< Numeri 32 >

1 VaRubheni navaGadhi, vakanga vane mombe zhinji uye namakwai akawanda kwazvo, vakaona nyika yaJazeri neGireadhi kuti yakanga yakanakira zvipfuwo.
The tribes of Reuben and Gad had large numbers of livestock and saw that the land of Jazer and Gilead was a good place to rear them.
2 Saka vakauya kuna Mozisi naEreazari muprista nokuvatungamiri veungano, vakati,
So they came to Moses, Eleazar the priest, and the Israelite leaders and said,
3 “Ataroti, Dhibhoni, Jazeri, Nimira, Heshibhoni, Ereare, Sebhami, Nebho neBheoni,
“The towns of Ataroth, Dibon, Jazer, Nimrah, Heshbon, Elealeh, Sebam, Nebo, and Beon,
4 nyika yakakundwa naJehovha pamberi pavanhu vaIsraeri, yakanakira zvipfuwo, uye varanda venyu vane zvipfuwo.”
which the Lord conquered in full view of the Israelites, are well-suited for the livestock that we your servants own.”
5 Vakati, “Kana tawana nyasha pamberi penyu, nyika iyi ngaipiwe kuvaranda venyu ive yedu. Musatiyambutsa Jorodhani.”
They continued, “Please respond to our request favorably: give us this land. Don't make us cross the Jordan.”
6 Mozisi akati kuvaGadhi nokuvaRubheni, “Ko, vanhu venyika yokwenyu vangaenda kuhondo imi makagara henyu pano?
In reply Moses asked the tribes of Gad and Reuben, “Are you expecting your brothers to go and fight while you just sit here?
7 Ko, munoodzerei mwoyo yavaIsraeri kuti vasayambuka vachienda kunyika yavakapiwa naJehovha?
Why discourage the Israelites from crossing into the country that the Lord has given them?
8 Izvi ndizvo zvakaitwa namadzibaba enyu pandakavatuma kubva paKadheshi Bharinea kuti vandosora nyika.
This is just what your fathers did when I sent them out from Kadesh-barnea to explore the land.
9 Shure kwokukwira kwavo kuMupata weEshikori vakandoona nyika, vakaodza mwoyo yavaIsraeri kuti varege kupinda munyika yavakanga vapiwa naJehovha.
After your fathers traveled up the valley of Eshcol and explored the land, they discouraged the Israelites, persuading them not to enter the country that the Lord had given them.
10 Kutsamwa kwaJehovha kwakamutswa nomusi uyo uye akapika mhiko iyi:
As a result, they made the Lord very angry that day, and he swore this oath,
11 ‘Nokuda kwokuti havana kunditevera nomwoyo wose, hakuna mumwe wavo ane makore makumi maviri kana anodarika akabuda munyika yeIjipiti achaona nyika yandakanga ndavimbisa nemhiko kuna Abhurahama, Isaka naJakobho,
‘Not a single one of those I saved from Egypt who is twenty years old or older will ever see the land I promised with an oath to give to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, because they were not completely committed to me—
12 hakuna mumwe wavo kunze kwaKarebhu mwanakomana waJefune muKenizi naJoshua mwanakomana waNuni nokuti vakatevera Jehovha nomwoyo wose.’
no one except Caleb, son of Jephunneh, the Kenizzite, and Joshua, son of Nun, because they were completely committed to me.’
13 Kutsamwa kwaJehovha kwakapfuta pamusoro pavaIsraeri akavaita kuti vadzungaire murenje kwamakore makumi mana, kusvikira zera rose ravaya vakaita zvakaipa pamberi pake rapera.
The Lord was angry with Israel, and made them wander around in the desert for forty years, until the whole generation who had done evil in his sight had died.
14 “Hezvino muri pano, imi chibereko chavatadzi, mumire panzvimbo yamadzibaba enyu muchiwedzera kutsamwa kwaJehovha kukuru pamusoro pavaIsraeri.
