< Numeri 33 >

1 Hezvino zvinhanho zvorwendo rwavaIsraeri pavakabuda muIjipiti namapoka avo vachitungamirirwa naMozisi naAroni.
These [are] the journeys of the sons of Israel who have come out of the land of Egypt, by their hosts, by the hand of Moses and Aaron;
2 Mozisi akanyora zvinhanho zvorwendo rwavo. Urwu ndirwo rwendo rwavo nezvinhanho zvarwo:
and Moses writes their outgoings, by their journeys, by the command of YHWH; and these [are] their journeys, by their outgoings:
3 VaIsraeri vakasimuka kubva paRamesesi nezuva regumi namashanu romwedzi wokutanga, zuva rakatevera Pasika. Vakafamba vakabuda vasingatyi pamberi pavaIjipita vose,
And they journey from Rameses in the first month, on the fifteenth day of the first month; from the day after the Passover the sons of Israel have gone out with a high hand before the eyes of all the Egyptians—
4 avo vakanga vachiviga matangwe avo ose, akanga aurayiwa naJehovha pakati pavo; nokuti Jehovha akanga atonga vamwari vavo.
and the Egyptians are burying those whom YHWH has struck among them, every firstborn, and YHWH has done judgments on their gods.
5 VaIsraeri vakabva paRamesesi vakandodzika misasa yavo paSukoti.
And the sons of Israel journey from Rameses and encamp in Succoth.
6 Vakabva paSukoti vakandodzika misasa yavo paEtamu, mujinga megwenga.
And they journey from Succoth and encamp in Etham, which [is] in the extremity of the wilderness.
7 Vakabva paEtamu, vakadzokera shure kuPi Hahiroti, nechokumabvazuva kweBhaari Zefoni, vakandodzika misasa yavo pedyo neMigidhori.
And they journey from Etham and turn back over Pi-Hahiroth, which [is] on the front of Ba‘al-Zephon, and they encamp before Migdol.
8 Vakabva paPi Hahiroti vakapinda nomugungwa vakaenda murenje, uye vakati vafamba mazuva matatu murenje reEtami, vakadzika misasa paMara.
And they journey from Pi-Hahiroth, and pass over through the midst of the sea into the wilderness, and go a journey of three days in the wilderness of Etham, and encamp in Marah.
9 Vakabva paMara vakaenda kuErimu, pakanga pane matsime gumi namaviri nemiti yemichindwe makumi manomwe, uye vakadzika misasa ipapo.
And they journey from Marah and come to Elim, and twelve fountains of waters and seventy palm trees [are] in Elim, and they encamp there.
10 Vakabva paErimu vakandodzika misasa paGungwa Dzvuku.
And they journey from Elim and encamp by the Red Sea.
11 Vakabva paGungwa Dzvuku vakandodzika misasa muGwenga reSini.
And they journey from the Red Sea and encamp in the wilderness of Sin.
12 Vakabva muGwenga reSini vakandodzika misasa paDhofika.
And they journey from the wilderness of Sin and encamp in Dophkah.
13 Vakabva paDhofika vakandodzika misasa paArushi.
And they journey from Dophkah and encamp in Alush.
14 Vakabva paArushi vakandodzika misasa paRefidhimu, apo pakanga pasina mvura yokuti vanhu vanwe.
And they journey from Alush and encamp in Rephidim; and there was no water there for the people to drink.
15 Vakabva paRefidhimu vakandodzika misasa muGwenga reSinai.
And they journey from Rephidim and encamp in the wilderness of Sinai.
16 Vakabva muGwenga reSinai vakandodzika misasa paKibhuroti Hataavha.
And they journey from the wilderness of Sinai and encamp in Kibroth-Hattaavah.
17 Vakabva paKibhuroti Hataavha vakandodzika misasa paHazeroti.
And they journey from Kibroth-Hattaavah and encamp in Hazeroth.
18 Vakabva paHazeroti vakandodzika misasa paRitima.
And they journey from Hazeroth and encamp in Rithmah.
19 Vakabva paRitima vakandodzika misasa paRimoni Perezi.
And they journey from Rithmah and encamp in Rimmon-Parez.
20 Vakabva paRimoni Perezi vakandodzika misasa paRibhina.
And they journey from Rimmon-Parez and encamp in Libnah.
21 Vakabva paRibhina vakandodzika misasa paRisa.
And they journey from Libnah and encamp in Rissah.
22 Vakabva paRisa vakandodzika misasa paKeherata.
And they journey from Rissah and encamp in Kehelathah.
23 Vakabva paKeherata vakandodzika misasa paGomo reSheferi.
And they journey from Kehelathah and encamp in Mount Shapher.
24 Vakabva paGomo reSheferi vakandodzika misasa paHaradha.
And they journey from Mount Shapher and encamp in Haradah.
25 Vakabva paHaradha vakandodzika misasa paMakeroti.
And they journey from Haradah and encamp in Makheloth.
26 Vakabva paMakeroti vakandodzika misasa paTahati.
And they journey from Makheloth and encamp in Tahath.
27 Vakabva paTahati vakandodzika misasa paTera.
And they journey from Tahath and encamp in Tarah.
28 Vakabva paTera vakandodzika misasa paMitika.
And they journey from Tarah and encamp in Mithcah.
29 Vakabva paMitika vakandodzika misasa paHashimona.
And they journey from Mithcah and encamp in Hashmonah.
30 Vakabva paHashimona vakandodzika misasa paMoseroti.
And they journey from Hashmonah and encamp in Moseroth.
31 Vakabva paMoseroti vakandodzika misasa paBhene Jaakani.
And they journey from Moseroth and encamp in Bene-Jaakan.
