< Ruka 8 >

1 Shure kwaizvozvo, Jesu akafamba nomumaguta nomumisha, achiparidza vhangeri roumambo hwaMwari. Vane gumi navaviri vakanga vanaye,
And it came to pass consecutively, that He was going through city and village, proclaiming and preaching the gospel of God, and the twelve along with Him.
2 uye vamwewo vakadzi vakanga vaporeswa pazvirwere nemweya yakaipa vaiti: Maria (ainzi Magadharena) uya akanga abudiswa mweya yakaipa minomwe maari,
And certain women who had been healed of evil spirits and infirmities, Mary called Magdalene, from whom seven demons had gone out,
3 Joana mukadzi waKuza, mutariri weimba yaHerodhi, Suzana, navamwe vazhinji. Vakadzi ava vaivabatsira nokuvatsigira nezvavaiva nazvo.
and Joanna the wife of Chuzas the steward of Herod, and Susanna, and many other women, who were accustomed to minister unto Him from those things belonging to them.
4 Ungano huru yakati yavapo, vanhu vachibva kumaguta namaguta vachiuya kuna Jesu, akavataurira mufananidzo uyu:
A great multitude being with Him, and coming to Him throughout every city, He spoke in a parable:
5 “Murimi akabuda kundokusha mbeu yake. Paakanga achikusha mbeu, imwe yakawira munzira, ikatsikwa-tsikwa uye shiri dzedenga dzikaidya.
A sower went out to sow his seed. And while he was sowing, some fell by the way, and was trodden under foot, and the birds of the air devoured it.
6 Imwe yakawira parukangarahwe, uye payakamera, yakasvava nokuti pakanga pasina unyoro.
And other fell on the rock; and springing up, withered away, because it had no moisture.
7 Imwe mbeu yakawira pakati peminzwa, minzwa ikakura pamwe chete nayo ikaivhunga.
And other fell in the midst of thorns, and the thorns growing together, choked it out.
8 Asi imwe mbeu yakawira pavhu rakanaka. Yakamera ikabereka zvibereko, zvakapetwa kazana pane zvakanga zvadyarwa.” Akati ataura izvi, akadanidzira akati, “Ane nzeve dzokunzwa, ngaanzwe.”
And other fell into good ground, and springing up, produced fruit, a hundredfold. Speaking these things, He cried out, Let the one having ears to hear, hear.
9 Vadzidzi vake vakamubvunza kuti mufananidzo uyu wairevei.
And His disciples asked Him saying, What might this parable be?
10 Iye akati, “Kuziva zvakavanzika zvoumambo hwaMwari kwakapiwa kwamuri, asi kuna vamwe, ndinotaura nomufananidzo kuitira kuti, “‘kunyange vachitarira, varege kuonesesa; kunyange vachinzwa, varege kunzwisisa.’
And He said; To you it has been given to know the mysteries of the kingdom of God: but to the rest in parables; in order that seeing they may not see, and hearing they may not understand.
11 “Izvi ndizvo zvinoreva mufananidzo: Mbeu ndiro shoko raMwari.
And this is the parable: The seed is the word of God.
12 Dziya dzakawira munzira ndivo vaya vanonzwa, ipapo dhiabhori anouya uye agovatorera shoko pamwoyo yavo, kuitira kuti varege kutenda vagoponeswa.
And there are those who hear by the wayside; then the devil comes, and takes away the word from their heart, lest they believing may be saved.
13 Dziya dzakawira parukangarahwe, ndivo vaya vanogamuchira shoko nomufaro kana varinzwa, asi havana mudzi. Vanongotenda kwechinguva, asi munguva dzokuedzwa vanowira pasi.
And those on the stones are they who, when they may hear, receive the word with joy; and they have no root in them, who believe for a time, and in time of temptation they fall away.
14 Mbeu yakawira muminzwa yakamirira vaya vanonzwa asi pakufamba kwavo vanovhungwa nokufunganya kwoupenyu, upfumi namafaro, havazosviki pakubereka zvibereko.
