< Mika 4 >

1 Mumazuva okupedzisira gomo retemberi yaJehovha richasimbiswa segomo guru pakati pamakomo; richasimudzwa pamusoro pezvikomo, uye marudzi achaenda kwariri.
But in the last dayes it shall come to passe, that the mountaine of the House of the Lord shall be prepared in the toppe of the mountaines, and it shall bee exalted aboue the hilles, and people shall flowe vnto it.
2 Ndudzi zhinji dzichauya dzichiti, “Uyai, handei kugomo raJehovha, kuimba yaMwari waJakobho. Achatidzidzisa nzira dzake, kuti tigofamba munzira dzake.” Murayiro uchabuda kubva paZioni, shoko raJehovha kubva paJerusarema.
Yea, many nations shall come and say, Come, and let vs goe vp to the Mountaine of the Lord, and to the House of the God of Iaakob, and hee will teache vs his wayes, and we wil walke in his pathes: for the Lawe shall goe forth of Zion, and the worde of the Lord from Ierusalem.
3 Achatonga pakati pamarudzi mazhinji uye achapedza gakava pakati pendudzi dzine simba dziri kure kure. Vachapfura minondo yavo vagoiita mapadza, namapfumo vachiaita mapanga okuchekerera miti. Rudzi harungasimudziri rumwe rudzi munondo, havangazodzidzirizve kurwa.
And he shall iudge among many people, and rebuke mightie nations a farre off, and they shall breake their swordes into mattockes, and their speares into sithes: nation shall not lift vp a sword against nation, neither shall they learne to fight any more.
4 Mumwe nomumwe achagara pasi pomuzambiringa wake, napasi pomuonde wake, uye hapana anozovaita kuti vatye, nokuti Jehovha Wamasimba Ose ataura.
But they shall sit euery man vnder his vine, and vnder his figge tree, and none shall make them afraid: for the mouth of the Lord of hostes hath spoken it.
5 Ndudzi dzose dzingafamba muzita ravamwari vadzo; isu tichafamba muzita raJehovha Mwari wedu nokusingaperi-peri.
For all people will walke euery one in the name of his God, and we will walke in the Name of the Lord our God, for euer and euer.
6 “Pazuva iro,” ndizvo zvinotaura Jehovha, “Ndichaunganidza vakaremara; ndichaunganidza vakadzingwa neavo vandakatambudza.
At the same day, saith the Lord, will I gather her that halteth, and I will gather her that is cast out, and her that I haue afflicted.
7 Ndicharemadza vakasara, vaya vakadzingwa, ivo rudzi rwakasimba. Jehovha achavatonga paGomo reZioni kubva pazuva iroro nokusingaperi.
And I will make her that halted, a remnant, and her that was cast farre off, a mightie nation: and the Lord shall reigne ouer them in Mount Zion, from hence forth euen for euer.
8 Kana uri iwe, chirindo cheboka iwe nhare yoMwanasikana weZioni, ushe hwakare huchadzoswa kwauri; umambo huchauya kuMwanasikana weJerusarema.”
And thou, O towre of the flock, the strong holde of the daughter Zion, vnto thee shall it come, euen the first dominion, and kingdome shall come to the daughter Ierusalem.
9 Sei muchiridza mhere iye zvino, hamuna mambo here? Gota renyu raparara here zvokuti kurwadza kwakubatai sekwomukadzi anosununguka?
Nowe why doest thou crie out with lamentation? is there no King in thee? is thy counseller perished? for sorowe hath taken thee, as a woman in trauaile.
10 Tambura ugomere, iwe Mwanasikana weZioni, somukadzi ari pakusununguka, nokuti zvino unofanira kubuda muguta unogara kusango. Uchaenda kuBhabhironi; ikoko uchandonunurwa. Ikoko Jehovha achakudzikinura kubva paruoko rwavavengi vako.
Sorow and mourne, O daughter Zion, like a woman in trauaile: for nowe shalt thou goe foorth of the citie, and dwel in the field, and shalt goe into Babel, but there shalt thou be deliuered: there the Lord shall redeeme thee from the hand of thine enemies.
11 Asi zvino ndudzi zhinji dzakaunganira kuzokurwisa. Vanoti, “Ngaasvibiswe, maziso edu ngaatarise Zioni!”
Nowe also many nations are gathered against thee, saying, Zion shalbe condemned and our eye shall looke vpon Zion.
12 Asi havazivi pfungwa dzaJehovha; havanzwisisi kuronga kwake, iye anovaunganidza sezvisote paburiro.
But they knowe not the thoughtes of the Lord: they vnderstand not his counsell, for he shall gather them as the sheaues in the barne.
13 “Simuka upure, iwe Mwanasikana weZioni, nokuti ndichakupa nyanga dzesimbi; ndichakupa mahwanda endarira uye uchapwanya kuita zvidimbu ndudzi zhinji.” Uchatsaurira kuna Jehovha zvavakazviwanira nenzira dzavo, upfumi hwavo kuna Ishe wenyika yose.
Arise, and thresh, O daughter Zion: for I will make thine horne yron, and I will make thine hooues brasse, and thou shalt breake in pieces many people: and I will consecrate their riches vnto the Lord, and their substance vnto the ruler of the whole worlde.

< Mika 4 >