< Nehemia 7 >

1 Mushure mokunge rusvingo rwavakwa uye ndaisa makonhi panzvimbo dzawo, varindi vemikova, vaimbi navaRevhi vakagadzwa.
and to be like/as as which to build [the] wall and to stand: stand [the] door and to reckon: overseer [the] gatekeeper and [the] to sing and [the] Levi
2 Ndakagadza Hanani hama yangu kuti ave mutariri weJerusarema naHanania kuti ave mukuru wepanhare, nokuti aiva munhu anokudzwa uye aitya Mwari kupinda zvingaitwa noruzhinji rwavanhu.
and to command [obj] Hanani brother: male-sibling my and [obj] Hananiah ruler [the] palace upon Jerusalem for he/she/it like/as man truth: faithful and to fear: revere [obj] [the] God from many
3 Ndakati kwavari, “Masuo eJerusarema asazarurwa kusvikira zuva rava kupisa. Panguva iyo vachengeti vamasuo vanenge vachiri pabasa, vaitei kuti vapfige makonhi vaise mazariro. Uyezve mugadze vagari vomuJerusarema savarindi; vamwe panzvimbo dzavo dzokurinda, vamwe pedyo nedzimba dzavo.”
(and to say *Q(K)*) to/for them not to open gate Jerusalem till to warm [the] sun and till they(masc.) to stand: appoint to shut [the] door and to grasp and to stand: appoint charge to dwell Jerusalem man: anyone in/on/with custody his and man: anyone before house: home his
4 Zvino guta rakanga rakakura uye rakapamhama asi maingova navanhu vashoma mariri, uye dzimba dzakanga dzisati dzavakwazve.
and [the] city broad: wide hand: spacious and great: large and [the] people little in/on/with midst her and nothing house: home to build
5 Saka Mwari akaisa mumwoyo mangu kuti ndiunganidze vakuru navabati uye navamwe vanhu vose kuti vanyoreswe nemhuri dzavo. Ndakawana zvinyorwa zvemhuri dzaavo vakava vokutanga kudzokera. Izvi ndizvo zvandakawana zvakanyorwamo:
and to give: put God my to(wards) heart my and to gather [emph?] [obj] [the] noble and [obj] [the] ruler and [obj] [the] people to/for to enroll and to find scroll: book [the] genealogy [the] to ascend: rise in/on/with first and to find to write in/on/with him
6 Ava ndivo vanhu vedunhu vakabudiswa pautapwa vakatapwa naNebhukadhinezari mambo weBhabhironi (vakadzokera kuJerusarema nokuJudha, mumwe nomumwe kuguta rake,
these son: descendant/people [the] province [the] to ascend: rise from captivity [the] captivity which to reveal: remove Nebuchadnezzar king Babylon and to return: return to/for Jerusalem and to/for Judah man: anyone to/for city his
7 vari pamwe chete naZerubhabheri, Jeshua, Nehemia, Azaria, naRaamia, Nahamani, Modhekai, Bhirishani, Misipereti, Bhigivhai, Nehumi naBhaana): Mazita avarume veIsraeri:
[the] to come (in): come with Zerubbabel Jeshua Nehemiah Azariah Raamiah Nahamani Mordecai Bilshan Mispereth Bigvai Nehum Baanah number human people Israel
8 Zvizvarwa zvaParoshi, zviuru zviviri nezana namakumi manomwe navaviri;
son: descendant/people Parosh thousand hundred and seventy and two
9 zvaShefatia, mazana matatu namakumi manomwe navaviri;
son: descendant/people Shephatiah three hundred seventy and two
10 zvaAra, mazana matanhatu namakumi mashanu navaviri;
son: descendant/people Arah six hundred fifty and two
11 zvaPahati-Moabhu (kubudikidza nokuna Jeshua naJoabhu), zviuru zviviri, namazana masere ane gumi navasere;
son: descendant/people Pahath-moab Pahath-moab to/for son: descendant/people Jeshua and Joab thousand and eight hundred eight ten
12 zvaEramu, chiuru chimwe, china mazana maviri namakumi mashanu navana;
son: descendant/people Elam thousand hundred fifty and four
13 zvaZatu, mazana masere namakumi mana navashanu;