And that which falleth among thorns, there are those who hear, and going forward, by the cares and riches and pleasures are choked out, and bring forth no fruit to perfection.
15 Asi mbeu yapavhu rakanaka inomirira vaya vane mwoyo yakatendeka uye yakanaka, vanonzwa shoko, vorichengeta, uye nokuda kwokutsungirira kwavo vanobereka zvibereko.
And that which is in the good ground, are those whosoever hearing the word in a beautiful and good heart, retain it, and bring forth fruit with patience.
16 “Hakuna munhu anotungidza mwenje obva auvanza pasi pedengu kana kuuisa pasi pomubhedha. Asi, anouisa pamusoro pechigadziko, kuitira kuti vose vanopinda vavhenekerwe.
But no one having lighted a candle covers it with a vessel, or puts it under a bed; but he places it on a candlestick, in order that those coming in may see the light.
17 Nokuti hakuna chakavanzika chisingazobudiswi pachena, uye hakuna chakavigwa chisingazozivikanwi kana kuiswa pachena.
For there is nothing hidden which shall not be made manifest; neither is there any thing concealed, which may not be made known and come into the light.
18 Naizvozvo nyatsofungisisai kuti munonzwa sei. Ani naani anazvo achapiwa zvakawanda, ani naani asina, achatorerwa kunyange nezvaanofunga kuti anazvo.”
Therefore see how you hear: for whosoever may have, it shall be given unto him; and whosoever may not have, it shall be taken from him, even that which he seems to have.
19 Zvino mai vaJesu navanunʼuna vake vakauya kuzomuona, asi vakanga vasingagoni kuswedera pedyo naye nokuda kwavanhu vazhinji.
And His mother and His brothers came to Him, and were not able to reach Him on account of the crowd.
20 Mumwe akati kwaari, “Mai venyu navanunʼuna venyu vamire kunze, vanoda kukuonai.”
And it was told Him, Thy mother and thy brothers stand without, wishing to see thee.
21 Akapindura akati, “Mai vangu navanunʼuna vangu ndivo avo vanonzwa shoko raMwari vachiriita.”
And He responding said to them, My mother and my brothers are the ones hearing the word of God, and doing it.
22 Rimwe zuva Jesu akati kuvadzidzi vake, “Ngatiyambukirei mhiri kwegungwa.” Naizvozvo vakapinda mugwa vakatanga kufamba.
And it came to pass on one of the days, He and His disciples went into a ship. And He said to them, Let us go to the other side of the lake. And they were embarked.
23 Pavakanga vachifamba, akavata. Dutu guru rakauya mugungwa, zvokuti igwa rakanga rava kunyura, uye vakanga vava munjodzi huru.
And they sailing, He was asleep: and a storm of wind came down into the lake; and they were being filled, and imperiled.
24 Vadzidzi vakaenda vakandomumutsa vachiti, “Tenzi, Tenzi, tava kunyura!” Ipapo akamuka akarayira mhepo namafungu emvura zhinji, dutu rikaserera, uye kukadzikama kwazvo.
And they having come to Him, awakened Him, saying, Master, Master, we perish. And He having arisen, rebuked the wind and the wave of the water: and they ceased, and there was a calm.
25 Akabvunza vadzidzi vake akati, “Kutenda kwenyu kuripiko?” Mukutya kwavo nokushamiswa kwavo, vakabvunzana pakati pavo vachiti, “Ndianiko uyu? Anorayira kunyange mhepo nemvura zvichimuteerera.”
And He said to them, Where is your faith? And they being afraid were astonished, saying to one another, Who then is this, because He commands the winds and the water, and they obey Him?
26 Vakasvika kunyika yavaGerase, iri mhiri kwegungwa reGarirea.
And they sailed into the country of the Gergesenes, which is over against Galilee.
27 Jesu akati ayambuka gungwa, akasangana nomurume akanga akabatwa nedhimoni achibva muguta. Murume uyu akanga asingapfeki nguo kwenguva refu kana kugara mumba, asi aigara kumakuva.
