< Mateo 18 >
1 Panguva iyoyo vadzidzi vakauya kuna Jesu uye vakamubvunza vachiti, “Ndianiko mukuru pane vose muumambo hwokudenga?”
The same tyme the disciples came vnto Iesus saying: who is ye greatest in the kyngdome of heve?
2 Akadana mwana muduku ndokumumisa pakati pavo.
Iesus called a chylde vnto him and set him in the middes of them:
3 Uye akati, “Ndinokuudzai chokwadi kuti, kana musina kushanduka mukava savana vaduku, hamungatongopindi muumambo hwokudenga.
and sayd. Verely I say vnto you: except ye tourne and become as chyldren ye cannot enter into the kyngdom of heven.
4 Naizvozvo ani naani anozvininipisa somwana uyu ndiye achava mukuru muumambo hwokudenga.
Whosoever therfore humble him sylfe as this chylde the same is the greatest in ye kyngdome of heve.
5 “Uye ani naani anogamuchira mwana muduku souyu muzita rangu anogamuchira ini.
And who soever receaveth suche a chylde in my name receaveth me.
6 Asi ani naani anoita kuti mumwe wavaduku vanotenda kwandiri atadze, zvaiva nani kwaari kuti asungirirwe guyo guru muhuro make agonyudzwa mugungwa makadzika.
But whosoever offende one of these lytelons which beleve in me: it were better for him that a milstone were hanged aboute his necke and that he were drouned in the depth of the see.
7 “Ine nhamo nyika nokuda kwezvinhu zvinoita kuti vanhu vatadze! Zvinhu izvozvo zvinofanira kuuya asi ane nhamo munhu anoita kuti zviitike.
Wo be vnto the world because of offences. How be it it cannot be avoided but yt offences shalbe geven. Neverthelesse woo be to ye man by who the offence cometh.
8 Kana ruoko rwako kana kuti rutsoka rwako zvichikuita kuti utadze, zvidimure uzvirasire kure. Zviri nani kupinda muupenyu wakaremara kana kuti uchikamhina, pano kupinda mumoto usingadzimi uine maoko maviri namakumbo maviri. (aiōnios )
Wherfore yf thy honde or thy fote offende the cut him of and cast him from the. It ys better for the to enter into lyfe halt or maymed rather then thou shuldest havinge two hondes or two fete be cast into everlasting fyre. (aiōnios )
9 Kana ziso rako richikuita kuti utadze ribvise urirasire kure. Zviri nani kuti upinde muupenyu uine ziso rimwe chete pane kunge uine maziso maviri asi ugokandwa mumoto wegehena. (Geenna )
And yf also thyne eye offende the plucke him oute and caste him from the. It is better for the to enter into lyfe with one eye then havyng two eyes to be cast into hell fyre. (Geenna )
10 “Onai kuti hamuzvidze mumwe wavaduku ava. Ndinokuudzai kuti vatumwa vavo kudenga vanogaroona chiso chaBaba vangu vari kudenga.
Se that ye despise not one of these litelons. For I saye vnto you yt in heven their angels alwayes behold the face of my father which is in heven.
11 Nokuti Mwanakomana woMunhu akauya kuzoponesa chakarasika.
Ye and the sonne of man is come to saue that which is lost.
12 “Imi munofungei? Kana munhu ane makwai zana, rimwe chete rawo rikarasika, haangasiye makumi mapfumbamwe nepfumbamwe mumakomo achinotsvaka rakarasika here?
How thinke ye? Yf a man have an hondred shepe and one of them be gone astray dothe he not leve nynty and nyne in ye moutains and go and seke that one which is gone astray?
13 Uye kana akariwana, ndinokuudzai chokwadi kuti anorifarira kukunda makumi mapfumbamwe nemapfumbamwe asina kurasika.
If it happen that he fynd him veryly I say vnto you: he reioyseth more of that shepe then of the nynty and nyne which went not astray.
14 Nenzira imwe cheteyo Baba venyu vari kudenga havafariri kuti mumwe wavaduku ava arasike.
Even so it is not the wyll of youre father in heven that one of these lytelons shulde perishe.
15 “Kana hama yako yakutadzira enda umuudze mhosva yake, muri vaviri chete. Kana akakunzwa wadzora hama yako.
Moreover yf thy brother treaspace agenst the. Go and tell him his faute betwene him and the alone. Yf he heare the thou hast wone thy brother:
16 Asi akaramba kuteerera, enda nomumwe kana vaviri kuitira kuti ‘nyaya imwe neimwe isimbiswe nezvapupu zviviri kana zvitatu.’
But yf he heare the not then take yet with the one or two that in the mouth of two or thre witnesses all thinges maye be stablisshed.
17 Kana akaramba kuteerera, uudze kereke, kana akaramba kuteerera kunyange kereke, umutore zvako somuhedheni kana muteresi.
If he heare not them tell it vnto the congregacion. If he heare not ye congregacion take him as an hethen man and as a publican.