son: descendant/people Zattu eight hundred forty and five
14 zvaZakai, mazana manomwe namakumi matanhatu;
son: descendant/people Zaccai seven hundred and sixty
15 zvaBhinui, mazana matanhatu namakumi mana navasere;
son: descendant/people Binnui six hundred forty and eight
16 zvaBhebhai, mazana matanhatu namakumi maviri navasere;
son: descendant/people Bebai six hundred twenty and eight
17 zvaAzigadhi, zviuru zviviri mazana matatu namakumi maviri navaviri;
son: descendant/people Azgad thousand three hundred twenty and two
18 zvaAdhonikami, mazana matanhatu namakumi matanhatu navanomwe;
son: descendant/people Adonikam six hundred sixty and seven
19 zvaBhigivhai, zviuru zviviri zvina makumi matanhatu navanomwe;
son: descendant/people Bigvai thousand sixty and seven
20 zvaAdhini, mazana matanhatu namakumi mashanu navashanu;
son: descendant/people Adin six hundred fifty and five
21 zvaAteri (kubudikidza naHezekia), makumi mapfumbamwe navasere;
son: descendant/people Ater to/for Hezekiah ninety and eight
22 zvaHashumi, mazana matatu namakumi maviri navasere;
son: descendant/people Hashum three hundred twenty and eight
23 zvaBhezai, mazana matatu namakumi maviri navana;
son: descendant/people Bezai three hundred twenty and four
24 zvaHarifi, zana negumi navaviri;
son: descendant/people Hariph hundred two ten
25 zvaGibheoni, makumi mapfumbamwe navashanu.
son: descendant/people Gibeon ninety and five
26 Varume veBheterehema neNetofa, zana namakumi masere navasere;
human Bethlehem Bethlehem and Netophah hundred eighty and eight
27 vokuAnatoti, zana namakumi maviri navasere;
human Anathoth hundred twenty and eight
28 vokuBheti Azimavheti, makumi mana navaviri;
human Beth-azmaveth Beth-azmaveth forty and two
29 vokuKiriati Jearimi, Kefira neBheeroti, mazana manomwe namakumi mana navatatu;
human Kiriath-jearim Kiriath-jearim Chephirah and Beeroth seven hundred forty and three
30 vokuRama neGebha, mazana matanhatu namakumi maviri nomumwe chete;
human [the] Ramah and Geba six hundred twenty and one
31 vokuMikimashi, zana namakumi maviri navaviri;
human Michmash hundred and twenty and two
32 vokuBheteri neAi, zana namakumi maviri navatatu;
human Bethel Bethel and [the] Ai hundred twenty and three
33 vokune rimwe Nebho; makumi mashanu navaviri;
human Nebo another fifty and two
34 vokune rimwe Eramu, chiuru mazana maviri namakumi mashanu navana;
son: descendant/people Elam another thousand hundred fifty and four
35 vokuHarimu, mazana matatu ana makumi maviri;
son: descendant/people Harim three hundred and twenty
36 vokuJeriko, mazana matatu namakumi mana navashanu;
son: descendant/people Jericho three hundred forty and five
37 vokuRodhi, Hadhidhi neOno, mazana manomwe namakumi maviri nomumwe chete;
son: descendant/people Lod Hadid and Ono seven hundred and twenty and one
38 vokuSenaa, zviuru zvitatu mazana mapfumbamwe namakumi matatu.
son: descendant/people Senaah three thousand nine hundred and thirty
39 Vaprista: zvizvarwa zvaJedhaya (kubudikidza nokumhuri yaJeshua), mazana mapfumbamwe namakumi manomwe navatatu;
[the] priest son: descendant/people Jedaiah to/for house: household Jeshua nine hundred seventy and three
40 zvaImeri, chiuru chimwe chete namakumi mashanu navaviri;
son: descendant/people Immer thousand fifty and two
41 zvaPashuri, chiuru chimwe chete namazana maviri namakumi mana navanomwe;
son: descendant/people Pashhur thousand hundred forty and seven
42 zvaHarimu, chiuru chimwe chine gumi navanomwe.
