites stand in front of Aaron and his sons and present them to the Lord as a wave offering.
14 Nenzira iyi unofanira kutsaura vaRevhi pakati pavamwe vaIsraeri, uye vaRevhi vachava vangu.
This is how you are to separate the Levites from the rest of the Israelites, and the Levites will belong to me.
15 “Mushure mokunge wanatsa vaRevhi nokuvakumikidza sechipiriso chokuninira, vanofanira kuuya kuzoita basa ravo paTende Rokusangana.
They can come and serve at the Tent of Meeting once you've purified them and presented them as a wave offering.
16 Ivo ndivo vaIsraeri vachapiwa zvachose kwandiri. Ndakavatora kuti vave vangu pachinzvimbo chamatangwe, vanakomana vokutanga vomukadzi mumwe nomumwe womuIsraeri.
The Levites have been completely given over to me by the Israelites. I have accepted them as mine in place of all the firstborn sons of the Israelites.
17 Chibereko chose chokutanga chechikono muIsraeri, angava munhu kana chipfuwo, ndechangu. Pandakauraya matangwe ose muIjipiti, ndakazvitsaurira ivo kwandiri.
Every firstborn male in Israel belongs to me, both human and animal. I reserved them for myself at the time when I killed all the firstborn in Egypt.
18 Uye ndakatora vaRevhi panzvimbo yavanakomana veIsraeri vamatangwe.
I have taken the Levites in place of all the firstborn sons of the Israelites.
19 PavaIsraeri vose, ndakapa vaRevhi sezvipo kuna Aroni navanakomana vake kuti vaite basa paTende Rokusangana vakamirira vaIsraeri uye kuti vayananisire vaIsraeri kuti varege kuurayiwa nedenda pavanenge vaswedera kunzvimbo tsvene.”
Of all the Israelites, the Levites are a gift from me to Aaron and his sons to serve the Israelites at the Tent of Meeting, and on their behalf to set them right, so that nothing bad will happen to them when they come to the sanctuary.”
20 Mozisi, Aroni neungano yose yeIsraeri vakaitira vaRevhi sezvakanga zvarayirwa Mozisi naJehovha.
Moses, Aaron, and all the Israelites did everything that the Lord had ordered Moses that they should do regarding the Levites.
21 VaRevhi vakazvinatsa vakasuka nguo dzavo. Ipapo Aroni akavaisa pamberi paJehovha sechipiriso chokuninira akavayananisira kuti vanatswe.
The Levites purified themselves and washed their clothes. Then Aaron presented them as a wave offering to the Lord. Aaron also presented the sacrifice to make them right with the Lord so they would be clean.
22 Shure kwaizvozvo, vaRevhi vakauya kuzoshanda basa ravo paTende Rokusangana vachitungamirirwa naAroni navanakomana vake. Vakaitira vaRevhi sezvakanga zvarayirwa Mozisi naJehovha.
Afterwards the Levites came to perform their service at the Tent of Meeting under the direction of Aaron and his sons. They followed all the instructions regarding the Levites that the Lord had given to Moses.
23 Jehovha akati kuna Mozisi,
The Lord told Moses,
24 “Izvi ndizvo zvichaitwa navaRevhi: Vamwe vana makore makumi maviri namashanu kana anopfuura vachauya kuzoshanda basa paTende Rokusangana,
“This rule applies to the Levites. Those twenty-five or older shall serve at the Tent of Meeting.
25 asi kana vasvika makore makumi mashanu, vanofanira kuregedza basa ravo uye varege kuzoshandazve.
However, once they reach the age of fifty they need to retire from the work and won't serve any longer.
26 Vangabatsira havo hama dzavo kuita mabasa apaTende Rokusangana, asi ivo pachavo havafaniri kushanda basa. Zvino, izvi ndizvo zvaunofanira kurayira vaRevhi kuti vaite.”
They can still help their fellow Levites in their assignments, but they are not to do the actual work themselves. These are the arrangements in the case of the Levites.”

< Numeri 8 >