18 “Ndinokuudzai chokwadi kuti chose chamuchasunga pano pasi chichasungwa kudenga, nechamunosunungura pano pasi chichasunungurwa kudenga.
Verely I say vnto you what soever ye bynde on erth shalbe bounde in heven. And what soever ye lowse on erth shalbe lowsed in heven.
19 “Ndinokuudzai zvakare kuti kana vaviri venyu mukabvumirana pane chamunokumbira kuna Baba vangu vari kudenga, muchachiitirwa.
Agayn I say vnto you that yf two of you shall agre in erth apon eny maner thynge what soever they shall desyre: it shalbe geven them of my father which is in heven.
20 Nokuti panoungana vaviri kana vatatu muzita rangu, neni ndiripo pakati pavo.”
For where two or thre are gathered togedder in my name there am I in the myddes of them.
21 Ipapo Petro akauya kuna Jesu akamubvunza achiti, “Ishe, kanganiko kandingaregerera hama yangu kana achinditadzira? Kanomwe here?”
Then came Peter to him and sayde: master howe ofte shall I forgeve my brother yf he synne agaynst me seven tymes?
22 Jesu akapindura akati, “Kwete kanomwe chete, asi kakapetwa makumi manomwe ane nomwe.
Iesus sayd vnto him: I saye not vnto the seven tymes: but seventy tymes seven tymes.
23 “Naizvozvo, umambo hwokudenga hwakafanana namambo aida kuripirwa zvikwereti zvake navaranda vake.
Therfore is ye kingdome of heven lykened vnto a certayne kynge which wolde take a countis of his servauntis.
24 Paakatanga kuzviongorora, murume ainge aine chikwereti chamatarenda zviuru gumi akauyiswa kwaari.
And when he had begone to recken one was broughte vnto him whiche ought him ten thousande talentis:
25 Sezvo ainge asingakwanisi kuripa chikwereti ichi, tenzi wake akaronga kuti iye nomudzimai wake, navana vake nezvose zvaaiva nazvo zvitengeswe kuti zviripe chikwereti.
whome be cause he had nought to paye his master commaunded him to be solde and his wyfe and his chyldren and all that he had and payment to be made.
26 “Muranda uya akazviwisira pamberi patenzi wake akamukumbira zvikuru achiti, ‘Ndiitireiwo mwoyo murefu, ndicharipa hangu zvose.’
The servaunt fell doune and besought him sayinge: Sir geve me respyte and I wyll paye it every whit.
27 Tenzi womuranda uya akamunzwira tsitsi, ndokubva adzima chikwereti chiya chose, uye akamuregedza achienda zvake.
Then had the Lorde pytie on that servaunt and lowsed him and forgave him the det.
28 “Asi muranda uya paakabuda, akasangana nomumwewo muranda saiye ainge aine chikwereti chake chamadhenari zana. Akamubata ndokutanga kumudzipa. Akati, ‘Ndipe chikwereti changu!’
And ye sayde servaut wet oute and founde one of his felowes which ought him an hundred pence and leyed hondes on him and toke him by the throote sayinge: paye me yt thou owest.
29 “Muranda uya saiyewo muranda akapfugama ndokumukumbira zvikuru achiti, ‘Ndiitirewo mwoyo murefu, ndichakupa chikwereti chako.’
And his felowe fell doune and besought him sayinge: have pacience with me and I wyll paye the all.
30 “Asi akaramba. Pamusoro pezvo akamusungisa uye akaita kuti aiswe mutorongo kusvikira aripa chikwereti chose.
And he wolde not but went and cast him into preson tyll he shulde paye the det.
31 Vamwe varanda vakati vaona zvakanga zvaitika, zvakavatambudza zvikuru ndokubva vanoudza tenzi wavo zvose zvakanga zvaitika.
When his other felowes sawe what was done they were very sory and came and tolde vnto their lorde all yt had happened.
32 “Tenzi akadana muranda uya akati, ‘Iwe muranda akaipa. Ndakadzima chikwereti changu chawaiva nacho nokuti wakandikumbira zvikuru.
Then his lorde called him and sayde vnto him. O evyll servaut I forgave the all that det because thou prayedst me: was it not mete also yt thou
33 Saka hawaifanira here kuva netsitsi kuno mumwe wako sezvandakakuitira iwe?’
shuldest have had copassion on thy felow even as I had pitie on ye?
34 Nehasha tenzi wake akamuisa kune vejeri kuti arangwe zvinorwadza kusvikira aripa chikwereti chose chaaiva nacho.
And his lorde was wrooth and delyuered him to the iaylers tyll he shnld paye all that was due to him.
35 “Izvi ndizvo zvichaitirwa mumwe nomumwe wenyu naBaba vangu vari kudenga kana musingaregereri hama yenyu nomwoyo wose.”
So lyke wyse shall my hevenly father do vnto you except ye forgeve with youre hertes eache one to his brother their treaspases.