son: descendant/people Harim thousand seven ten
43 VaRevhi: zvizvarwa zvaJeshua (kubudikidza naKadhimieri nokumhuri yaHodhavhia), vaiva makumi manomwe navana.
[the] Levi son: descendant/people Jeshua to/for Kadmiel to/for son: descendant/people to/for Hodevah seventy and four
44 Vaimbi: zvizvarwa zvaAsafi, zana namakumi mana navasere.
[the] to sing son: descendant/people Asaph hundred forty and eight
45 Varindi vamasuo: zvizvarwa zvaSherumi, Ateri, Tarimoni, Akubhi, Hatita, naShobhai, zana namakumi matatu navasere.
[the] gatekeeper son: descendant/people Shallum son: descendant/people Ater son: descendant/people Talmon son: descendant/people Akkub son: descendant/people Hatita son: descendant/people Shobai hundred thirty and eight
46 Vashandi vomutemberi: zvizvarwa zvaZiha, Hasufa, Tabhoati,
[the] temple servant son: descendant/people Ziha son: descendant/people Hasupha son: descendant/people Tabbaoth
47 Kerosi, Sia, Padhoni,
son: descendant/people Keros son: descendant/people Siaha son: descendant/people Padon
48 Rebhana, Hagabha, Sharimai,
son: descendant/people Lebanah son: descendant/people Hagaba son: descendant/people Shalmai
49 Hanani, Gidheri, Gehari,
son: descendant/people Hanan son: descendant/people Giddel son: descendant/people Gahar
50 Reaya, Rezini, Nekodha,
son: descendant/people Reaiah son: descendant/people Rezin son: descendant/people Nekoda
51 Gazamu, Uza, Pesea,
son: descendant/people Gazzam son: descendant/people Uzza son: descendant/people Paseah
52 Bhesai, Meunimi, Nefusimu,
son: descendant/people Besai son: descendant/people Meunim son: descendant/people (Nephushesim *Q(K)*)
53 Bhakuki, Hakufa, Harihuri,
son: descendant/people Bakbuk son: descendant/people Hakupha son: descendant/people Harhur
54 Bhazuruti, Mehidha, Harisha,
son: descendant/people Bazluth son: descendant/people Mehida son: descendant/people Harsha
55 Bharikosi, Sisera, Tema,
son: descendant/people Barkos son: descendant/people Sisera son: descendant/people Temah
56 Nezia, naHatifa.
son: descendant/people Neziah son: descendant/people Hatipha
57 Zvizvarwa zvavaranda vaSoromoni: zvizvarwa zva: Sotai, Sofereti, Peridha,
son: descendant/people servant/slave Solomon son: descendant/people Sotai son: descendant/people Sophereth son: descendant/people Peruda
58 Jaara, Dharikoni, Gidheri,
son: descendant/people Jaalah son: descendant/people Darkon son: descendant/people Giddel
59 Shefatia, Hatiri, Pokereti-Hazebhaimu naAmoni.
son: descendant/people Shephatiah son: descendant/people Hattil son: descendant/people Pochereth-hazzebaim Pochereth-hazzebaim son: descendant/people Amon
60 Vashandi vomutemberi nezvizvarwa zvavaranda vaSoromoni, mazana matatu namakumi mapfumbamwe navaviri.
all [the] temple servant and son: descendant/people servant/slave Solomon three hundred ninety and two
61 Ava vanotevera vaibva kumaguta okuTeri Mera, Teri Harisha Kerubhi, Adhoni neImeri, asi vakanga vasingagoni kuratidza kuti zvizvarwa zvavo zvaibva mumhuri yaIsraeri:
and these [the] to ascend: rise from Tel-melah Tel-melah Tel-harsha Tel-harsha Cherub Addon and Immer and not be able to/for to tell house: household father their and seed: children their if from Israel they(masc.)