32 Vakabva paBhene Jaakani vakandodzika misasa paHori Hagidhigadhi.
And they journey from Bene-Jaakan and encamp at Hor-Hagidgad.
33 Vakabva paHori Hagidhigadhi vakandodzika misasa paJotibhata.
And they journey from Hor-Hagidgad and encamp in Jotbathah.
34 Vakabva paJotibhata vakandodzika misasa paAbhurona.
And they journey from Jotbathah and encamp in Ebronah.
35 Vakabva paAbhurona vakandodzika misasa paEzioni Gebheri.
And they journey from Ebronah and encamp in Ezion-Gaber.
36 Vakabva paEzioni Gebheri vakandodzika misasa paKadheshi, murenje reZini.
And they journey from Ezion-Gaber and encamp in the wilderness of Zin, which [is] Kadesh.
37 Vakabva paKadheshi vakandodzika misasa paGomo reHori, kumuganhu weEdhomu.
And they journey from Kadesh and encamp in Mount Hor, in the extremity of the land of Edom.
38 Aroni muprista akakwira muGomo reHori sezvakarayirwa naJehovha, akandofira imomo pazuva rokutanga romwedzi wechishanu wegore ramakumi mana shure kwokubuda kwavaIsraeri muIjipiti.
And Aaron the priest goes up to Mount Hor by the command of YHWH, and dies there in the fortieth year of the going out of the sons of Israel from the land of Egypt, in the fifth month, on the first of the month;
39 Aroni akanga ava namakore zana namakumi maviri namatatu pakufa kwake paGomo reHori.
and Aaron [is] a son of one hundred and twenty-three years in his dying on Mount Hor.
40 Mambo weAradhi muKenani, aigara kuNegevhi kweKenani, akanzwa kuti vaIsraeri vari kuuya.
And the Canaanite, king of Arad, who is dwelling in the south in the land of Canaan, hears of the coming of the sons of Israel.
41 Vakabva kuGomo reHori vakandodzika misasa paZarimona.
And they journey from Mount Hor and encamp in Zalmonah.
42 Vakabva paZarimona vakandodzika misasa paPunoni.
And they journey from Zalmonah and encamp in Punon.
43 Vakabva paPunoni vakandodzika misasa paObhoti.
And they journey from Punon and encamp in Oboth.
44 Vakabva paObhoti vakandodzika misasa paIye Abharimi, pamuganhu weMoabhu.
And they journey from Oboth and encamp in Ije-Abarim, in the border of Moab.
45 Vakabva paIyimi vakandodzika misasa paDhibhoni Gadhi.
And they journey from Iim and encamp in Dibon-Gad.
46 Vakabva paDhibhoni Gadhi vakandodzika misasa paArimoni Dhibhurataimi.
And they journey from Dibon-Gad and encamp in Almon-Diblathaim.
47 Vakabva paArimoni Dhibhurataimi vakandodzika misasa mumakomo eAbharimi, pedyo neNebho.
And they journey from Almon-Diblathaim and encamp in the mountains of Abarim, before Nebo.
48 Vakabva pamakomo eAbharimi vakandodzika misasa pamapani eMoabhu pedyo neJorodhani uchibva kuJeriko.
And they journey from the mountains of Abarim and encamp in the plains of Moab by the Jordan, [near] Jericho.
49 Pamapani eMoabhu ipapo vakadzika misasa vakatevedza Jorodhani kubva kuBheti Jeshimoti kusvikira kuAbheri Shitimu.
And they encamp by the Jordan, from Beth-Jeshimoth as far as Abel-Shittim in the plains of Moab.
50 Pamapani eMoabhu pedyo neJorodhani uchibva kuJeriko, Jehovha akati kuna Mozisi,
And YHWH speaks to Moses in the plains of Moab by the Jordan, [near] Jericho, saying,
51 “Taura kuvaIsraeri uti kwavari: ‘Kana mayambuka Jorodhani mapinda muKenani,
“Speak to the sons of Israel, and you have said to them: When you are passing over the Jordan to the land of Canaan,
52 mudzinge vose vanogara munyika imomo pamberi penyu. Muparadze zvifananidzo zvavo zvose zvakavezwa nezvifananidzo zvavo zvakaumbwa, uye muputse nzvimbo dzose dzakakwirira.
then you have dispossessed all the inhabitants of the land from before you, and have destroyed all their imagery, indeed, you destroy all their molten images, and you lay waste [to] all their high places,
53 Mutore nyika iyo mugaremo, nokuti ndakupai nyika iyi kuti ive yenyu.
and you have possessed the land and dwelt in it, for I have given the land to you to possess it.
54 Mugovere nyika nomujenya, maererano nemhuri dzenyu. Mupe vakawanda nhaka huru, uye vashoma muvapewo nhaka duku. Zvose zvichawira kwavari nomujenya zvinofanira kuva zvavo. Muigove zviri maererano namarudzi amadzitateguru enyu.
And you have inherited the land by lot, by your families; to the many you increase their inheritance, and to the few you diminish their inheritance; to where the lot goes out to him, it is his; you inherit by the tribes of your fathers.
55 “‘Asi kana mukasadzinga vagere munyika iyi, vamunotendera kusara ivavo vachava rukato pamberi penyu neminzwa pamativi enyu. Vachakutambudzai munyika mamugere.
And if you do not dispossess the inhabitants of the land from before you, then it has been [that] those whom you let remain of them [are] for pricks in your eyes and for thorns in your sides, and they have distressed you on the land in which you are dwelling,
56 Ipapo ndichakuitirai imi zvandakaronga kuvaitira ivo.’”
and it has come to pass, as I thought to do to them, I do to you.”

< Numeri 33 >