And a certain man from the city, who a long time had demons, and did not wear clothing, and did not remain in the house, but in the tombs; met Him having come to the land.
28 Akati aona Jesu, akadanidzira akawira pamakumbo ake, akati nenzwi guru, “Munodeiko kwandiri, Jesu, Mwanakomana waMwari Wokumusoro-soro? Ndinokukumbirisai, regai kunditambudza!”
And seeing Jesus, and crying out, he worshiped Him, and said with a loud voice; What is there to me and to thee, O Jesus, Son of the Most High God? I pray thee torment me not.
29 Nokuti Jesu akanga arayira mweya wakaipa kuti ubude maari. Kazhinji waimubata, uye kunyange akange akasungwa nengetani mumaoko nomumakumbo uye akarindwa, aidambura ngetani obva aendeswa nedhimoni kurenje.
For He commanded the unclean spirit to come out from the man; for since a long time he had possessed him, and he was frequently bound, secured with chains and fetters, and smashing his bonds, was driven by the demons into the desert.
30 Jesu akamubvunza akati, “Zita rako ndiwe ani?” Akapindura akati, “Regioni,” nokuti madhimoni mazhinji akanga apinda maari.
And Jesus asked him saying, What is thy name? And he said Legion; because many demons entered into him.
31 Uye akaramba achimunyengetedza kuti arege kuarayira kuti aende kugomba rakadzika. (Abyssos g12)
And he continued to intreat Him that He should not command them to depart into the abyss. (Abyssos g12)
32 Pakanga pane boka guru renguruve raifura mujinga mechikomo. Madhimoni akakumbirisa Jesu kuti aabvumire kupinda madziri, akaatendera.
And there was a herd of many swine feeding in the mountain: and they continued to intreat Him that He should permit them to go into them. And He permitted them.
33 Madhimoni akati abuda mumunhu uyo akandopinda munguruve, uye boka renguruve rakamhanyira kumawere kugungwa rikanyuramo.
And the demons having come out from the man, came into the swine: and the herd rushed down a precipice into the sea, and were strangled.
34 Vaifudza nguruve vakati vaona zvakanga zvaitika, vakatiza vakandozivisa izvi muguta nomuruwa,
And the herders seeing that which took place, fled, and proclaimed it in the city and in the country.
35 uye vanhu vakabuda kunoona zvakanga zvaitika. Vakati vasvika kuna Jesu vakawana murume akanga abuda madhimoni maari, agere patsoka dzaJesu, apfeka uye ava munhu kwaye, vakatya.
And they came out to see that which had happened; and came to Jesus, and found the man, out of whom the demons had gone, clothed and in his right mind, at the feet of Jesus: and they were afraid.
36 Vaya vakanga vazviona vakaudza vanhu kuti murume akanga ane dhimoni ainge aporeswa sei.
And those seeing reported to them how the demonized man was saved.
37 Ipapo vanhu vose vomunyika yeGerase vakakumbira Jesu kuti abve kwavari, nokuti vakanga vabatwa nokutya. Saka akapinda mugwa akaenda.
And all the multitudes of the surrounding country of the Gergesenes, asked Him to depart from them; because they were seized with great fear. And He having come Into the ship, returned.
38 Murume akanga abuda madhimoni maari akamukumbirisa kuti aende naye, asi Jesu akamuendesa achiti,
And the man out of whom the demons had gone prayed to be with Him. And Jesus sent him away, saying,
39 “Dzokera kumba kwako undotaura kuti Mwari akuitira zvinhu zvakaita sei.” Saka murume uyu akaenda akandotaura muguta rose zvinhu zvikuru zvaakanga aitirwa naJesu.
Return to thy own house, and relate, how many things God has done unto thee. And he departed throughout the whole city, preaching how many things Jesus did unto him.
40 Zvino Jesu akati adzoka, akagamuchirwa navanhu vazhinji, nokuti vakanga vakamutarisira.
And it came to pass when Jesus returned, the multitude received Him; for they were all looking for Him.