62 zvizvarwa zvaDheraya, zvaTobhia nezvaNekodha zvaiva mazana matanhatu namakumi mana navaviri.
son: descendant/people Delaiah son: descendant/people Tobiah son: descendant/people Nekoda six hundred and forty and two
63 Uye vaibva pakati pavaprista: zvizvarwa zvaHobhaya, Hakozi naBharizirai (murume akanga awana mwanasikana waBharizirai muGireadhi uye aidaidzwa nezita iroro).
and from [the] priest son: descendant/people Habaiah son: descendant/people Hakkoz son: descendant/people Barzillai which to take: marry from daughter Barzillai [the] Gileadite woman: wife and to call: call by upon name their
64 Ava vakatsvaka zvinyorwa zvemhuri dzavo, asi vakazvishaya nokudaro vakabviswa kubva kuvaprista, savasina kuchena.
these to seek writing their [the] to enroll and not to find and to defile from [the] priesthood
65 Naizvozvo mubati akavarayira kuti vasadya zvokudya zvipi zvazvo zvakanatswa kusvikira kwava nomuprista anoshumira neUrimi neTumimi.
and to say [the] governor to/for them which not to eat from holiness [the] holiness till to stand: appoint [the] priest to/for Urim and Thummim
66 Ungano yose yaiva navanhu zviuru makumi mana navaviri ane mazana matatu namakumi matanhatu,
all [the] assembly like/as one four ten thousand thousand three hundred and sixty
67 pasina varanda vavo navarandakadzi vavo vaisvika zviuru zvinomwe namazana matatu ana makumi matatu navanomwe; uye vaivazve navarume navakadzi vaiva vaimbi vaisvika mazana maviri namakumi mana navashanu.
from to/for alone: besides servant/slave their and maidservant their these seven thousand three hundred thirty and seven and to/for them to sing and to sing hundred
68 Paiva namazana manomwe namakumi matatu namatanhatu amabhiza, uye manyurusi mazana maviri namakumi mana nemashanu,
(horse their seven hundred thirty and six mule their hundred *R*) and forty and five
69 mazana mana namakumi matatu namashanu engamera uye zviuru zvitanhatu zvina mazana manomwe namakumi maviri zvembongoro.
camel four hundred thirty and five donkey six thousand seven hundred and twenty
70 Vamwe vakuru vemhuri vakabatsira pabasa. Mubati akaisa madhirakema egoridhe chiuru muchivigiro chepfuma nemidziyo makumi mashanu nenhumbi dzavaprista mazana mashanu namakumi matatu.
and from end head: leader [the] father to give: give to/for work [the] governor to give: give to/for treasure gold drachma thousand bowl fifty tunic priest thirty and five hundred
71 Vamwe vakuru vemhuri vakaisa muchivigiro chepfuma zviuru makumi maviri zvamadhirakema egoridhe kuitira basa, mamina esirivha zviuru zviviri namazana maviri.
and from head: leader [the] father to give: give to/for treasure [the] work gold drachma two ten thousand and silver: money mina thousand and hundred
72 Uwandu hwezvakapiwa navanhu vose vose hwaiva zviuru makumi maviri zvamadhirakema egoridhe, nezviuru zviviri zvamamina esirivha, uye nenhumbi dzavaprista dzinosvika makumi matanhatu nenomwe.
and which to give: give remnant [the] people gold drachma two ten thousand and silver: money mina thousand and tunic priest sixty and seven
73 Vaprista, vaRevhi, varindi vemikova, vaimbi navabati vomutemberi, pamwe chete navamwe pakati poruzhinji rwavaIsraeri, vakandogara mumaguta avo.
and to dwell [the] priest and [the] Levi and [the] gatekeeper and [the] to sing and from [the] people and [the] temple servant and all Israel in/on/with city their and to touch [the] month [the] seventh and son: descendant/people Israel in/on/with city their

< Nehemia 7 >