Now look at you, you brood of sinners who have come to take your fathers' place to make the Lord even angrier with Israel!
15 Kana mukatsauka pakumutevera, achasiyazve vanhu ava vose murenje, uye imi ndimi muchauyisa kuparadzwa kwavo.”
If you give up following him, he will abandon these people in the desert once again, and their deaths will be your fault!”
16 Ipapo vakakwira kwaari vakati, “Tinoda kuvaka matanga ezvipfuwo zvedu kuno namaguta avakadzi vedu navana.
Then the tribes of Gad and Reuben came to Moses and told him, “We would plan to build stone walls to keep our livestock safe and towns for our children.
17 Asi takagadzirira kurwa nokuenda mberi navaIsraeri kusvikira tavasvitsa kunzvimbo yavo. Pari zvino vakadzi vedu navana vedu vachagara mumaguta akakomberedzwa, kuti vadzivirirwe pavagari venyika ino.
But we will still get ourselves ready for battle, and we will be prepared to lead the Israelites until they can safely occupy their land. In the meantime, our children will stay behind, living in the fortified towns to protect them from the local people.
18 Hatizodzokeri kumisha yedu kusvikira vaIsraeri vose vagamuchira nhaka yavo.
We won't return to our homes until every Israelite is in possession of their allotted land.
19 Hatizogamuchiri nhaka ipi zvayo pamwe chete navo mhiri kweJorodhani, nokuti nhaka yedu tava nayo kumabvazuva kweJorodhani.”
However, we won't own any land on the other side of the Jordan because we've received this land to own on this eastern side of the Jordan.”
20 Ipapo Mozisi akati kwavari, “Kana mukaita izvi, kana mukazvishongedza nhumbi dzokurwa pamberi paJehovha kuti mundorwa,
Moses responded, “If this is what you will actually do, if you will get yourselves ready for battle under the Lord's direction,
21 uye kana imi mose mukaenda makashonga nhumbi dzokurwa mhiri kwaJorodhani pamberi paJehovha kusvikira adzinga vavengi vake pamberi pake,
and if all your troops cross the Jordan with the Lord until he has driven out his enemies ahead of him,
22 ipapo kana nyika ichinge yakundwa pamberi paJehovha, mungadzokera henyu uye musununguke pabasa renyu pamberi paJehovha napamberi pavaIsraeri. Uye nyika iyi ichava yenyu pamberi paJehovha.
then once the country is conquered with the Lord's help then you may return, and you will have fulfilled your obligations to the Lord and to Israel. You will own this land, granted to you by the Lord.
23 “Asi kana mukakoniwa kuita izvi, muchange matadzira Jehovha; uye zvirokwazvo chivi chenyu chichakuwanai.
But if you fail to do this, you will clearly be sinning against the Lord, and the consequences of your sin will catch up with you.
24 Vakai maguta avakadzi navana venyu, uye matanga amakwai enyu, asi muite zvamakavimbisa.”
Go ahead and build towns for your children and stone walls for your flocks, but make sure you do what you've promised!”
25 VaGadhi navaRubheni vakati kuna Mozisi, “Isu varanda venyu tichaita sezvarayirwa naishe wedu.
The tribes of Gad and Reuben promised Moses, “Sir, we your servants will do just as you have ordered.
26 Vana vedu navakadzi vedu, makwai edu nemombe dzedu zvichasara kuno mumaguta eGireadhi.
Our wives and children, our livestock and all our animals, will all remain here in the towns of Gilead.
27 Asi varanda venyu, varume vose vakazvigadzirira kundorwa, vachayambuka kundorwa pamberi paJehovha sezvataurwa naishe wedu.”
But we your servants are ready for battle, and all our troops will cross over to fight with the Lord's help, just as you have said, sir.”
28 Ipapo Mozisi akarayira pamusoro pavo kuna Ereazari muprista nokuna Joshua mwanakomana waNuni nokuvakuru vemhuri dzamarudzi avaIsraeri.