41 Ipapo murume ainzi Jairosi, mubati wesinagoge, akauya akawira patsoka dzaJesu, akamukumbirisa kuti auye kumba kwake
Behold, a man to whom was the name Jairus, and he was a ruler of the synagogue: and falling at the feet of Jesus, he continued to intreat Him to come into his house;
42 nokuti mwanasikana wake akanga achingova mumwe oga, musikana aiva namakore anenge gumi namaviri, akanga ava kufa. Jesu akati achiendako, vanhu vazhinji vakange vachamutsikirira.
for there was an only daughter to him, of twelve years, and she was dying. And while He was going the multitudes were thronging Him.
43 Uye paiva nomumwe mukadzi aiva nechirwere chokubuda ropa kwamakore gumi namaviri, asi kusina munhu aigona kumuporesa.
And a woman being in an issue of blood twelve years, who having expended all her living with physicians, was not able to be healed by any of them,
44 Akauya neshure kwaJesu akabata mupendero wenguo yake, pakarepo kubuda kweropa kukabva kwaguma.
and having come to Him behind, she touched the hem of His garment: and immediately the issue of blood ceased.
45 Jesu akati, “Ndianiko andibata?” Vose vakati varamba kubvuma, Petro akati, “Tenzi, vanhu vari kukumomoterai nokukutsimbirirai.”
And Jesus said, Who is the one having touched me? And all denying, Peter and the disciples with Him said, The multitudes crowd thee and press upon thee, and dost thou say, Who is the one having touched me?
46 Asi Jesu akati, “Pane mumwe andibata; ndinoziva nokuti simba rabuda mandiri.”
And Jesus said, Some one touched me: for I know the power went out from me.
47 Ipapo mukadzi akati aona kuti haangavandi, akauya achidedera akasvikowira patsoka dzake. Pamberi pavanhu vose akamuudza kuti sei akanga amubata, uye kuti akanga apora sei pakarepo.
And the woman seeing that she was not concealed, came trembling, and falling down before Him, proclaimed on account of what cause she touched Him, in the presence of all the people, and how she was healed immediately.
48 Ipapo akati kwaari, “Mwanasikana, kutenda kwako kwakuporesa. Enda norugare.”
And He said to her, Be of good cheer, daughter; thy faith hath saved thee; go in peace.
49 Jesu achiri kutaura, mumwe aibva kumba kwaJairosi, mubati wesinagoge, akasvika akati, “Mwanasikana wenyu afa. Chiregai henyu kuramba muchinetsa mudzidzisi.”
And He yet speaking, a certain one comes from the house of the chief ruler of the synagogue, saying to him, Thy daughter is dead; trouble not the Teacher:
50 Jesu akati anzwa izvi, akati kuna Jairosi, “Usatya; tenda chete, achaporeswa.”
and Jesus hearing, responded to him, saying, Fear not: only believe, and she shall be saved.
51 Akati asvika kumba kwaJairosi, haana kutendera ani zvake kuti apinde naye kunze kwaPetro, Johani naJakobho, uye nababa namai vomwana.
And having come to the house, He did not suffer any to enter except Peter, John, and James, and the father and mother of the child.
52 Panguva iyi, vanhu vose vainge vachiungudza uye vachimuchema. Jesu akati, “Nyararai kuchema. Haana kufa asi avete.”
And they were all weeping, and wailing over her: and He said, Weep not; she is not dead, but sleepeth.
53 Vakamuseka, nokuti vaiziva kuti akanga afa.
And they hooted at Him, knowing that she was dead.
54 Asi akamubata ruoko akati, “Mwanangu, muka!”
And having put all out, taking her by the hand, He spoke, saying, Child, arise.
55 Mweya wake wakadzokera maari, pakarepo akasimuka. Ipapo Jesu akavarayira kuti vamupe zvokudya.
And her spirit returned, and she stood up immediately. And He commanded that something should be given to her to eat.
56 Vabereki vake vakashamiswa, asi akavarayira kuti vasaudze munhu zvakanga zvaitika.
And her parents were delighted: and He commanded them to tell no one that which had taken place.

< Ruka 8 >