< Nahumi 3 >
1 Rine nhamo guta reropa, rizere nenhema, rizere nezvakapambwa, harigari risina varinotambudza!
O city of blood, wholly false, full of unrighteousness; the prey shall not be handled.
2 Kurira kwetyava, utsvikitsviki hwamavhiri, mutsindo wamabhiza nomubvumo wokutinhira kwengoro!
The noise of whips, and the noise of the rumbling of wheels, and of the pursuing horse, and of the bounding chariot,
3 Kumhanya kwavatasvi vamabhiza, kupenya kweminondo namapfumo anovaima! Vazhinji vakaurayiwa, mirwi yevakafa, mitumbi isingaverengeki, vanhu vachigumburwa nezvitunha.
and of the mounting rider, and of the glittering sword, and of the gleaming arms, and of a multitude of slain, and of heavy falling: and there was no end to her nations, but they shall be weak in their bodies
4 Zvose izvi nokuda kwokuchiva kuzhinji kwechifeve, chinokwezvera, mukuru wouroyi, akatapa ndudzi noufeve hwake namarudzi avanhu nouroyi hwake.
because of the abundance of fornication: [she is] a fair harlot, and well-favoured, skilled in sorcery, that sells the nations by her fornication, and peoples by her sorceries.
5 “Ndine mhaka newe,” ndizvo zvinotaura Jehovha Wamasimba Ose. Ndichafukura nguo yako ifukidze chiso chako “Ndicharatidza ndudzi kushama kwako namadzimambo kunyadziswa kwako.
Behold, I am against you, says the Lord God Almighty, and I will uncover your skirts in your presence, and I will show the nations your shame, and the kingdoms your disgrace.
6 Ndichakukandidzira tsvina, ndichakuita akazvidzika uye ndichakuita chiseko.
And I will cast abominable filth upon you according to your unclean ways, and will make you a public example.
7 Vose vachakuona vachakutiza uye vachati, ‘Ninevhe raparara, ndiani acharichema?’ Ndingawana kupi munhu angakunyaradza?”
And it shall be [that] every one that sees you shall go down from you, and shall say, Wretched Nineve! who shall lament for her? whence shall I seek comfort for her?
8 Uri nani kupfuura Tebhesi here, rakavakwa paNairi, rakakomberedzwa nemvura? Rwizi ndirwo rwairidzivirira, mvura iri rusvingo rwaro.
Prepare you a portion, tune the chord, prepare a portion for Ammon: she that dwells amongst the rivers, water is round about her, whose dominion is the sea, and whose walls are water.
9 Etiopia neIjipiti ndizvo zvaiva simba rayo guru; Puti neRibhiya dzaiva pakati pavabatsiri vayo.
And Ethiopia is her strength, and Egypt; and there was no limit of the flight [of her enemies]; and the Libyans became her helpers.
10 Kunyange zvakadaro yakatapwa ikaendeswa kuutapwa. Vacheche varo vakaputsanyiwa kumavambo kwemigwagwa yose. Mijenya yakakandwa pamusoro pemachinda avo, uye vakuru vavo vakasungwa nengetani.
Yet she shall go as a prisoner into captivity, and they shall dash her infants against the ground at the top of all her ways: and they shall cast lots upon all her glorious [possessions], and all her nobles shall be bound in chains.
11 Newewo uchadhakwa; uchavanda ugotsvaka utiziro kubva kumuvengi wako.
And you shall be drunken, and shall be overlooked; and you shall seek for yourself strength because of [your] enemies.
12 Nhare dzako dzose dzafanana nemiti yemionde ine michero yokutanga yaibva; paanozunzwa, maonde anodonhera mumuromo momudyi.
All your strongholds are as fig-trees having watchers: if they be shaken, they shall fall into the mouth of the eater.
13 Tarira mauto ako, vose vakadzi! Masuo enyika yako akazarurirwa kuvavengi vako; moto waparadza mazariro awo.
Behold, your people within you are as women: the gates of your land shall surely be opened to your enemies: the fire shall devour your bars.
14 Cherai mvura kuitira kukombwa, simbisai nhare dzenyu! Gadzirai ivhu, kanyai dhaka, mugadzire zvidhina zvenyu!
Draw you water for a siege, and well secure your strongholds: enter into the clay, and be you trodden in the chaff, make [the fortifications] stronger than brick.
15 Moto uchakuparadzai imomo; munondo uchakuurayai, uye uchakuparadzai semhashu. Berekanai semhashu, muberekane sehwiza!
There the fire shall devour you; the sword shall utterly destroy you, it shall devour you as the locust, and you shall be pressed down as a palmerworm.
16 Makawedzera uwandu hwavatengesi venyu kusvikira vapfuura nyeredzi dzedenga kuwanda. Asi sehwiza, vanoparadza nyika vobhururuka vachienda.
You have multiplied your merchandise beyond the stars of heaven: the palmerworm has attacked [it], and has flown away.
17 Varindi venyu vakaita sehwiza, machinda enyu segundamusaira rehwiza dzinomhara pamadziro musi wakunotonhora, asi kana zuva rabuda dzinobhururuka dzichienda, uye hapana anoziva kuti kupi.
Your mixed [multitude] has suddenly departed as the grasshopper, as the locust perched on a hedge in a frosty day; the sun arises, and it flies off, and knows not its place: woe to them!
18 Iwe mambo weAsiria, vafudzi vako vanotsumwaira; machinda ako anorara pasi kuti azorore. Vanhu vako vakapararira pamusoro pamakomo pasina angavaunganidza.
Your shepherds have slumbered, the Assyrian king has laid low your mighty men: your people departed to the mountains, and there was none to receive [them].
19 Hapana chingarapa ronda rako; kukuvara kwako kuchakuuraya. Mumwe nomumwe anonzwa nezveguhu rako anorova maoko ake pakuwa kwako, nokuti ndianiko asina kunzwa utsinye hwako husina magumo?
There is no healing for your bruise; your wound has rankled: all that hear the report of you shall clap their hands against you; for upon whom has not your wickedness passed continually?