Moses gave the following instructions about them to Eleazar the priest, to Joshua, son of Nun, and to the family leaders of the tribes of Israel.
29 Akati kwavari, “Kana vaGadhi navaRubheni, murume mumwe nomumwe akazvigadzirira kundorwa, vakayambuka Jorodhani nemi pamberi paJehovha, ipapo kana nyika ikakundwa pamberi pako, uvape nyika yeGireadhi ive yavo.
Moses told them, “If the tribes of Gadites and Reuben cross the Jordan with you, with all their troops ready for battle with the Lord's help, and the land is conquered as you advance, then give them the land of Gilead to own.
30 Asi kana vakasayambuka nemi vakashonga zvokurwa, vanofanira kupiwa nhaka yavo pamwe chete nemi muKenani.”
But if they don't get themselves ready for battle and cross over with you, then they must accept their allotted land among you in the country of Canaan.”
31 VaGadhi navaRubheni vakapindura vakati, “Varanda venyu vachaita zvarehwa naJehovha.
The tribes of Gad and Reuben responded, “We will do just as the Lord has told us, your servants.
32 Tichayambuka mhiri pamberi paJehovha tigopinda muKenani, takashonga nhumbi dzokurwa nadzo, asi nhaka yatichawana ichava kudivi rino reJorodhani.”
We will cross over and enter the country of Canaan ready for battle with the Lord's help, so that we may have our allotted share of land on this side of the Jordan.”
33 Ipapo Mozisi akapa kuvaGadhi, navaRubheni nehafu yorudzi rwaManase, mwanakomana waJosefa, umambo hwaSihoni mambo wavaAmori noumambo hwaOgi mambo weBhashani, nyika yose namaguta ayo uye nenyika dzose dzakavapoteredza.
So Moses gave to the tribes of Gad and Reubenites and the half-tribe of Manasseh, son of Joseph, the kingdom of Sihon, king of the Amorites, and the kingdom of Og, king of Bashan. This land included its towns and their surrounding area.
34 VaGadhi vakavaka Dhibhoni, Ataroti, Aroeri,
The people of Gad rebuilt Dibon, Ataroth, Aroer,
35 Ataroti Shafani, Jazeri, Jogubheha,
Atroth-shophan, Jazer, Jogbehah,
36 Bheti Nimura neBheti Harani samaguta akakomberedzwa, uye vakavaka matanga amakwai avo.
Beth-nimrah, and Beth-haran as fortified towns, and they built stone walls for their flocks.
37 Uye vaRubheni vakavakazve Heshibhoni, Ereare Kiriatihaimi,
The people of Reuben rebuilt Heshbon, Elealeh, Kiriathaim,
38 pamwe chete neNebho neBhaari Meoni (mazita aya akashandurwa) neSibhima. Vakapa mazita kumaguta avakavaka.
as well as Nebo and Baal-meon (changing their names), and Sibmah. In fact they renamed those towns they rebuilt.
39 Zvizvarwa zvaMakiri mwanakomana waManase zvakaenda kuGireadhi, zvikaritapa zvikadzinga vaAmori vakanga varimo.
The descendants of Machir, son of Manasseh, attacked Gilead and captured it. They drove out the Amorites who were living there.
40 Saka Mozisi akapa Gireadhi kuvaMakiri, zvizvarwa zvaManase, ivo vakagara ikoko.
So Moses gave Gilead to the family of Machir, son of Manasseh, and they settled there.
41 Jairi, chizvarwa chaManase, akakunda misha yaro akaitumidza kuti Havhoti Jairi.
Jair, a descendant of Manasseh, attacked their villages and captured them. He named them the Villages of Jair.
42 Uye Nobha akakunda Kenati nenzvimbo dzakaripoteredza akaritumidza kuti Nobha zita rake.
Nobah attacked Kenath and captured it, along with its villages. He named it Nobah after himself.

< Numeri 32 >