< Numeri 17 >

1 Jehovha akati kuna Mozisi,
And the Lord said to Moses,
2 “Taura kuvaIsraeri utore tsvimbo gumi nembiri kubva kwavari, imwe chete kubva kuno mumwe nomumwe wavatungamiri vamarudzi amadzitateguru avo. Unyore zita romurume mumwe nomumwe patsvimbo yake.
Say to the children of Israel that they are to give you rods, one for every family, for every chief, the head of his father's house, making twelve rods; let every man's name be placed on his rod.
3 Patsvimbo yaRevhi unyore zita raAroni, nokuti panofanira kuva netsvimbo imwe chete yomukuru mumwe nomumwe worudzi rwamadzitateguru avo.
And let Aaron's name be placed on the rod of Levi: for there is to be one rod for the head of every family.
4 Udziise muTende Rokusangana pamberi peChipupuriro, pandinosangana nemi.
And let them be stored up in the Tent of meeting, in front of the ark of witness where I come to you.
5 Tsvimbo yomunhu wandichasarudza ichabukira mashizha, uye ndichagumisa kupopota uku kwavaIsraeri kuri kuramba kuripo pamusoro pako.”
And the rod of that man who is marked out by me for myself will have buds on it; so I will put a stop to the outcries which the children of Israel make to me against you.
6 Saka Mozisi akataura navaIsraeri, uye vatungamiri vavo vakamupa tsvimbo gumi nembiri, imwe chete iri yomutungamiri mumwe nomumwe wamarudzi amadzitateguru avo, uye tsvimbo yaAroni yakanga iri pakati padzo.
So Moses gave these orders to the children of Israel, and all their chiefs gave him rods, one for the head of every family, making twelve rods: and Aaron's rod was among them.
7 Mozisi akaisa tsvimbo idzi pamberi paJehovha muTende reChipupuriro.
And Moses put the rods before the Lord in the Tent of witness.
8 Fume mangwana Mozisi akapinda muTende reChipupuriro uye akaona kuti tsvimbo yaAroni, iyo yaiva yakamirira imba yaRevhi, yakanga isina kungobukira bedzi asi yakanga yatungira, yava namaruva uye yabereka maarimondi.
Now on the day after, Moses went into the Tent of witness; and he saw that Aaron's rod, the rod of the house of Levi, had put out buds, and was covered with buds and flowers and fruit.
9 Ipapo Mozisi akatora tsvimbo dzose kubva pamberi paJehovha akaenda nadzo kuvaIsraeri vose. Vakadzitarisa, ipapo murume mumwe nomumwe akatora tsvimbo yake.
Then Moses took out all the rods from before the Lord, and gave them back to the children of Israel: and they saw them, and every man took his rod.
10 Jehovha akati kuna Mozisi, “Dzorera tsvimbo yaAroni pamberi peTende reChipupuriro, kuti ichengetwe sechiratidzo kuvanhu vanondimukira. Izvozvi zvichagumisa kundipopotera kwavo, kuti varege kufa.”
And the Lord said to Moses, Put Aaron's rod back in front of the ark of witness, to be kept for a sign against this false-hearted people, so that you may put a stop to their outcries against me, and death may not overtake them.
11 Mozisi akaita sezvaakarayirwa naJehovha, izvozvo ndizvo zvaakaita.
This Moses did: as the Lord gave orders, so he did.
12 VaIsraeri vakati kuna Mozisi, “Isu tichafa hedu! Takarasika, takarasika isu tose!
And the children of Israel said to Moses, Truly, destruction has come on us; an evil fate has overtaken us all.
13 Ani naani achaswedera patabhenakeri yaJehovha achafa. Ko, isu tose tichafa here?”
Death will overtake everyone who comes near, who comes near the House of the Lord: are we all to come to destruction?

< Numeri 17 >